Daily Archives: November 26, 2013

In this life, there are two kinds of beings… There are victims, and things happen to them. And there are creators, who create as they observe.

Things You Can’t Afford Not To Know On How Your Mind Works

In this life, there are two kinds of beings…

There are victims, and things happen to them. And there are creators, who create as they observe.

At the deepest, sub-nuclear level, we are one. There is no separation, as drops of ocean water existing in an infinite ocean… a boundless sea of possibility…

All we have ever experienced has lived inside the visual cortex of the brain. The outward projection is an illusion.

Our sense of touch is but an electrical impulse… A wave of focused light energy with information in the carrier-wave… a set of instructions for the brain to decode.

To feel. To see. To smell. To taste… these are illusions. Things are not as they seem. This is the veil shrouding the great mystery of life and creation… of consciousness.

You are existing right now, in your Mind.

These words you are reading, are in your brain, as every sight, every sound, every texture, every smell… but it goes deeper. The body is a projection of the Mind.

Though these concepts are difficult to grasp, they are the truth of your existence. All you experience, must be filtered through the Mind to be perceived.

The entire universe is quite literally within you.

You already understand this on some level, for when you dream, the Mind constructs vast landscapes, places actors and extras, props and plots into your reality…

They all seem external; outside of you, don’t they?

And yet, you’ve lived your entire life knowing they too were illusion, as you were comfortable in your bed… your body in a state of deep sleep, resting and relaxing.

Those who “wake up” while in the dream, realize they gain an amazing amount of control over it.

When lucid, things no longer happen to them; they create all they observe… and can begin to direct their dreams in any way they desire… the dream world becomes their playground… they become creator.

So the act of using Mind Power is learning to “wake up” in this dream world we call physical reality. To realize that if we are one, and all we have ever seen, heard, tasted, smelled or touched has been an illusion within an electrical matrix of information and light energy…

Then we can go lucid while in this waking-state…

We can wake up and understand our place and purpose…

And we can use our Mind Power to control this dream.

If you have a Mind, you can use your Mind’s Power


It is but a term we can use to describe the amazing phenomena we can observe as a result of utilizing the power and capabilities of our Mind, to its full potential.

Most people are so “stuck”… so caught up in this physical dream and all its external affairs that when they begin to use Mind Power, they try to change the external world…

They want a bigger house, a fancier car, more money in the bank… a love relationship… a trip around the world.

So often, they have great difficulty in manifesting these things into their dream… their inner-world remains unchanged, and so cannot be projected by the illusion into the external reality they are experiencing, inside the visual cortex of their brains.

It’s like trying to change the reflection in the mirror without changing its source, you.

But once it is announced to all aspects of the Mind… proclaimed from the inner-mountaintops of your highest being that YOU are creating as you observe, on every level and in every way… then you gain access to the control room… you can now create your reality.

Outer illusions seem to fade away into the vast sea of infinite potential… as does any concept of limitation.

So the real use of Mind Power, is using it to change your inner-world; the inner-qualities you wish to possess… the ones that create winners, masters of their destiny…

Self-confidence, greater focus, better memory… an open imagination, strength of Iron Will… higher intelligence… access to the deepest dimensions from within…

These are the hidden keys to the Kingdom, and they are already present inside of you… waiting for you to discover them and activate them fully and consciously.

For once these inner qualities are developed; exercised and mastered… you can truly begin to Know Yourself.

All the external things you want begin flowing to you.

You become the success you have been seeking, because you are now fully controlling the waking-dream world.

You are now manifesting from the inside-out.

As you create in your Mind, you are using its power to “out-picture” what you observe in the physical world.

But seek first these inner-qualities, the real treasure.

This is a meditation.

The Dream of Life and How to Life It

Be in this moment, and observe what you are creating.

Know that it is not what it seems to be… as your entire concept of space and time are both as false, and as real as the space and time you experience while dreaming.

To the Mind, there is no difference.

And so to you, the conscious, intelligent awareness inhabiting a temporary body… you are dreaming.

But this dream allows you to have anything you want.

It is a continuous dream, so you can experience it fully.

You are creating, and you are observing your creation.

It is both in the same moment, since there is no time.

Awaken and learn to operate with this understanding and you will become an active creator of your reality.

All Mind Powers begin and are developed from this secret.

