Monthly Archives: October 2013

Scientists are conducting experiments to discover whether the universe exists within a Matrix-style computer simulation created by super computers of the future.

Mind-Bending Facts About Dreams

Scientists are conducting experiments to discover whether the universe exists within a Matrix-style computer simulation created by super computers of the future.

The experiments being conducted by University of Washington could prove that we are merely pawns in some kind of larger computer game. However, it is unclear who created these super computers that may hypothetically power our existence.

“Imagine the situation where we get a big enough computer to simulate our universe, and we start such a simulation on our computers,” said professor Martin Savage, a physicists working on the project. “If that simulation runs long enough, and have same laws as our universe, then something like our universe will emerge within that simulations, and the situation will repeat itself within each simulation,” he said.

The current understanding of string theory indicates that there are 10,500 universes with different laws that determine the behaviour of particles within them, he said.

“So it is certainly true, that with enough computer resources, theorists would like to explore these universes ,” he added.

Explaining how the experiment works, physicists claim that finite computer resources mean that space time is not continuous but set on a grid with a finite volume, designed to create maximum energy subatomic particles. The direction these particles flow in will depend on how they are ordered on the grid. They will be looking at the distribution of the highest energy cosmic rays in order to detect patterns that could suggest that universe is the creation of some futuristic computer technology.

And if it does turns out that we are mere players in some sort of computer programme, they suggested that there may be a way to mess with the program, and play with the minds of our creators. “One could imagine trying to figure out how to manipulate the code, communicate with the code and questions that appear weird to consider today,” he said.

Source: Times Of India


The Universe Is Evolving Like A Giant Brain


The idea of the universe as a ‘giant brain’ has been proposed by scientists – and science fiction writers – for decades.

But now physicists say there may be some evidence that it’s actually true. In a sense.

According to a study published in Nature’s Scientific Reports, the universe may be growing in the same way as a giant brain – with the electrical firing between brain cells ‘mirrored’ by the shape of expanding galaxies.

The results of a computer simulation suggest that “natural growth dynamics” – the way that systems evolve – are the same for different kinds of networks – whether its the internet, the human brain or the universe as a whole.

A co-author of the study, Dmitri Krioukov from the University of California San Diego, said that while such systems appear very different, they have evolved in very similar ways.

The result, they argue, is that the universe really does grow like a brain.

The study raises profound questions about how the universe works, Krioukov said.

“For a physicist it’s an immediate signal that there is some missing understanding of how nature works,” he told

The team’s simulation modelled the very early life of the universe, shortly after the big bang, by looking at how quantum units of space-time smaller than subatomic particles ‘networked’ with each other as the universe grew.

They found that the simulation mirrored that of other networks. Some links between similar nodes resulted in limited growth, while others acted as junctions for many different connections.

For instance, some connections are limited and similar – like a person who likes sports visiting many other sports websites – and some are major and connect to many other parts of the network, like Google and Yahoo.

No, it doesn’t quite mean that the universe is ‘thinking’ – but as has been previously pointed out online, it might just mean there’s more similarity between the very small and the very large than first appearances suggest.


By Michael Ruindle / Source: Huffington Post

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Posted by on October 31, 2013 in WISDOM


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Everything in life has it peaks and declines. Wisdom is to know when to ride the wave and when to get out of the game. The fool stubbornly clings to things long after their expiry dates.

Everything in life has its own natural cycle. Even the best things in life finally served it purpose. Know when to quit. Even the best wave also finally runs its course and crashes on the rocks. Wise people understand this principle and make full use of the summer or growth periods of their lives. The less informed lives as if there are no seasons and his storerooms are always empty.


Everything in life has it peaks and declines. Wisdom is to know when to ride the wave and when to get out of the game. The fool stubbornly clings to things long after their expiry dates. There is a time to join and a time to walk away in life. Wisdom is to know when to accept and when to reject.


Everything in life works in cycles. You need to detect when a project or relationship is busy moving into a winter or dormant period. The fool invests in stocks that are ready to enter its winter period. The less informed projects a cold, winter personality and expects people to respond to him in a warm friendly manner. If you are prepared to pay the price in full and invest the time, money and effort needed you can move almost anything from a winter period into a summer or growth period.


Express and show your appreciation more often and see what enormous difference it can make in the lives of people. The rumour that has been around that appreciation cannot be experienced when you become older or when your hair turns grey is just an urban legend. You never grow too old, rich or fat to enjoy and appreciation. It is something that you obtain free of charge and that will not bankrupt you if you hand it out in generously proportions. You can freely use this powerful tool on parents, gardeners, strangers and even intimate friends.


Failure and success also have an expiry date. Keep this in mind while you are playing the game of life. Even your worst failures will also finally end. Think back how the most difficult periods in your life is nothing more than a faded memory.

Failure can often be traced to a lack of priorities. If you fail to set priorities in any area of your life you are setting yourself up for failure in such areas.


Failure can only hurt you if you make a conscious choice to view it as a disaster and not a lesson. Once you labelled failure with the “disaster” or “failure” label, it begins to erode your soul. Champions never create or facilitate these failure monsters in their minds. They know that they hold the key to its power in their hands. They never view any failure or mistake as final and irreversible.






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Posted by on October 31, 2013 in WISDOM


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The mechanical matrix of post modern consumer society, built by ordinary men and women, is a reality that is indeed a snare, serving only to isolate its inhabitants from a truer, wider, and richer interpretation in which all things are interwoven and cooperative. The matrix we live in, and which we uphold with each and every one of our thoughts (though as we shall see, these thoughts are not our own), is a world built blindly, through fear and rationality, a prison pervaded by misery, hostility, confusion, resentment, and despair. It ain’t no playground. And if it’s a game, then it’s one which few of us ever get to enjoy playing, perhaps because no one ever told us the rules.


 EN MATRIX WARRIOR: BEING THE ONE (complete book) 4.2 MB



















































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Posted by on October 31, 2013 in WISDOM


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Book Review – Everything You Know Is Wrong


by Lloyd Pye

Everything You Know Is Wrong (EYKIW) is the product of years of research into human origins, spanning everything from the oldest known recorded histories of the world to modern genetic discoveries. In it, Lloyd Pye postulates his alternative view of human evolution, now called “Intervention Theory.”


This new theory stands separate from Creationism, Evolution, and Intelligent Design, and explains many of the conundrums left unanswered by those other theories. The book contains endlessly fascinating insights into just how much of what we think we know is wrong, from the very beginnings of life, to the highly inaccurate map we all accept as Earth’s surface, to the evolutionary impossibility of the Cambrian Explosion, and the likelihood that Miocene Apes walk among us today. This book provides any reader with a profoundly altered world view.


Evolution should have put creationism away ages ago—the very ages creationists mulishly, stupidly insist didn’t happen. By every outward sign the ideological contest was shaping up as a slam-dunk shutout runaway rout. The evolution team went in at halftime, after the Scopes Trial in 1925, ahead on all cards, three of seven, 50-zip. No bookies would take a bet at any odds against them. Yet now, closing out the first half-decade of the 21st century, the evolutionists’ classic rope-a-dope tactic of letting their dogma-hobbled opponents futilely flail away has, in a stunning reversal, stopped working.


Fifteen years ago the depleted, rubber-limbed creationists somehow wised up enough to turn the battle into a tag-team match. They staggered to the ropes to touch the hand of a fresh partner, intelligent design, and with sharp wits and shrewd tactics the intelligent designers have turned the tide. Evolution’s knees are buckling and its hands have dropped, opening it up for the kind of haymaker that took out Clint’s Million Dollar Baby. Is it time to crown a new champion? Yes, without a doubt—but not intelligent design.


