Tag Archives: detachment

Detachment is a powerful self-defence tool.


Power Tool: Recall this image and win! Detachment is a powerful self-defence tool. You must allow the poisonous comments, remarks, criticism and condemnation of others to flow past you like water rolls off a ducks back. If you experience pain or hurt after you tried to “detach” it indicates that you are still absorbing the criticism etc. with your mind and failed to apply real “non-action” and “detachment”. You must pull the plug on the source of discomfort. Nobody said anything until you respond to what was said. Nothing happened until you react to such event. Apply the law of detachment for one day and you will begin to understand that you have control over the impact of painful events in your life. Do not say or do the first thing that comes to mind. Let negative and destructive comments, reaction. choices and events slide off you. Do not absorb what was said or done by anyone. The worst choices we make can be traced to “spontaneous” contemplated reaction. Remember your ego is always ready to jump out of its box when triggered. You are not a coward when you call time out on your reactions. No problem or dispute was ever resolved in the heat of battle.    



rainduck-small.jpg image by drcolossus



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Posted by on September 1, 2014 in WISDOM


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Detachment is a powerful self-defence tool.


Power Tool: Recall this image and win! Detachment is a powerful self-defence tool. You must allow the poisonous comments, remarks, criticism and condemnation of others to flow past you like water rolls off a ducks back. If you experience pain or hurt after you tried to “detach” it indicates that you are still absorbing the criticism etc. with your mind and failed to apply real “non-action” and “detachment”. You must pull the plug on the source of discomfort. Nobody said anything until you respond to what was said. Nothing happened until you react to such event. Apply the law of detachment for one day and you will begin to understand that you have control over the impact of painful events in your life. Do not say or do the first thing that comes to mind. Let negative and destructive comments, reaction. choices and events slide off you. Do not absorb what was said or done by anyone. The worst choices we make can be traced to “spontaneous” contemplated reaction. Remember your ego is always ready to jump out of its box when triggered. You are not a coward when you call time out on your reactions. No problem or dispute was ever resolved in the heat of battle.    



rainduck-small.jpg image by drcolossus

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Posted by on August 5, 2014 in WISDOM


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Detachment is a powerful key when used for self-defence.


Recall this image and win! Detachment is a powerful key when used for self-defence. You must allow the poisonous comments, remarks, criticism and condemnation of others to flow past you like water rolls off a duck’s back. If you experience pain or hurt after you tried to “detach” it indicates that you are still absorbing the criticism etc. with your mind and failed to apply real “not-action” and “detachment”.



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Posted by on May 14, 2014 in WISDOM


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Detachment is a powerful key when used for self-defence.


rainduck-small.jpg image by drcolossus

Power Tool: Recall this image and win! Detachment is a powerful key when used for self-defence. You must allow the poisonous comments, remarks, criticism and condemnation of others to flow past you like water rolls off a ducks back. If you experience pain or hurt after you tried to “detach” it indicates that you are still absorbing the criticism etc. with your mind and failed to apply real “non-action” and “detachment”.


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Posted by on April 29, 2014 in WISDOM


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Those that cause you worry and pain are your teachers.


rainduck-small.jpg image by drcolossus


Power Tool

Detachment is a powerful key when used for self-defence. You must allow the poisonous comments, remarks, criticism and condemnation of others flow past you like water that rolls off a duck’s back. If you experience pain or hurt after you tried to “detach” it indicates that you are still absorbing the criticism etc. with your mind and failed to apply real “non-action” and “detachment”. You are the power source of the events that cause you discomfort. You must stop living your life on a reactive basis. Stop feeding the flames of a desire. Accept what is and look for the lesson that your teacher brought to you today. Those that cause you worry and pain are your teachers. 


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Posted by on January 25, 2014 in WISDOM


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Detachment is a powerful key when used for self-defence.