Mind Power techniques are instructions you can consciously give to the brain that allow you to unlock the Mind’s power.

There truly are no limits, but the ones you create for yourself and reinforce through your beliefs, be them for or against you.

So expand your boundaries… become boundless in your thoughts and actions, as an infinite sea of potential energy only knows abundance.

Then, you are using Mind Power to its fullest capabilities.

This manifesto is also a meditation. As you read it, your understanding of the world inside you manifests with crystal clarity.

You become the NOW. You immerse yourself into this moment and are awe-struck by the immensity of it all… the wonder of your creation.

For you ARE the infinite sea of potential, experiencing itself in every conceivable and inconceivable way… in every life of every individual… not just human, but all of creation is within you.

By Jason and Skye Mangrum,
Authors of 
Uberman! Almost Super Human

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Posted by on November 26, 2013 in WISDOM


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Why Are You Whining About the Meaninglessness of Life?

Mind-Bending Facts About Dreams

In “The Matrix”, Morpheus asks Neo “have you ever had a dream that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream – how could you tell the difference between the dream world and the real world?”

There’s a whole metaphor there about reality and delusion etcetera and it’s been done to death by everyone who thinks they’re a smart guy on the Internet, but almost nobody understands the flip side of this coin and asks the counterpart question, which is what I’m going to ask you now:

Have you ever had a dream where you realized you were dreaming while you were still dreaming?

Some people never have, some people have on occasion, and to some people (like the undersigned) it happens all the time. This post will probably be easier for you and give you more if you have some experience of what I’m talking about, but if you don’t I’m going to walk you through it and you can probably follow just fine. It’s not a contest or an achievement to lord over anybody.

Imagine (or remember) that you’re dreaming, and things are happening in the dream, and you suddenly find yourself becoming aware of the fact that you are dreaming. How does that make you feel? What’s your reaction? What do you “do” in the dream once your know it’s a dream?

The first and most obvious realization you have at that point should be that nothing in the dream means anything or is of any consequence – it’s all just stuff your unconscious brain made up and as soon as you wake up it’ll be like it never was.

Nothing in the dream can really hurt you, and there’s nothing to really achieve. Nothing can be won or lost through your actions because it’s just a dream.

The only reason you could possibly have to take any action at all is to have a more pleasant dreaming experience. Nothing “matters” in the slightest, because the dream consists of nothing at all except your experience of the dream.

To realize this in a dream is awesome. There’s nothing to fear and everything to play with. You’re free to run around and find exciting things to drive or fight or have sex with – it’s better than any video game. It’s pretty much better than anything 99% of people ever get to do while they’re awake. There is basically nothing about the realization that it’s all meaningless and nothing matters that isn’t 100% pure awesome.

But when people have the same realization while awake… oh boy, do they take it hard and become whiny bitches. “Boo hoo, my life has no purpose, my work means nothing, no one will remember me when I’m dead and I’m pretty sure no one even cares now!”

Well, hello from customer service, excuse me sir but where’s the problem?

You just had the most liberating experience it’s possible for a human being to have in this dream state we call “life”, and instead of enjoying your new-found freedom to the fullest and experiencing this “life” dream for everything it has to offer, you are sitting there crying like your Playstation just broke.

What the fuzz is wrong with you?

Source: MindTrip Magazine

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Posted by on November 26, 2013 in WISDOM


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Looking at a woman’s breasts can help in predicting what sort of character she has and the type of sex she enjoys.”

There may be something Freudian about it, but according to Shukan Gendaiall men ever need to know about women they can judge by looking at where they’d always like to focus anyway — her breasts.

Despite the titters of those around him, Mitsugu Shiga, a medical doctor and author of the book “Marugoto Wakaru Onna no Ecchi,” (Everything You Wanted to Know About Women’s Sex), claims to be an augurer of the aureole.

And though he has his knockers, Shiga is confident his breast readings not only allow him to keep abreast of a woman’s character, but rarely see him make any boobies.

“Discerning a woman’s character through her looks is extremely difficult. But if there’s one part of a woman’s body that doesn’t lie, I’d have to say it was her breasts,” the doctor tells Shukan Gendai.

Shiga has been conducting clinical tests for close on 40 years, paying particular attention during that time to mammaries. What he has learned has allowed him to come up with a variety of theories about how breast shape determines character.