Loosening up on a heavy bag just beyond ringside is a much older, vastly tougher contender in the long running, bitterly disputed battle over human origins. This contender not only has “hands of stone,” it ismade of stone…written, carved, or shaped into forms that can never be dismissed by authority or circumvented by tautology. A grizzled, time-tested theory set in stone thousands of years ago, now primed for battle against three thoroughly worn out, beaten-to-a-bloody-pulp opponents. When Vegas hears about the breadth and depth of supporting facts this contender brings into the ring, not a penny will be wagered against it. If ever there was a “sure thing,” this is it.


Evolution, creation, intelligent design…meet intervention.


Read this very informative work here please:

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Posted by on October 31, 2013 in WISDOM


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Religion is any system in which one or more higher beings are worshipped either to avoid the higher beings’ wrath and vengeance or to invoke help and mercy.

It is interesting to note that most people take these promises and threats for real although not even one of the higher beings of the dominant religions is around in physical form to really carry out rewards or punishments. Rather, the current mainstream of religion, monotheism, puts rewards respectively punishment into a somewhat nebulous realm, which is an alleged eternal life after death of the matter body. Additionally, there is the promise for the ones who qualify by being good enough that they will make it into a future world of peace and happiness, the paradise.


Religion is any system in which one or more higher beings are worshipped either to avoid the higher beings’ wrath and vengeance or to invoke help and mercy. At all times of known human history people have subjected themselves to religious services hoping that this will result in better conditions for their lives. Most religions combine massive threats and provisions of punishment for those who do not perform as demanded with promises of help and rewards for the faithful, the ones who willingly serve the higher being or beings. Minor variations among the different religious systems are mostly in the kinds of reward promised and the punishment threatened. A really major difference exists only between the polytheistic religions of ancient times and the monotheistic religions of more recent origin.




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Posted by on October 31, 2013 in WISDOM


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Dig Deeper – Heal thyself articles with links and the crazy story of Job.

A free drug can help treat many disorders with no side effects: our minds. Jo Marchant reveals six ways to exploit its power




Heal thyself: Think positive



Go on, try to convince yourself, because realism can be bad for your health

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Heal thyself: Trust people




Being lonely increases the risk of everything from heart attacks to dementia, whereas a good social life means better sleep and slower ageing

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Heal thyself: Meditate



Meditation may boost the immune response, protect against a relapse in major depression, soothe skin conditions and even slow the progression of HIV

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Heal thyself: Self-hypnosis



Hypnosis may help pain management, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, obesity and asthma, not to mention some nasty skin conditions

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Heal thyself: Know your purpose



In a study of 50 people with advanced lung cancer, those judged to have high “spiritual faith” responded better to chemotherapy and survived longer

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Posted by on October 31, 2013 in WISDOM


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They say that the difference between a rut and the grave is about six feet.




Use the following method and power words when you are searching for new ideas or fresh perspectives. They say that the difference between a rut and the grave is about six feet. Many of us slip into a groove and continue to play out our lives until change is forced on us. Nothing new can be created until you work up enough desire and courage to change something. Everything will stay the same until you change the current recipe.

Creativity comes to those that are not afraid of the unknown. Inventors and innovators dare to go where nobody went before. They think of ways to achieve a specific objective or solve a problem that later seem so logical, but that have been ignored because it challenged the current rules. No progress is possible while you sustain methods and systems that might be outdated and defective.

The golden rule is to remain vigilant for fresh ideas all the time. Most of the biggest inventions came about when someone identified a problem and allowed his mind to come up with a solution. Many of us become passive or panic when they are faced with a potential problem. The innovators love problems and do not view them as barriers. They see them, as wonderful opportunities to improve or create something brand new that will make certain problems go away.

The innovators are responsible for everything that you see when you look out of the window. They saw solutions while the rest of the people remained focused on the problems. Your mind is a powerful computer that is connected to the universal mind. There is an unlimited resource of data stored in the universal mind’s archives. Creative people tap these archives and often come up with amazing inventions. Individuals that are not even connected to a specific industry come up with ideas that stun those that have been working there for years.

Use the following method and power word the next time that you are faced with a problem or barrier. Focus on the situation, problem or obstacle and repeat the power word “create”. This power word will activate a creative process in your mind.

You will soon discover that your mind will begin to search for solutions where it possibly in the past could only dig up hundreds of reasons why something just cannot be done. You will soon find that several options will come to mind when you trigger your inventive power by using the word “create”.

You are a creator in your own right. You have been creating for many years. Look around you and become aware of the many things you created to date. You created your own world and circumstances. Your historical mindset directed what you created in all areas of your life. The choices that you made historically formed the base of what you have today.

You can spend your time creating wonderful innovations or you can waste it creating excuses why certain things cannot be done. Repeat the word “create” the next time that you need a solution to a problem. You will soon discover that you will have several options or combinations of ideas that could assist you to overcome what you are faced with.

The key is to focus on the outcome you desire. The power word “create” will cause creative chemicals to be released by your brain. You will suddenly think solutions and not problems like you have possibly done in the past.

I suggest that you make notes of all ideas that surface after you used the power word “create”. Do not judge what come to mind. You will be able to later use one or a combination of the ideas that surfaced to “create” a solution to the problem. Remember you can use this system to innovate and “create” even when you have no immediate problems that need your urgent attention.

Repeat this power word when you are faced with a problem or challenge that you would like to overcome. Create. Create. Create.

Possible other power words you can use: Solution. Solution. Explore. Explore. Innovate. Innovate.


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Posted by on October 31, 2013 in WISDOM


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When things begin to fall apart you begin to see what’s really going on, you discover that the happiness you seek is an internal event, an internal experience.


The truth is no matter what we do, reality is what it is and we don’t have a choice. It’s not in our control. It is what it is. Life is what it is. One day it rains and the next day the sun shines. Do you have any control over that? You are breathing and your heart is beating, do you have any control over that? Events and people appear before us and then they go away. Do you have control over that? Parents, partners, children, friends all come and go and things happen and life moves along quite on its own—do you have any control over that? And there you are, with this particular body, doing all the stuff you do until the body gets sick or breaks down, or gets old and the breathing stops and the heart stops beating. And that too is the way of it.


   So what does any of this have to do with your expectations? Sometimes life delivers what you think you want and need, and sometimes it doesn’t. But if you really watch what is going on, it becomes pretty obvious pretty fast that you’re not the boss. No matter how hard you try, life does what it does and you’re not in control. And it doesn’t matter how fit you are or how much money you have in the bank, reality is what it is and you’re still not the boss.


   That is the way of it.


   And as for partners, it’s the same. Sometimes we have nice partners and friends and sometimes we don’t. And when it comes to money, well sometimes we have money in the bank and sometimes we don’t. And that too is the way of it. Just look around you and you will see that this is true for everybody. There are no exceptions to reality. No exceptions.


   So obviously, obviously—believing that you need a partner, health, money in the bank to be happy is not the way to happiness! Why? Because when you base your happiness on these things—on these impossible expectations—you are fighting reality. You are asking for the impossible. You are expecting reality to deliver what you want and chances are that’s not going to happen—ever. So this way of thinking, the way we’ve been brought up to think, everything we’ve been programmed to believe is in fact the direct route to hell. And I repeat—the direct route to hell and not to happiness. Why? Because life is what it is. Reality is what it is. We’re not running the show and we don’t have a say in the matter. This moment—the real—is what it is. And that’s final. It’s done.


   But again please don’t misunderstand me here. When I say that reality, this moment, is what it is, I don’t mean you shouldn’t live sanely and work for change or work to create a better world. I don’t mean you can’t do everything in your power to live a good, sensible, kind life. I don’t mean you shouldn’t develop your wisdom and understand the law of cause and effect and how it operates in your daily life. No I’m not talking about that. What I am talking about is the fundamental nature of our experience of living this physical existence with these bodies. I’m not talking about all the wise and practical steps you can take to live sensibly in this world with these physical bodies or the many wonderful things you can do to help your fellow men and women. What I am talking here about is our unrealistic expectations to this thing we call life and how these unrealistic expectations lead us straight to hell. So it’s better to wake up to reality and understand the nature of this thing we call life, because when we understand this, we can live happy lives. It is possible. And this is the good news.