Detachment is a powerful key when used for self-defence. You must allow the poisonous comments, remarks, criticism and condemnation of others to flow past you like water rolls off a ducks back. If you experience pain or hurt after you tried to “detach” it indicates that you are still absorbing the criticism etc. with your mind and failed to apply real “non-action” and “detachment”.

rainduck-small.jpg image by drcolossus

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Posted by on November 23, 2013 in WISDOM


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“Non-action” and “Detachment” – Detachment is a powerful key to happiness/success.

Detachment is a powerful key when used for self-defence. You must allow the poisonous comments, remarks, criticism and condemnation of others to flow past you like water rolls off a ducks back. If you experience pain or hurt after you tried to “detach” it indicates that you are still absorbing the criticism etc. with your mind and failed to apply real “non-action” and “detachment”.

rainduck-small.jpg image by drcolossus

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Posted by on November 16, 2013 in WISDOM


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Open and caring people attract while RESISTANT and introverted individuals repel.

Let us stop searching for answers and implement a few of the principles we already understand and know. Let us stop looking for new rules, laws and words of wisdom and start using the ones we already know, but never apply!

I cannot help smiling when when I notice the reaction of individuals that express their fear that they are worried that they might become lonely when they get into a RESISTANCE free way of life. It is amazing how quickly people forget the isolated lives they lived in the past. Most individuals live their restrictive lives from the security of their comfort zones. They lived choreographed lives in the safety of their clusters (family, friends etc.) Everything in these clusters are fairly predictable and most of their friends etc. act within the confines of the roles that they selected for them. I can assure you that you will make more friends and experience more joy once you start interacting with others from a non-judgemental platform. People will open up and share with you when they realise that you expect absolutely nothing from them. You will discover that some people will enjoy the FREEDOM that you allow them so much that they might mention that they feel as if they have known you for many years. A person that allow you to be just who you are brings out the best in you. You can say what you feel and express your fears and doubts without bracing yourself for a lecture or possible rejection. A RESISTANCE free person will never leave you with the impression that you must toe the line if you want to sustain your relationship with them. Another thing often expressed by those that want to live a RESISTANCE free life is that they are worried that they might make a mistake or fail in their mission in life if they apply the principles mentioned in this series. The reason why this mode of thinking crop up is because individuals got used to the idea (old lifestyle) that they must first “qualify” or pass some tests before they can begin to apply what they learned. The RESISTANCE free method encourages students to start practising DETACHMENT as soon as possible. You can for example start with something small like DETACHING from your old standard reactions when you notice something that historically upset you. Say you always got uptight and RESISTED the traffic on your way to work. Why not practice your DETACHMENT skill while you make your way to the office. There is a saying that professional athletes always have some niggles and pain when they participate. The same goes for students that decide to follow the RESISTANCE free path. There will be moments or events where you fail to detach and allow yourself to slip back into the RESISTANCE mode. That is no problem at all. How will you learn if you never made a mistake? Simply revert back to DETACHMENT mode when you become aware that you are RESISTING or attempting to CONTROL. Another place that is excellent to practice your DETACHMENT skills is with your partner or family. It will be a pleasant surprise when your family notice that you no longer foam at the mouth or blow your fuse when they made a mistake. (Smile just an example – detach now and read on) Are you aware that most partners have less than five minutes of quality conversations with each other per day? The reason for this astounding fact is that most couples are so busy doing their own thing or involved solving disputes and problems that they end up living ISOLATED and lonely lives. They might live under the same roof, but often remind you of individuals that live in a boarding house. Open and caring people attract while RESISTANT and introverted individuals repel. Your new life style of an open and DETACHED way of interaction will draw individuals to you. They can feel your higher vibration and unconditional love. Strangers in a crowd will seek you out because of your wonderful composed and warm vibration. People that still live in a RESTRICTIVE mode vibrate at a much slower rate and tend to draw problems and negative circumstances into their lives. You are like a magnet and attract things, people, opportunities and problems that match your vibration. You cannot expect a person with a slow and sluggish vibration to attract success, happiness and love into his/her life. What you focus on grows and expands. When you focus on a RESTRICTION free lifestyle you enhance you health and the quality of the experiences many times. Most of us remain in combat mode for the best part of our lives. We are not really alive until we reach a stage where we surrender our ego based false self that ran the show to date. The ego is nothing more than a cluster of memories in your head that took on a life of its own. You have been domesticated like a puppy in your formative years to view your body and your history as who you are. What very few students understand is that their ego based projection is an illusion. It achieved some success because it operated in the matrix of life where everything is an illusion and the creation of the collective consciousness of mankind. Your real self only emerge when you begin to let go of the RESTRICTIVE ego self. This is a gradual process. The real self immediately begin to impact on your experiences in the same proportion that your ego based self vacate the position it held previously.