“Breasts come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Analyzing breasts by comparing the ratio between the radius of the base and the size allows breasts to be divided into three broad categories. They can easily be assessed,” Shiga says.

Shukan Gendai notes the three types of breast sizes are large, standard and flat, the latter accounting for about one quarter of all women who are unable to boast of breasts that stand out no more than a few centimeters from the chest and are considerably smaller than their radius.

“(Flat-chested women) are quick thinkers who usually focus on only one man. Usually, they could care less about sex,” Shiga tells Shukan Gendai, adding that men can persuade women to change. “Usually, these women are noble and sincere types, so once they find their man, they’ll normally do whatever he wants them to and that becomes their pleasure.

“One matter where these women tend to lack is their low self-esteem when it comes to breast size. They’re always worried their men are playing around on them. I recommend doggy style with these women so they can forget about their shortcomings and enjoy themselves.”

A standard-sized bust is regarded as one that protrudes about 5 to 6 centimeters from the chest and is roughly equal to its radius.

“This is the ideal shape for a breast. It’s not too large and not too small. It has a feminine bulge about it,” Shiga proclaims to Shukan Gendai. “When it comes to character, women with average-sized breasts also have a straight-forwardness pleasant to most men.”

It is in the sack, according to Shiga, where that straightforwardness comes to the fore.

“They’re easygoing and enjoy sex for what it is. They’re the types who really go off once they’ve been fired up,” the doctor says. “It’s typical for them to forget their partner and go off into their own little world, which can be both a blessing and a bane. It might be a good idea to give them a go on top every now and again.”

Mammoth mammaries are a good sign, the physician claims.

“They have the sturdiness of an ox and usually indicate a woman with a positive attitude toward sex and life in general. They’ll come up with positions by themselves. It’s not easy for guys to play around on these types. Once you marry a woman like this, you’d better be sure you’re committed to only her.”

Considering breasts are the source by which most of us survive the early stages of our lives, it shouldn’t really come as a surprise that Shiga claims they offer a hint to determining the type of person they belong to.

“Breasts are basically lumps of fat. What makes them bigger is large doses of the female hormone estrogen. Breasts are, therefore, a symbol of a woman’s femininity,” he tells Shukan Gendai. “That’s why looking at a woman’s breasts can help in predicting what sort of character she has and the type of sex she enjoys.”

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Posted by on November 26, 2013 in 21 AND OLDER, WISDOM


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One of our basic skills in life is how to feel our anger, how to manage our anger, and how to express our anger appropriately.

Oh My God!!! Do I Have Anger “Issues”?


“I don’t get angry. I just get tumours.” Woody Allen


Do you often lose your temper? Do you often say things that later you regret because of anger? Do others consider you a volatile person, afraid to be around you, not knowing why or when you will suddenly erupt? Do you feel entitled to having these angry reactions, do you feel that others “make” you angry? Do you sometimes find that anger gives you power over others? Do you sometimes feel that if you don’t do something like breaking an object, or slamming a door, you are going to burst? Have you ever felt weak and incapable of controlling your anger? Have you become violent towards another person because of anger? Have you damaged a person’s property because of anger? If your answer is yes to just a couple of the above, then, Oh My God, You Have Anger Issues!

What is anger? Is it ok? Yes, anger is ok. It is one of our basic reactions and feelings and a natural part of our lives. It is an emotional signal of displeasure with an event or behaviour we have encountered. One of our basic skills in life is how to feel our anger, how to manage our anger, and how to express our anger appropriately. However, anger, being a reaction to some sort of conflict between our desires and the response of the environment, should not be a permanent attribute of our personality, but rather a temporary feeling which subsides as soon as the conflict is resolved.

What are the many faces of anger? Well, have you ever met a person who is constantly angry about something? There are some people who have integrated anger into their personality style as a permanent trait. They are always angry about everything. They get easily frustrated over small things, get annoyed at events that others simply ignore, and carry their anger wherever they go. No matter what the occasion, they will find something to be dissatisfied with, something they will find very annoying. It seems as if they are intentionally focusing on what can make them mad, as an excuse to let their anger out. Sometimes, such people discover that with their anger they gain control and power over others, and may use their anger deliberately as a manipulative technique. Intimidator, bullies may fall in this category.