   In fact, this is very good news.


   Why? Because when you look deeply into the nature of this thing called life and begin to understand what life is and the way the mind works, you will come to realize that in fact your happiness does not depend on any outside circumstances, events or people. This is the core realization. This is the heart of this understanding. When things begin to fall apart and then you begin to see what’s really going on, you will discover that the happiness you seek is an internal event, an internal experience. And that this internal experience has nothing to do with all the things you were programmed to believe your happiness depended on! And this is why I say this is the good news… because it means you’re free! You are free! Your happiness doesn’t depend on anyone or anything… It’s up to you. And there is something you can do about it!

Barbara Berger

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Posted by on October 30, 2013 in WISDOM


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We are fragile and need each other at earth school.


When will be grasp that we are all one, embedded in the same space trying desperately to minimise and overcome each other in our effort to obtain our version of reality and salvation? All religion, art and sciences are branches of the same tree my friend. The problem is that we look at “what is” through our own filters. We have been programmed since early childhood to see and experience life, death and God in a specific manner. We see, hear and feel only the stuff that match our expectations according to our perceptions. It is this tendency that forces us to stay in our little boxes. We accept those that believe the way we do as friends, brothers and sisters and reject, vilify and minimize those that fail to pass our perception filter test. That is how we got separated from each other. That is the reason why we mount this wild horse called life every morning when we open our eyes and fight for our often lonely existence. We have family, friends and children, but never really connect with them. It is this invisible “perception bubble” that repel us and drive us away from each other. We live in an illusion called life and think we are one nation, group or family, but we are in fact fragmented units that drift through this thing called life. We must strip our perception layers off if we want to really love and unite with each other. We must see things as they are and not as we want them to be. We are fragile and need each other at earth school. Love and forgiveness is to accept others unconditionally in the moment without his or her history.


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Posted by on October 30, 2013 in WISDOM


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Enthusiasm and passion assists you to overcome serious obstacles and help you to make your dreams a reality.

During the dark ages, the kings often killed the bearer of bad news. People still today do not appreciate hearing bad news. Do not take it upon yourself to show people on the error of their ways. Your intentions might be pure, but will rarely be appreciated.


Earn the goodwill of people and you will make your journey much more pleasant and purposeful. It is an attribute to be self-reliant, but it is sometimes vital to lose your individuality for the sake of the team. Teams that consist out of a bunch of highly skilled individual players often find it difficult to win. Teams that consist of average players that can gel together and play as a single unit will usually outperform any highly talented team where its members perform on an individual basis.


Emotional, off the cuff decisions always bring disaster into your life. Never make important choices or decisions while you are feeling, rushed, depressed, pressurised or defeated. Never quit when you feel down. If it is time you need, then buy some time. Rushed decisions will lead to disappointment and loss.


Emotions play a major role during conflict resolution. Allow the other party to express how they feel. The obstacle is often not what happened, but how it made the person feel that you have the dispute with.


Enjoy your moments of applause because it can fade like snow in the morning sun. The less informed thinks that the lustre will last forever. True champions know that they must persist with their hard work if they want to sustain peak performance. They are champions because they can perform at their peak even if there is no support from the crowd.


Enthusiasm and passion assists you to overcome serious obstacles and help you to make your dreams a reality. Enthusiasm is like a power additive that you add to your mission in life.


Establish what people need if you want to make a fortune. The formula is simple. If you know what a person really desires you can find ways to assist such person to achieve his objectives. If a man urgently wants some water, do not give him bread. If a man wants recognition, do not swear at him. The formula is quite simple. You will be blessed if you help enough people to achieve their objectives.


Even the most stubborn person can be convinced if you can learn to listen to his perceptions in a non-judgemental way. How can you structure your debate and achieve success if you have only one goal in mind and that is to enforce your will onto the other person? The magic key to success in debate and dispute resolution is not to shout and intimidate, but to adapt your arguments so it will make sense to your opponent from his point of view.


Every decision that you make has some kind of side effect. Remember you cannot please all the people all the time. We are sometimes forced to make choices that make certain people very unhappy. The key is to make a decision that is most appropriate at that moment. We need to sometimes remove our emotions from the arena if we want to make objective decisions.


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Posted by on October 30, 2013 in WISDOM


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Four questions that can change your life – FREE! powerful e-book!


“No one can give you freedom but you. This little booklet will show you how.” Byron Katie


Download here


Find Little book on the right hand side of the page, download and change your life. This little book will show you how you can gain insight and wisdom into anything or anyone that is currently causing you pain or discomfort by honestly answering 4 simple questions!



Bryon Katie

I discovered that when I believed my thoughts, I suffered, but that when I didn’t believe them, I didn’t suffer, and that this is true for every human being. Freedom is as simple as that. I found that suffering is optional. I found a joy within me that has never disappeared, not for a single moment. That joy is in everyone, always.”— Byron Katie

The Work

The Work consists of 4 questions and “Turn-Arounds.”
The 4 Questions:


  • It is true?

  • Can you absolutely know that it is true?

  • How do you react when you believe that thought?

  • Who would you be without that thought?

  • -Turn it Turn it Around.

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Posted by on October 30, 2013 in WISDOM


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Your failures do not define you!

Dear visitors to the Reading Room,


When I started with Rene’s Reading Room I had a vision that I could provide a haven to readers where they can come, sit back and relax while they read and view subject matter that would hopefully uplift, motivate and expand their vision. I diligently expanded on the post data base and in a relative short period of time accumulated over 3 000 posts. I diligently posted articles, clips and even a few book series written by best selling authors. I often wrote fresh articles or extracted material from my huge data base that I established after many years of writing and lecturing on a wide range of subjects. I invested the time and energy posting this material because I firmly believed that everyone on this planet have the right to be happy, successful and well informed. I challenged the readers to open their minds and look at life, death, religion, work and play from many different perspectives. I gave hundreds if not thousands of lectures during my lifetime and wrote several books and scripts for my audio lectures over the years. I have in the past and will continue to post articles in the Reading Room that will hopefully uplift and challenge visitors to break free from the fixed perspectives that might have been preventing them from being the best they can be at any given moment.


I firmly believe that we are all ONE. We, notwithstanding our differences are all travellers on spaceship earth. We and those that came before us created the collective consciousness that we experience daily. You are a mirror of the collective perceptions that you gathered since your early childhood. Some of us grew up in a Roman Catholic or protestant environment while others in turn grew up in a Muslim home. We call the creator of all universes by different names and perceive this force from many different perspectives. Our insistence that our God is the only true God shattered mankind into tiny vulnerable pieces. We erected walls around our perceptions of God and our understanding of life and death. We were conditioned to perceive life from a “them” and “us” basis. This mindset gradually isolated us into comfort zones with high walls that kept our beliefs in and repelled all other perceptions that fail to match our perceived values. This is how we created our concept of “good” and “evil”. We believed that our God and beliefs are the only truth. Our spiritual leaders ruled the territory behind our high walls and fortified castles with an iron fist. They convinced us that our God is the only God that any other spiritual perception is the work of a fictitious devil. We in our arrogance failed to even attempt to understand or investigate other ideas and perceptions. We were conditioned via guilt, shame and fear from early childhood to reject any data offered by anyone outside our self-proclaimed “perfect” nest.


I will continue to provide many different perceptions on this blog. I am doing this because I concluded after a lifetime of study that we are ONE notwithstanding our walls, boundaries and little the boxes that we hide in. There is only the ONE life force that we live and expire in. We are all on the same path and everyone is following this path to the best of his own ability. We gave this life force many names. Everyone, notwithstanding his current state of consciousness is united with this force. It is an illusion to think that there are a “them” and “us” my friends. This planet is in serious trouble and bleeding profusely from the wounds that we dealt mother earth in our greed for more. We are so divided in our own demarcated zones that we fail to see what we are collectively doing to this place that sustained mankind since inception. We managed to deplete a huge percentage of the vital resources that sustain life on this plane. The time has come for everyone to urgently unite for the collective good of mankind. We need to take urgent action to save us from extension. Mother earth will survive and recover from her wounds, but will we, all seven billion of us still be on spaceship earth as she continues to majestically hurl herself forward on her journey through space?