I suggest that you today spend some time (ten minutes) is enough to visualise how your perfect self slowly take up the space left behind by your ego based self. Feel how warm and kind loving vibrations slowly enter your body. Become still and do this without attempting to force the process. The less you try to master the process (RESISTANCE) the easier it will be for you to experience the love that permeates everything and everyone. I will continue this series tomorrow.


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Posted by on October 24, 2013 in WISDOM


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We must master the art of DETACHMENT from the endless DISTRACTIONS that we allow ourselves to get involved in.

I mentioned in previous posts in this series that you are flooded by an endless range of distractions daily. You are also snowed under by mountains of information. We are exposed to more information in one week than our grandparents were exposed to in their entire lifetime. The distractions via magazines, newspapers, advertisements, financial pressures and work obligations rain down relentlessly on all of us. We are so busy trying to survive and cope with the onslaughts that we became totally disconnected from our original objective when we arrived in this dimension. Our main objective was to wake up to the fact that we are one with the God force. Please note we were never disconnected from this force. We were conned into believing that God got pissed off with our original parents because they allowed a snake that mastered the art of ventriloquism to con them into eating some kind of forbidden fruit. I know it sound absurd, but this myth forms the centre pillar in most religious movements. We must master the art of DETACHMENT from the endless DISTRACTIONS that we allow ourselves to get involved in. A good example is the endless flow of news, national and international that we are exposed to daily. Most if not all of the news that we absorb and react to daily is nothing more than distractions. How does the breaking news that some or other celebrity developed a pimple on her nose become important to you? Sit for a moment the next time you watch the news and see what percentage of the nonsense dished up will impact or change anything in your life. Every morsel of news attempts to push your buttons so you will in a sheep like manner come back for more of their sensation drenched material that they dish up daily. Who cares how many goals a team that you never heard of scored in last night’s game? How can you play any role in preventing Europe to go bankrupt? What can you do about the ship that is busy sinking off the coast of Africa with thousands of people on board? My friend it might be a tragedy, but you can make no contribution to or change most of the stuff you see on the news or listen to on the radio. Shops have wall to wall shelves with an endless range of magazines that focus on and incessant variety of stuff. How will the soppy story of a well known singing idol that almost got robbed put food on your table? You might be a walking encyclopaedia with a massive memory base on an endless range of subjects, but how will your knowledge about setting traps in the Amazon enhance the quality of your life? The key to our awakening is to discover the endless list of things that we react to daily. Our emotions jump up and down and our mood swing like crazy because of our habitual reaction patterns. We have become like sponges that suck in any old shit that hit our senses. Someone told a mutual friend that she is sure that you are an idiot. Your friend shares this piece of worthless information with you. You feel betrayed and in turn share some gossip about the perpetrator that will make him or her look like a gutter rat. Can you see how much time we spend on absolutely worthless activities? We RESIST and fight our fingers to the bone. We act as if we are some kind of system that can be remote controlled. The people out there, the news, magazines etc. push our buttons and we faithfully respond as expected. How about DETACHING and refraining from feeling, thinking or acting for a while? OBSERVE the incoming data and then let it go. Stop the stupid habit of enrolling as a punch bag that absorb all the punishment that all the sources mentioned above dish out to you.