Then, there is anger resulting from “narcissistic injury” or a perceived attack on self-esteem and feelings of insult and shame. People with unhealthy self-esteem, who feel unworthy or unloved and carry a lot of shame within them, tend to feel inordinate shame at small insignificant comments made by others, are overly touchy when criticized, ignored, or neglected and may erupt in quite violent anger, often termed “narcissistic rage”. This type of anger turned against the person who has caused the insult or the shaming experience is a way the “insulted” person has found to hit back, get revenge, or release these very intense feelings.

Another variant of narcissistic anger is paranoid anger, often as an extension of the former. In narcissistic anger what is threatened and being responded to is a perceived threat to shaky self-esteem. In paranoid anger the perceived threat is against the person’s basic security or safety. Everyone is out to get such a person, take his/her job, do him/her an injustice, fool and deceive him/her etc. This anger stems from deep feelings of insecurity and lack of trust and is expressed with self-entitlement as a means of protection against the evilness of others. Often, this type of anger takes the form of “moral indignation” – accusing others of being “wrong” or “bad” or “immoral” giving the angry person a false feeling of superiority, while covering underlying feelings of weakness, vulnerability, insecurity, or envy.

The most dangerous type of anger is sudden, explosive anger, which occurs when the individual totally loses control of himself. The causes for this type of anger may be any of the ones mentioned above, and the intensity of the anger reaction can be attributed to faulty impulse control, which may be evident in other forms of extreme impulsivity in that person’s life. People suffering from such anger may harm others or themselves as a way to rid themselves of these very powerful feelings and gain relief.

On the other hand, there are people who are afraid of anger. Perhaps, in their childhood they were taught that it was not appropriate to express anger, or they were so afraid of other people’s anger that they decided that anger was “bad”. Some people are so afraid of anger that not only do they not express it, but cover it up with various defences so that they do not feel their anger any more. Such people’s main concern is to keep the peace at all costs, not rock the boat, not gain the displeasure of another person, not make things even worse, not lose acceptance or love. Anger, theirs or other people’s, is just too upsetting, it disturbs their sense of security and safety and such people tend to shrink back from it and systematically avoid it. Frequently, depression or psychosomatic symptoms may result from this constant repression of anger.

Another type of not expressed anger is called passive-aggressive anger. If the people in the previous category get tumours, people in this category can “cause” tumours to others, by their obstinate uncooperative. Frustrating others is their speciality and their cup of tea. Late for appointments, dates, “forgetful” of things, professional procrastinators, and all of that under a meek and mild countenance and a guileless smile. In contrast to repressed anger, which is not consciously felt by the individual, passive-aggressive anger is consciously felt and consciously expressed in this indirect and masked style as a way of revenge or control of others.

And, finally, there is “healthy” anger. What are the characteristics of healthy anger?

Healthy anger is consciously felt – not repressed or avoided.

Healthy anger is filtered through our reasoning faculties and modulated.

Healthy anger is verbally expressed in a civilized and controlled manner and its aim is not to injure, attack, insult or otherwise harm the anger-provoking person, but resolve the anger-provoking situation.

Healthy anger is quickly released once the conflict is over and not held onto as resentment or hard feelings.

And when we can do all that, then with a sigh of relief we may proudly say, Thank God, I Don’t Have Anger “Issues”!!!

by Ismini Apostoli 

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Posted by on November 26, 2013 in WISDOM


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It is more advantageous to be happy than to be the victor or right in a silly ego based drama or dispute.





Many of us are convinced that we need to fight for what we deem is ours. We find ourselves in constant battles against the will of others that also approach life from this perspective. It is our ego based outer self that must forever win arguments, disputes, debates and confrontations. It is vital that we grasp that we build walls and barriers as long as we internally, verbally or externally resist “what is” in the current moment. It is these walls erected by the ego based outer self that prevents you (the perceived ego based outer self) to re-unite with the spiritual perfect self at your core. Our spiritual perfect self is one with God. Can you see how you make it impossible to experience the love and purity of the force that everything is made of? Your acceptance “what is” and your act of living your life in the now carve a doorway in the barriers that your outer self erected. When you resist “what is” happening in the current moment you are at the mercy of such event. You allow the outer world with its ego driven individuals to decide your happiness or unhappiness when you resist “what is” in the current moment in your relationships or any other experience. Your acceptance of “what is” will allow your perfect inner self to guide you through “what is” in the most efficient manner. Your outer self is always spoiling for a fight or ready to defend what you currently perceive who you are. You are not your ego based outer self and there is no need to defend the majestic inner self. The inner self understand that it is more advantageous to be happy than to be the victor or right in a silly ego based drama or dispute.