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Posted by on October 30, 2013 in WISDOM


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What you think is displayed in the image you project to the people around you.





Very few people understand the powerful role their composure plays in everything they do and how they feel. You can never act in a positive manner if you go around with a troubled look on your face, slumped shoulders and whine in your voice. How can you think and act in a positive manner if your whole demeanour is that of a loser or fader? What you think is displayed in the image you project to the people around you. I have never seen a person with a negative attitude and poor self-image go up to any rostrum to receive first prize. I have never seen any person with the image of a bird with a broken wing sell like a champion. I have never seen a parent with the image of a bullterrier win the love and respect of his own children. What you project activates chemicals in your brain that will either fuel your passion or dowse the fire in your heart.

How can you expect to feel, act and be positive if you project an image of a dog that got one too many hiding? The point I am making here is that you have the power within you to turn you negative feelings around by simply adjusting your composure. When you feel down and defeated, pull back your shoulders, lift your head and take a few deep breaths. Look life and people straight in the eye. This will immediately trigger positive chemicals in your brain. The dark clouds will lift from your brain and stop smothering your creativity and passion.

This might sound too simple to be worth much, but just try it the next time you feel down and defeated. You will be amazed what power is locked up in your brain that will be unleashed when you use this method. You will discover that the sun will push away the dark clouds of despair and the feelings of gloom that kept you imprisoned in a mental torture chamber will dissipate. You will begin to act in a manner conducive to winning again. Please remember that you cannot think or act in a positive manner with an image that reminds you of a helpless child.




If you want to exert influence, you will have to look at the image that you project while at work and play. People treat you the way you project yourself. People, will use and abuse you if you go around with the image of a defeated man. You will feel exactly what you project. People do not follow losers and cry babies. They latch onto winners and people that make them feel safe and protected.

Will you put your life in the hands of a doctor that project an image of insecurity and hesitation? Will you invest money with a person that presents you with an image of an illiterate person? You must never forget that life is a jungle out there. If you show any sign of weakness or vulnerability, the vultures, and scavengers of life will appear like magic.

In nature the weak always becomes the victim of the strong. When a kudu feels ill or appear injured, the scavengers will target and devour him. In life, it is the same. When your head and shoulder go down you lose your zest for life. Your tone of voice drops to a whisper or whine and your feel drained and tired. Remember the trigger to get you out of this frame of mind is to reverse the process. 

Lift your head and shoulders. Take a few deep breaths and walk like a man with a mission. You will be pleasantly surprised how quickly you feel in control again and how much fresh new energy will begin to pump through your body and mind.


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Posted by on October 30, 2013 in WISDOM


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It is vital to accept “WHAT IS” and move on as soon as possible.

Keep the following image in mind the next time you feel cheated or devastated about something. You cannot un-fry an egg or change what transpired into what could or should have been according to your expectations. It is vital to accept “WHAT IS” and move on as soon as possible. The best thing to do is to learn from what transpired and then to continue walking forward with bold steps towards your final objective. It is often so difficult to understand that our failures are part of our lessons. Our biggest failures often turn out to be our best teaches. We are on this plane to evolve and to grow up and not to fall in the trap thinking that mistakes are some kind of weakness. That is the way that our ego thinks. The ego use guilt and fear to protect its control over our mind and heart.

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Posted by on October 30, 2013 in WISDOM


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Gandhi’s 10 Best Ideas to Change the World


Mahatma Gandhi is a renowned figure in world history. His dedication to the principles of peacefulness is legendary and he was able to accomplish many great things in his life.

He is the man who led his Indian people to gain their independence from British rule in 1947, and the philosophy of the man lives on in the hearts of many to this day.

Gandhi’s ideas were simple and came from a positive place in his heart, mind and soul. Below we list the ten best ideas or pieces of advice we can glean from Gandhi to change our world for the better.

1. Learn to forgive your friends as well as your enemies.

This is a principle you can find in many religions, and the intent and concept behind it come from love and a desire to abstain from violence and negative thoughts. When you are wronged or hurt by another the natural response may be to lash out or seek revenge. So many times we hear of jilted lovers doing terrible things in the heat of passion or friendships ending due to misunderstandings.

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.”

It does take a certain strength to forgive someone who has wronged you. Realize that revenge will not erase the wrong that was done, it will only create more hurt. Do not let yourself become a part of a vicious cycle of revenge. Listen to these famous words from Gandhi himself:

“An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”

Revenge is a cyclical thing. Once you carry out your vengeance, you will bring more negativity and wrong down upon your head. If you can search within and find the strength to forgive your friends and foes alike, then that is far more admirable and better for the world.

2. Realize that no one is perfect.

Perfection is an ideal that no man can realistically attain. We are all flawed beings despite our best intentions. It takes a humble sprit to continue to become better and better. The way to achieve this is through admitting your mistakes and learning from them as best you can.

“I claim to be a simple individual liable to err like any other fellow mortal. I own, however, that I have humility enough to confess my errors and to retrace my steps.”

With a spirit of humility you can see where you went wrong. You can’t let pride blind you in this regard. To do so would be to never truly evolve. The same mistakes would continually pop up in your life because you never properly learn your lesson.

3. To thine own self be true.

Yes, that line was from the famous Shakespeare play Hamlet. The words of Gandhi speak to us and say that we would do well to align our thoughts, actions and words. In doing so we stay true to ourselves.

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.”

If more people were truly happy it would make the world a better place. Negativity in the world often comes from a bitter spirit, jealousy and hate. Happiness embodies all of the great things about the world such as love, prosperity and justice. When you are not afraid to do what you are thinking and the words coming out of your mouth ring true you are living your life as you see fit. To be true to yourself is a great thing. Follow your heart and let all facets of your being be guided by it.

4. Understand you are in control of your own life.

Sometimes people blame others for their misfortune. They try to find a convenient scapegoat so that they don’t have to feel bad about their failures. This isn’t a healthy way to think of things though and it leads to a bad place. It must be understood that each human is in control of his or her life. Certainly other people can influence you in many ways. Even if others lead you down a bad path the choice was yours to follow that individual.

“Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”

Gandhi understood that ultimately each person is responsible for their choices and actions in life. Be mindful of this when living your life and it will help you to want to make the best decisions possible. If you follow the crowd and do not like where you end up, you were still in control of what you were doing. Forge your own path in life, and have a smile on your face when you reach your destination.

5. You must change yourself to change the world.

The world is not always exactly how we want it to be. Sitting at home and hoping things will get better one day will do little or nothing towards making that a reality. In order to change the world people need to change themselves. The healing starts at home so to speak.

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

If the world were to change and you were to do nothing to change yourself, you would still be a part of the problem. We must seek to continually change our world by making it a little bit better as time flows forward. By inspiring change in your person you can inspire those around you. Simple things such as treating others with kindness, being slow to anger and accepting others for who they are regardless of personal prejudices are great ways to start.

6. Ideas need action to give them meaning.

Ideas are an incredible thing. Concepts such as democracy, freedom and justice look great on paper or in an individual’s head. What if those ideas had never come to fruition though? Without action the ideas are just pretty thoughts floating in the air. Action is what can bring an idea to life and help change our surroundings for the better.

“An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.”

Letting your ideas be known is positive in its’ own way, but showing people how they work through individual action is the way to go. Dialogue is a part of the process of initiating changes, but ideas must be put into practice. Get out there and start that neighborhood watch to try to deter the heightening crime rate in your neighborhood. Put your ideas and words to good use.

7. Understand that we live in the present.

The past and future are great concerns for many. People look to the past longingly for times that they cherished. They worry about the future for the sake of their children, wondering what type of world we are leaving to them. In order to honor the memory of the past and ensure the future is a great one to leave to our children, we must live in the present.