You are not a hero or martyr when you stand there and let the pot-shots of life bounce off your head. How about a rare moment of NON-ACTION for a change? When you are faced with something that you can do absolutely nothing about, just let it go. Become water and let it flow over and around you. You will not stop a charging bull with your body. Why then attempt to stop all the onslaughts with your emotions? Let whatever was said or what happened slide by and cause no damage. Do the same with your thoughts. Stop thinking up all the fears and anxieties you can dream up about the future for a while. Learn to say, “Fuck the past” and stop reshuffling your historical failures. Detach from your past and know that every moment is a new moment that provides you an opportunity to make a fresh start.

Become still for a moment and think how wonderful it will be if you rid yourself of the desire to judge, control, influence and act and react on the many distractions that come your way daily. Try for a single day to be just you and nothing else. Try not to play the role of a father, mother, child, shopper, manager etc. Just let go of any emotions that stir in you when you are confronted with the usual avalanche of activities (newspapers, magazines, TV etc. Become water and let everybody be who they decide to be at any given moment. Let the ownership of their emotions like anger, criticism, judgement etc. remain in their possession. Do not respond (internally or externally), just relax and go with the flow. You have no obligation to suck in the pollution produce by people. Smile – detach and wish them well.



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Posted by on March 21, 2013 in WISDOM


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Power Tool: Recall this image and win!



Recall this image and win! Detachment is a powerful key when used for self-defence. You must allow the poisonous comments, remarks, criticism and condemnation of others to flow past you like water rolls off a ducks back. If you experience pain or hurt after you tried to “detach” it indicates that you are still absorbing the criticism etc. with your mind and failed to apply real “non-action” and “detachment”.


rainduck-small.jpg image by drcolossus

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Posted by on March 12, 2013 in WISDOM


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Not feeling too well right now? – You possibly failed to apply real “non-action” and “detachment”.


rainduck-small.jpg image by drcolossus

Power Tool

Recall this image and win! Detachment is a powerful key when used for self-defence. You must allow the poisonous comments, remarks, criticism and condemnation of others to flow past you like water rolls off a ducks back. If you experience pain or hurt after you tried to “detach” it indicates that you are still absorbing the criticism etc. with your mind and failed to apply real “non-action” and “detachment”.


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Posted by on February 6, 2013 in WISDOM


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Detachment is a powerful key when used for self-defence.

rainduck-small.jpg image by drcolossus

Power Tool: Recall this image and win! Detachment is a powerful key when used for self-defence. You must allow the poisonous comments, remarks, criticism and condemnation of others to flow past you like water rolls off a ducks back. If you experience pain or hurt after you tried to “detach” it indicates that you are still absorbing the criticism etc. with your mind and failed to apply real “non-action” and “detachment”.


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Posted by on December 28, 2012 in WISDOM


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Power Tool: Recall this image and win! Detachment is a powerful key when used for self-defense. You must allow the poisonous comments, remarks, criticism and condemnation of others to flow past you like water rolls off a ducks back. If you experience pain or hurt after you tried to “detach” it indicates that you are still absorbing the criticism etc. with your mind and failed to apply real “non-action” and “detachment”.


rainduck-small.jpg image by drcolossus







The doctor on his morning walk, noticed an older lady sitting on her front step smoking a cigar, so he walked up to her and said, “I couldn’t help but notice how happy you look! What is your secret?”


“I smoke ten cigars a day,” she said. “Before I go to bed, I smoke a nice big joint. Apart from that, I drink a whole bottle of Jack Daniels every week, and eat only junk food. On weekends, I pop pills, get laid, and don’t exercise at all.”

“That is absolutely amazing! How old are you?”

“Thirty-four,” she replied.


Thank you Anton for this Smile for a While!

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Posted by on March 27, 2012 in WISDOM


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