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Most problems lose their potency when we expose them to scrutiny.

I concluded a long time ago that there is one major flaw that is mostly responsible for the demise of relationships, businesses and even empires. This deadly virus that infests and kills initiative is non-action. Many of us tend to go into a paralysed non-action frame of mind when we are confronted with problems or projects that pose perceived insurmountable challenges. I grew up in nature and often watched how a frog or bird seems hypnotised when they come face to face with a snake. They often have ample time to evade becoming a meal, but just sit there. We often do the same when we are confronted with challenges. We also just sit there and hope that the problem or challenge will go away. Adopting an action orientated frame of mind is imperative in the game of life. Waiting, hoping and praying that things will get better is just not good enough. The solution to most problems is action. The moment you take deliberate action you create momentum. I am not promoting random, run around panic action, but simple deliberate “one step at a time” action. The first thing that you need to do is to “accept what is”. Many of us live in denial and don’t want to accept or admit that we are in deep shit. We cannot take decisive action if we deny that we have a huge hole in our boat that need urgent fixing. The fairies will not mystically come while you sleep and wait and fix the problem. I have seen many executives that seemingly have a magnetic backside that glue them to their chairs. Their factory is burning or the financial vultures are circling their business ready to attack and remove while they wait and hope that a miracle will rescue them. Things are never as hopeless as they seem. The biggest proportion of the challenges we face can be overcome and often even sidestepped if we take positive and decisive action. Logical action is only possible the moment we fully understand what we are faced. Most problems lose their potency when we expose them to scrutiny. The more quality information we have the easier it becomes to take decisive action.


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Explain to your children that it is imperative to learn how to let go of the past. Many of us spend too much time on what could or should have been. We go around with a long face or a broken heart because things failed to pan out as expected. Living in the past prevents us from enjoying our current moments. Is it not that the most horrific storms always finally pass? Raging rivers gradually calm down and again become tranquil havens for the insects, birds and other wild life that live on their banks. Everything in life is impermanent. It is futile to drift around for days or weeks speculating what could or should have been. What happened in the past no longer have any power of its own. It is just data in our memory that need to be re-activated before it can force us to re-live what transpired. It is our thoughts that trigger these often unwelcome and sometimes unfair experiences. You cannot repair the past. You can just speculate what could or should have been. You can also just speculate what might transpire at some future date. Explain to your child that you cannot cross a bridge while you continue to keep your one foot firmly anchored on the one side. You also cannot get an egg back into its shell once broken. There is a saying that it is futile to cry over spilled milk. It is thus important to embrace each and every moment.                                     

Teach your children that you can make a fresh start after the biggest disaster. We cannot allow any historical mistake to define who we are. The old must often make way for the new. Not even the best players in sport can boast with a perfect record. It often takes a huge number of mistakes and failures before someone is crowned as champion. Putting things behind you will enhance your life and amplify your self-esteem. It often takes the courage of a lion to walk away from a disaster or failed venture. Parents – use examples how nature is often forced to make a fresh start. A volcano can blow a mountain apart leaving the area devastated, like the surface of mars. Go back a few years later and you will notice how nature is gradually rebuilding the surroundings to its previous splendour.                                         


 Parents teach your children that it is their attitude that decides their fate and future. Lead by example and show your child that there is nothing that can force you to throw in the towel. Moping around the house because something failed to turn out as you expected will not be a good example you set for your children. You cannot just talk a good game. You must remember that your children view you as a role model and will long after you are gone still duplicate what they learned from you. Tell your child that they can make a fresh start notwithstanding yesterday’s disasters. Making a fresh start is one single decision away. A decision acted on ensures growth and future happiness. There is nothing that your child cannot overcome with the right attitude and lots of love and support from you. Stop reminding your child of their failures. Tell your child that there are endless historical examples of legends that failed their way to success.                          


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