“I do not want to foresee the future. I am concerned with taking care of the present. God has given me no control over the moment following.”

The present moment in time is the one we have control over. We can change the way things are now by living our lives as best we can. We can mold the future through our actions now, but if we do nothing but think about times past and times to come the moment will pass us by. There is no going back to a moment in time. Let your mind live in the here and now.

8. Possess the spirit to endure.

Things in life that are worth achieving often do not come in the blink of an eye. Having a spirit that is willing to endure tough times and continue to strive forward is an important quality in achieving great things in this world. One cannot give up due to not getting the result they want the first time out of the gate.

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

Being an individual who will persist in the pursuit of your ideals or goals can win you the day. Those who oppose your progress will fall by the wayside while you remain unwavering. It is the person with the most resolve who gets their desire.

9. See the good in your fellow man.

No person is without their faults. Understanding that all human beings are prone to being imperfect, we must see the good in our fellow man. By helping one another and promoting good will the whole world’s situation can improve.

“I look only to the good qualities of men. Not being faultless myself, I won’t presume to probe into the faults of others.”

By understanding that we all have things we wish to improve on, we can help each other live fuller lives. Humanity never would have come as far as it has if not for men working together to build civilization to this point. Our continued partnerships and relationships will propel us forward for years to com. It is important to get along with each other and to be accepting. When you are with a person understand the goodness within them. Don’t judge them for what they aren’t, form a bond with what they are.

10. Continually evolve and grow.

We possess the abilities to learn, increase our skills and come to a better understanding of so many different things. It is important not to be stagnant in life, because only by continuing to improve one’s self can one keep up with the changing world around us.

“Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position.”

If you are a man who is unwilling to adapt you will not last in the world. Certainly elasticity is a great quality to possess. Rigidity of belief and expectations can be a person’s undoing. Continually be willing to learn new things and change accordingly.

By Chris Cains, 
Creator of the Miracle Mind Method

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Posted by on October 29, 2013 in WISDOM


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Every one of us has an irrational/destructive emotional side to our personality. This dark side can sabotage your relationship in an insidious way.

Every one of us has an irrational and destructive emotional side to our personality. This dark side can sabotage your relationship in an insidious way.

Below are the most common characteristics of what Dr. Phil calls “bad spirits,” and how they can impact a relationship.

You’re a Scorekeeper
Competing can quickly turn a relationship into an ugly battle of one-upmanship. How can you possibly be a winner if it is at the expense of making the person you supposedly love a loser? Solid relationships are built on sacrifice and caring, not power and control. Competitiveness can drain the joy, confidence and productivity out of any relationship.

You’re a Fault-finder 
There is nothing wrong with constructive criticism if it is designed to improve the relationship. But it can often give way to constant faultfinding — in which you obsess over the flaws and imperfections rather than find value in your partner. Get off your partner’s back and you may see your partner moving toward you. 

You Think It’s Your Way or the Highway
If you’ve always got to be right, then you’re ready to fight till the end. No truer words were ever spoken, says Dr. Phil; you will fight to the end…the end of your relationship. You can’t be self-righteous or obsessed with control and do what’s best for the relationship at the same time.

You Turn Into an Attack Dog
When you get in an argument, do you have a killer stare, a harsh tone and hurtful words? Attack dogs may experience short-term gain, but the target of the abuse becomes filled with bitterness and resentment. While it’s easy to fall into viciousness, it’s much harder to repair the resulting consequences. 

You are a Passive Warmonger
Instead of fault-finding or engaging in character assassination, these toxic partners try to thwart their partner by constantly doing that which they deny they are doing — in such an indirect way as to escape accountability if they are confronted. A passive aggressive person is as much of an overbearing controller as the most aggressive, in-your-face person you could imagine — only they do it insidiously and underhandedly. 

You Resort to Smoke and Mirrors
Because you lack the courage to get real about what is driving the pain and problems in your relationship, you criticize your partner about one thing when you’re really upset about another. What is real never gets voiced, and what gets voiced is never real. The real issues will eventually burst forth in a torrid way.

You Will Not Forgive
When you choose to bear anger at your partner, you trap yourself in pain and agony — and the negative energy can crowd every other feeling out of your heart. If you wallow in resentment and refuse to forgive and move on, you will tear up your own life and your relationship. You can’t change the past but you can deal with the resulting feelings and hurt by truly forgiving. 

You Are the Bottomless Pit
Are you so needy that you constantly undermine your chances of success? Can you never get enough satisfaction, love, attention or appreciation? Your partner will be frustrated by never seeming able to “fill you up.” We all want reassurance, but an insatiable appetite for it never gives your partner any rest. Free yourself from the internalized sense of inadequacy, and find other ways to feel your self-worth and value.

You’re Too Comfortable
If you’re in a comfort zone, you are failing to meet your responsibilities in the relationship. You aren’t contributing, you aren’t stimulating, and you aren’t energizing. If you don’t make a move, it becomes easier and easier to stagnate.

You’ve Given Up
When so many bad spirits crowd your life, you cannot imagine there being any way out. You become so forlorn, lonely, isolated, negative, cynical and far from your core of consciousness that you believe you are trapped. Be strong enough to confront your problems instead of giving up. 

Read more at the link below:

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Change Your Questions, Change Your Life!

Click HERE to download PDF of Choice Map


The individual with a STUDENT mindset do not jump to conclusions and do not blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. The STUDENT is fully aware that he or she has the option to travel down the well worn path of the JUDGE or detach from this mindset and remain open, relax and alert to opportunities. The STUDENT is eager to learn and to hear what other people have to say. The STUDENT never jumps to conclusions and ask questions like, “What do I really want?”, “What is the facts and what can I learn from this experience?”, “What is my choices and what will allow for a win – win conclusion?” The student experience feelings of hope, optimism, collaboration, flexibility and fun while the JUDGE in turn remains focused on the opposite side of the scale. Read the notes below on the JUDGE and you will notice the complete different approach between the two options that we have when faced with challenges. The STUDENT open an endless number of directions that he or she can move while the JUDGE in turn remains so rigid that he or she soon runs out of options. Print a map for your office and home. This is a powerful tool that will assist you daily.


FREE!! POWERFUL LIFE CHANGING PROGRAM – Take back your power today!

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The Difference between Religion and Spirituality

These differences are general and therefore not applicable to all the different organised religions. Some of these differences may not apply to your specific religion. Being religious does not mean that one cannot be spiritual or vice versa. It is also possible to be both religious and spiritual. Some people had no religious education, but they are spiritual in the sense that they live in awe of their Creator.




1. Externally imposed beliefs, values, dogma and doctrine as interpreted by the clergy, an ordained priest or rabbi.

1. An internal search for the Truth and no external, authoritative body or dogma.

2. Religion provides the answers to most of the fundamental questions. Most religions disapprove of and discourage their followers to think for themselves or to question the dogma.

2. There are no pre-formulated answers. It is essential that you explore different traditions, question and use your enquiring mind. You need to discern in order to determine the Truth.

3. One is to a certain degree dependent on one’s ordained priest who acts as an intermediary or gatekeeper to heaven.

3. One is capable of establishing a direct and personal relationship with the Creator.

4. Some organised religions are fear based as the followers are threatened with hell fire, brimstone and the wrath of God.

4. God is Love and Light and the emphasis is on an unconditional and a non-judgemental Higher Power.

5. There is a specific time and place of worship, such as a cathedral, synagogue mosque, church or temple.

5. There is no specific time or place of worship. You live in awe of God all the time. God is everywhere and now here.

6. Some organised religions tend to induce guilt and attempt to keep people dependent.

6. Spirituality empowers the individual, because God is loving and compassionate and wants one to feel worthy.

7. Some religions demand total obedience, poverty and celibacy if it is your vocation to serve God.

7. God can be served by anyone in any position (even if you enjoy affluence). God is unconditional.

8. Religion has divided people, created friction, conflict and war. Millions have been killed in the name of religion. Polarisation also occurs within the same religious order.

8. People from different cultures, races and religious denominations gather in peace and harmony in their devotion to the Divine. There is no division, discrimination or judgement.

9. Some religions support a patriarchal system and women are regarded as inferior. Women are banned from certain ceremonies, denied an education in certain Holy Scriptures and they may not be ordained as priests.

9. There is no discrimination with regard to gender. We are all equal and children of the Creator; the Creator has no preferences and regards all of us as His children. Nobody is denied access to any Holy Scripture.

10. Discrimination against members of a different faith or denomination. There are also religions that claim exclusivity, in other words their doctrine is the only path to salvation.

10. Unconditional positive regard for one’s fellow man, regardless of his creed. One’s neighbour is loved, honoured and respected, just as one loves and respects oneself.

11. Depending on the religion, one is limited to a specific Scripture, Text or Bible and there are religions that claim that their text is the only ‘Truth’.

11. All the Scriptures and the teachings of all the great Masters are available and perused without judgement. One uses the ability to discern to find one’s own Truth.

12. Many people, who claim that they are ‘religious’, do not practise what they preach.

12. Most truly spiritual people live a life of integrity, in congruence with their spiritual values and in total harmony with their fellow man.

13. Most religious traditions have a more narrow-minded approach and a tendency to be suspicious of information that does not fit in with their doctrine and beliefs.

13. An eclectic and far more open-minded approach, as well as a tendency to focus on Universal Laws and Truths.

14. Some religious orders tend to discriminate against, reject, victimise or condemn other races, prostitutes, illegitimate children and/or homosexuals.

14. Unconditional acceptance and a non-judgemental attitude towards other races, minority groups or those victimised by society.

By Susan Minnaar

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Posted by on October 29, 2013 in WISDOM


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You cannot experience true happiness by pampering your historical grievances.





GRIEVANCES OFTEN SEEM JUSTIFIED AT THE TIME: No grievance, however justified, is worth the pain, hate and fear you must carry with it. Grievances cost too much. They are not worth the mental pain that you put yourself through.

Most people want to inflict at least the same level of pain and discomfort on the person that caused them pain, loss and discomfort. It is “normal” to feel that you want to hit back, inflict pain and cause damage when you have been mentally or physically injured.

The bigger the pain or embarrassment that you endured the higher the flames that fuel your desire to “even the score”. This desire to even the score can become a raw obsession and motivate you to act in a very irresponsible and childish manner. The longer you focus on and ferment “feelings of pain or disappointment” the worse the damage you cause to your own piece of mind and ability to remain in the now.

A woman of sixty-five years old once came to see me because she felt that life lost all it’s meaning for her. After a relative short chat I discovered that she was still embittered by an event that happened to her when she was twenty-one years old. A man that she loved dearly broke their engagement less than a day before their wedding ceremony and within a month married her best friend. This event made her bitter and caused her to harbour a grievance against this man and men in general for the rest of her life. She never married and found it impossible to let go of her grievance. She suffered anxiety attacks and for the best part of her life experienced deep and dark periods of depression.

It is obvious that this unfortunate woman stop living, dreaming and enjoying life at the age of twenty-one. This is a good example how people allow an event or defeat to bind them to that specific moment in time. They become like individuals that got off the train of life and now just sit on the bench at that station beating themselves up.

You know that I promote living in the “now” and should learn from this example that this woman’s “now” is far removed from where she mentally got stuck on her timeline.

A grievance is when your ego hijacks your mind, takes you to hell, demands a ransom and leaves you there anyway. You end up getting kidnapped by your own ego, sitting in hell hoping the “bitch” or “bastard” who was the cause of your grievance ends up in hell too.


EVERY GRIEVANCE IS AN ATTACK ON YOURSELF: When you carry a grievance it is like carrying a grenade that blows up every few seconds in your mind. As long as you carry a grievance you become a casualty in your own war.

People will usually rather die than give up their grievances. They allow their grievances to eat them alive and dissolve their self-image and self-esteem. They allow themselves to get sidetracked and can spend a lifetime miles away from the “happiness highway” of life.

I have read about many cases where the aggrieved party allowed his obsession to turn him or her into a robot like revenge seeking entity. When such person is sentenced for murder or attempted murder he or she often remains in his or her hypnotic sleep. In their contaminated mind they feel that they “evened the score”. It is vitally important to learn that nothing in life is worth such acts of violence.

The key is to put your grievances down and to walk away from such painful events. You are not a weakling for not taking revenge; you are displaying willpower and powerful self-management. You are not doing it out of fear for the person that harmed you; you are doing it for your own piece of mind. It is obvious that there is only one time that you can live in and that is the “now” the CURRENT moment. You also know that the carrying grievances will bind you to the past. You want to live your life in the moment and cannot allow anything to bind you to yesterday and last year. All the pain and discontent that you suffered in your lifetime came from living in the past or the future.


HOLDING ON TO ANY GRIEVANCE IS REALLY A DECISION TO SUFFER: Grievances poisons your mind and chains you to the useless past. It leaves you bitter and twisted. Everyday of your life you choose between grievances and freedom. You must make up your mind if you want “pain” or “joy” or the “old” or the “new”.

When you choose to go for freedom then learning of the art of letting go becomes vital. When you have mastered the art of letting go and you begin to live predominantly in the now your life takes on a brand new meaning. I know it will not be easy to let go of the past, but if you really want to grow and get rid of your stress and tension you must disengage from yesterday.

If someone caused you pain or let you down it takes real courage to turn around and walk away, not just physically, but mentally as well. I am not condoning what people have done to you in the past and it will be stupid to ask you to immediately unconditionally forgive such a person, but if you can do it you will feel the power that will surge through your body and mind.

What I am getting at is that you must leave the event, pain, failure, and loss behind you and get on with the current moment. If you fail to do this you become stuck in that painful moment until you are strong enough to let go and move forward. You cannot experience true happiness by pampering your historical grievances.


Make a list of the grievances that you have been dragging with you and then let them go unconditionally. Visualise the grievances as a heap of garbage. Now see in your mind’s eye how you walk away to a better and brighter future without looking back over your shoulder. Remember yesterday is dead and gone, long live the current moment!



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Posted by on October 29, 2013 in WISDOM


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This is the only way you can guarantee your success, wealth and happiness…

How to Create Exactly What You Want


Take a trip to any jail or prison and you will meet hundreds of people who will tell you they are the “victims” of their circumstances.


Travel through any big city ghetto and you’ll hear the same thing.


Visit any affluent, high-class neighborhood, talk to the people there and you’ll discover the same thing.


Visit a middle-class neighborhood in New York, Toronto, London or Sydney and you will meet people who believe they are the result of their circumstances, good or bad.


They will talk about the opportunities they were given, or the chances they were denied. They may be grateful for the education they were exposed to, or complain they were denied the education they deserve.


One person will tell you about her wonderful childhood and upbringing was, while another will complain that she came from a “dysfunctional” family.


There is no denying that income, status, education, upbringing, neighborhood, family and many other situations will influence, effect and even determine the outcome of our lives.


But who creates the circumstances?


Your parents? Your environment? God? Destiny? Lost in all this analysis and the assumption of almost every unconscious person I have ever met is this one very important reality.


The effect of our thoughts ABOUT our circumstances.


We cannot change what happened to us, but we can change our PERCEPTION about what happened to us. This is the key to changing our present circumstances and our future.


Our minds are like a garden. We can intelligently cultivate our garden, or we can allow it to run wild. If you diligently attend to your garden, it will produce the things you cultivate.


If you don’t plant specific seeds, then the animals, wind and other elements will cause RANDOM things to grow which will likely to choke out the things you want to cultivate from your garden.




Just as a gardener must tend his or her garden, keeping out the weeds, you must tend the garden of your mind, weeding out the thoughts of lack, limitation and negativity.


If you practice gardening of this kind, you will soon discover that you are the gardener of your soul. You will come to the profound revelation that you are not the victim of your circumstances–but the creator of them.


The reason is simple: Whatever you give your attention to and focus on shapes your character, creates your circumstances, and determines your ultimate destiny.

Please read that again


What you experience in your life is directly connected to your inner state of mind. The most important thing you can learn about success, prosperity and happiness is that cause (thought) and effect (results or experiences) are one.


But face this important fact – You don’t simply end up in jail or the hospital, bankrupt, or alone no more than you simply wake up rich, successful, happy, and healthy. All these CIRCUMSTANCES are the RESULT of thousands of little decisions, which are reached as a result of the thoughts you give your attention to.


Now, if you are like most people, this is the part where you start to mentally make excuses and argue with me.


Perhaps you believe that what I just said is true for other people, but you are quite certain that you have been the victim of extenuating circumstances beyond your control.

I know. I know. YOUR situation is different.


So just how does that work?

Let’s talk about how all this applies to you.


First, you must accept that on one level or another, you have manifested everything that is happening in your life. Even the horrific, nasty stuff.

I agree that you don’t do it consciously. But you do it.

Now here’s the thing . . .


You are surrounded by a data-sphere of information that promotes negativity, fear, anxiety, limitation, and lack. It pummels your senses from all directions. It comes from your TV, radio, the Internet, your friends, family, church and the people you work with.

Most people are so saturated by negative programming that they can’t even conceive a life of anything but struggle and complaint.


What you read, what you listen to, and the people you talk with have a huge effect on the person you are and the thoughts you have. It not only comes from the media and other individuals but from the government.


The doom, gloom and negativity that is perpetuated by the government is designed to appeal to the programmed fear of the masses in order to get re-elected. We elect and re-elect these people to *save and protect us* from the pending doom and gloom.


If that wasn’t enough, consider that the microcosm of our mass culture can be found in entertainment and even sports personalities. Most of these people are insecure, self-centered and only interested in their own 15 minutes of fame.


However, they are not the problem. We are, because we are willing to spend countless hours and pay billions of dollars to watch them, mimic their lifestyles and even their manner of dress.


You must recognize that this data-sphere is continually programming you 24/7, and that almost 95% of it is fear, lack and limitation programming.


So what do you do?

If you want to reach the highest levels of success, you have to zealously guard the input you allow to come into your life. You must control your own programming, and reject the poisonous stuff most people are trying to feed you.


In order to focus on success, it is imperative that you spend more time on your own personal growth. Each morning and each evening before you go to bed, spend time on focusing on something positive.


Remember: You are the foundation from which all your dreams are made reality. This is the only way you can guarantee your success, wealth and happiness…

By Robert Anthony, Ph.D – Reproduced with the permission of Mind Power News

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Posted by on October 29, 2013 in WISDOM


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Many new travellers on the spiritual path become despondent when they slip up and revert back to their old and unacceptable reaction patterns.

 You will not jump into your vehicle and drive off with no destination in mind. Individuals that start pursuing the spiritual path often think that they will magically cross the bridge from the false external self to the perfect internal self in the blink of an eye the moment they wake up to the fact that they are and has always been the perfect self. This is a fallacy my friends. You have been acting and responding to the people and events in your life in a habitual way for as long as your dare to remember. You “spontaneously” reacted and responded to triggers from people and events without giving it much thought. Your whole life became a stimulus and response series of activities. It will thus be foolish to think that you will overnight overcome this entrenched mode of operation. Many new travellers on the spiritual path become despondent when they slip up and revert back to their old and unacceptable reaction patterns. These inherent tendencies are remnants of the ego driven external self that were conditioned to feel guilty and minimized when they fall short of their expectations (sinned). This is the gap that many religions exploited over the years. You were first conditioned to try and live a spiritual life via your false external self with little or no success.

You need a new mode of operation now that you know that you are not this impostor or false self. The first thing you need to do is to take a careful look at the characteristics that you will attempt to master. It is beneficial to identify these principles if you want to speed up the process and in time spend more and more time working from your perfect internal self. You get out of life what you put into it. You need to start sowing new seeds if you want to reap a rich spiritual and prosperous crop. You are going to strive to present a loving, caring, compassionate, understanding, productive, non-judgemental and persistent image under all conditions. You are not going to only allow these attributes to surface when it suits you or when people do or act as your ego based false self expected. You are going to display these attributes in the face of adversity, when people let you down, when you fail and even when someone you love deceived you.

It might seem like a tall order, but it is achievable because you are working from a new vantage point. Individuals on the spiritual path act in this manner not because they are afraid that they might be judged, condemned or minimized. They do what need to be done because they have had enough of the unstable and unrewarding life they led while they followed the instructions of the false outer self. They know that each adversity that they overcome and each trigger that they refrain from acting on will speed up their vibration ratio and assist them to evolve and grow.

I want to repeat that it might be testing initially, but you will if you continue to work on your goal of living the attributes depicted above soon find that you spend more and more time in the spiritual real self zone. Do not be discouraged when you periodically fall short of your goals. You are a student at earth school. No student gets an A+ every time he writes an examination. Learn from your mistakes and get back into the spiritual mode as soon as possible. There is no need to grovel or feel like a loser. You can never be a looser my friend. You are here to learn and to evolve.

The key and most important tool if you want to make fast and effective progress is the art of detachment. You need to master this art as soon as possible. You need to learn to detach when anyone that is working from his ego based outer self say or do something that is unacceptable to you. You historically duplicated such a person’s low frequency actions and reactions. You will not simply mentally detach when enticed by the ego outer self of anyone, but respond in an appropriate manner. Detachment also provides you with enough time to compose yourself if you for some reason allowed this person to trigger a negative and destructive reaction that your ego outer self historically used under such circumstances. Detach and let go my friend. Become like water. Become soft and flexible and most of all grasp that you are faced by this person’s ego outer self and not his inner self that are still asleep. You will soon discover that events and individuals that historically brought the worst out in you find it impossible to get you to respond in kind. You will experience compassion where you historically experience anger and rage. You will experience love and find it easy to forgive where you historically walked around with grudges and a bitter heart.

Things in your life will change for the better in all areas of your life. You will begin to notice things in people that you never noticed before. You will see that the anger and vindictiveness of a person has its foundation in a cesspool of fear. You will observe nature in a new light and begin to feel and experience the essence of God that is embedded in everything. You will gradually alter your view of God as some kind of super human with human characteristics. The thought that God is a vengeful, angry and judgemental entity that judge, condemn and punish people will be replaced with a new understanding of this force that permeates everything. It will astound you how the God perceptions of primitive man made its way through the ages until today. Your most important discover is will be that God is not up there somewhere billions of light years away while you, an invisible spec on planet earth are watched like a hawk to see if you manage your life in a manner that will earn you an entry pass into a place called heaven when you die.

Your discovery that you are already like everything else part of the collective quantum sea that everything else is made of will change your perception of God forever. The idea that you are already immortal (perfect inner self) will fill you with feelings of love and wisdom. You are not in a race against time to find the right church and doctrine notwithstanding the endless interference of your own and other’s ego driven false selves and all the other survival requirements that you are faced with daily. You no longer search for God because you suddenly grasp that you are already one with this God force. You see your current body as a vehicle that you are using while at earth school and not an entity with a history that might get you into warm water or even worse when you die. It will excite you when you grasp that you like everything else within this force are continually evolving and growing. It will bring tears to your eyes when you grasp that this planet is also alive and an integral part of this force that fills the uncountable number of universes. You and mother earth is one. You can possibly now see that every tree, rock, blade of grass and living entity anywhere in the cosmos is one. Can you notice how this truth sets you free?

I am sure you can see that the benefits of this new lifestyle are endless. You will face each day with joy in your heart. You will look forward to the opportunities that each day will provide you to practice your newly found mode of operation. You will have ample opportunities at home or at work to practice detachment and wisdom. There will always be individuals that will test you to see if you are making progress. See individuals and events that historically upset or worried you as opportunities to apply your newly found life style. You will be amazed in a relative short period of time what progress you made and how much more peace of mind and happiness fill your days here at earth school.




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Book Review – How to Get Ideas From Your Imaginary Friends.


Sometimes we’re at our most creative when interacting with others. We sit talking to friends and each feeds off the other’s ideas. Plus, a discussion can really clarify things.

But what about when you’re alone, or don’t want to share your ideas yet? How can you stimulate creativity and find elegant solutions to problems?

Try Talking to Albert Einstein. Talk to Andrew Carnegie or Lee Iacocca if your problem has to do with making a factory more productive. Questions about love can be addressed to the Dalai Lama. The idea is to have conversations in your head with anyone who can help. Why do this?

Imagination Needs Form To Function

You already have a powerful imagination, whether you know it or not. What you may not have, is enough powerful ways to use it. That’s what you get with a conversation in your head – access to the creative power of your mind – a way to use your imagination.

Start by imagining someone you respect and know something about. This is so you can easily imagine what they might say. It can even be a fictional character. Explain your problem to this person, and listen to what they have to say.

You’ll be surprised how often an imaginary Einstein comes up with an interesting idea, or a question that produces something useful. Just ask anything you want. If that is too difficult, just imagine two other people having a conversation about the problem you want to solve.

All the ideas they come up with are yours, of course, but you’ll notice right away that what one imaginary person says will be very different from what another says. That’s the whole point – these other voices are other ways for your imagination to produce good ideas.

What Would Jesus Do?

Have you ever seen those “WWJD” pins and stickers? The WWJD stands for “What Would Jesus Do?” Some young people wear these pins as a source of guidance.

Whether or not you are a Christian, you can see how, in times of confusion, this simple question can immediately clarify things and allow a right decision. The information necessary may be there in a young man’s head, yet there is confusion. Then, he imagines what Jesus would do or say and he quickly “sees” the answer.

Just Try It!
Start talking with your imaginary friends (in your head please). You can use this technique for help with personal, business, moral and any other problems. It’s a powerful way to draw on the power of your unconscious mind, and it will work if you give it a chance.

Book of SecretsThis articles is an excerpt from Secrets of Lucky People by Steve Gillman. Learn how to create your own luck with dozens of simple exercises which will make you the luckiest person you know.

Steve Gillman is also the author of A Book of SecretsRead Minds, Save Money, Boost Brainpower, Get Lucky, Find Treasure, Subliminally Persuade People, Buy Real Estate 

By Steve Gillman,
Excerpt from 
Secrets of Lucky People

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Posted by on October 28, 2013 in WISDOM


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There is nothing wrong with mistakes. We learn and gain experience when we make mistakes. This is how knowledge turn into wisdom.

Some of us one day wake up to the fact that we might have been travelling in the wrong direction away from our desired destiny. The solution would be to turn your vehicle of life around and readjust your course, but that is often easier set than done. They have a saying in sport when a player loose form or fail to play at his/her full potential. The trainer often tells the player to return to basics for a while. We are sometimes so busy making a living, fighting the good fight to be a good provider or mother that we go on auto pilot and speed along on the highway of life without noticing that we are travelling in the wrong direction. We sometimes only wake up to mistakes when we are many miles away from our desired course.


The biggest mistake we can make when we discover that we are speeding along in the wrong direction is to implode or start telling ourselves that we are some kind of idiot. There is nothing wrong with you now and there was never anything wrong with you in the past. We all make countless mistakes while we play the game of life. There is nothing wrong with mistakes. We learn and gain experience when we make mistakes. This is how knowledge turn into wisdom. The bigger the mistake the higher its educational value. You could slow down, park your vehicle of life and cry over the time, money and opportunities you have lost while you travelled in the wrong direction or you can learn from your mistake, point your vehicle of life’s nose in the right direction and push hard on the petrol pedal of your vehicle. You will soon feel the wind in your hair while you gather speed toward your destiny.


We need to see mistakes that we make as stepping stones. We must see them as valuable tools that teach us wonderful lessons. We usually recover faster when we learn from our mistakes and get back in the game of life quickly. We should not see our detours as disasters where we lost valuable time. We should see these detours as opportunities to uncover the stuff that is not working to our advantage. We might feel depleted and defeated after one of our setbacks or mistakes, but also soon discover that new fresh energy and enthusiasm soon fill the void left by our negative and destructive thought patterns.


The universe did not send you to earth dimension to fail. It sent you on your current mission to learn and to grow. The universe (God) is always watching your progress and rejoice when you learn from a mistake and start moving towards your destiny again. The universe do not always intervene when you make mistakes because you have free will and came to learn and to grow. The universe will never allow you to face obstacles that you are not equipped to overcome.


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Once we formed a perception about somebody, we treat this person according to our preconceived norm for the rest of his life.


Prejudice is the main reason why the world is in the state it is today. We go around with our ego driven prejudices and view everything that falls outside our prefabricated mental borders with dismay. Most of us have this obsession to be right in everything we do or say. We fail to grasp the most basic principle of unconditional loveWe kill others mentally each and everyday. Once we formed a perception about somebody, we treat this person according to our preconceived norm for the rest of his life.


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Posted by on October 28, 2013 in WISDOM


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We all have a decoding system in our brains that either enhance our effectiveness or diminish our ability to think in a rational and objective manner.



Why do certain people turn out success after success while others display the uncanny ability to make things of beauty or great potential turn into shit almost all the time? Why do certain people remain calm, relaxed and composed under difficult conditions while others seem to change into bumbling anxious idiots when the first sign of potential pain or problems are detected?

I think that your frame of mind and “belief system” plays a very important role in everything you do. We all have a decoding system in our brains that either enhance our effectiveness or diminish our ability to think in a rational and objective manner.

Let me explain how I perceive how this process works. When we are faced with any decision, we “run” the information or data collected through our “pain” and “pleasure” processor in our brains. If we perceive that we might experience pain or loss, we usually take evasive action. We then mentally and physically move away as far as possible from the person, situation, or circumstances that might cause us the anticipated pain.

When we sense that we might find ourselves in somewhat risky waters our pain centre starts playing us videos of previous situations where we experienced pain under similar or almost the same type of circumstances. These video packages also generate the feelings that we experienced in our previous failures. We cannot think in a positive and constructive manner while we are mentally confused, in pain or physically go around projecting an image of a fully-fledged victim. The main reason why people lose their composure or respond in a negative and destructive manner is because they fear potential pain or a negative outcome.


Your belief system is made up out of these “feeling” packages that are stored in your computer. While you run your life and make decisions using your “auto-pilot” in your pain – pleasure processor you remain at the mercy of your history. If you are sensitised on pain avoidance you will continually and automatically allow anxiety or past pain to taint new experiences or decisions that you are faced with.

I am sure that you have met many “pain avoiders” in your life. They spend the best part of their lives running away physically or mentally from potential pain. Champions on the other hand do not allow historical pain videos to influence their current choices that they need to make. They know that victory will only come to the bold and the objective.

Champions also feel fear, but they then replace the fear feeling with objectiveness and courage. They take out the fear videos that are playing in their mind and replace them with success-projected outcomes. Champions finally learned that what you see mentally always become a reality in your life.




Take thirty minutes and first play one of your horror movies and see if you can make the outcome as bad as possible. Feel the pain, anxiety, doubt, and fear. Do not spare your feelings. Go for it in a big way. Before you play a positive outcome movie first ask yourself, “Is this what I want?” If you are not happy with what you see in your mind’s eye or feel mentally then slip a positive movie into your mental projector. Project yourself into a successful outcome. See and feel success and victory. Feel good feelings pumping through your body and mind. Remember what you see is what you get. The final choice is now in your hands my friend. Continue to play horror movies founded on historical BS or create a brand new successful future for yourself!


Picture –

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