Tag Archives: waiting

Cowards are afraid to act because they fear failure.

To accomplish (1) great things we must not only act (2), but also dream (3), not only plan (4), but also believe (5).

Anatole France


The word accomplish is not always fully understood by people. The word (1) accomplish signifies to finish, complete or bring something to an end. You cannot claim that you accomplished your goal or objective if you do not bring something to a successful conclusion. Most people are excellent at starting things, but the real winners in life understand that without completion there is no reason to celebrate.

You might plant your seeds in the garden of life, but if you fail to follow through you will not reap the fruit of your labour. Everything that is worthwhile accomplishing starts with a dream (3). Most of the wonderful inventions you see around you today started with an idea in the head of someone. When the idea is transformed into a dream it is given the opportunity to materialize. Most people allow their ideas and dreams to die unceremoniously in their heads.

Most of the most brilliant inventions never got past the dream stage because their owners never acted (2) on their inspirations. The best books were never written because the potential authors could not summon up enough courage to write the first page. If you want to make your dreams a reality you need to think up a plan (4) to take it past the dream stage.

Only a few people get past their own negative self-talk. Most people do not have the courage and fortitude to take something through to a successful conclusion. Friends and family are excellent flaw finders, but usually do not have any plans of their own. Most of them resigned themselves to what they call their “fate” in life and know that they will remain just a face in the crowd of faceless mediocre people.

When you listen to the fainthearted you will become one of their clan. You will see danger and failure in every shadow. It takes courage and lots of faith in your ideas, dreams and plans if you want to take them through to a successful conclusion. You must believe (5) if you want to achieve. You must not allow negative thinkers to shoot down your plans and goals.


They say faith can move mountains. When you really believe in your mission you will overcome all obstacles that attempt to prevent you from achieving your objectives.





You are the creator of your own successes and failures. The choices that you make will lead you toward or away from your goals and dreams. The cowards are afraid to act because they fear failure. The winners accept that failure is not a destination, but simply a part of the process. Nothing worthwhile was ever achieved without serious effort and painful failures. All that failure indicates to you is that you still need to make a few modifications to your plan. Failures expect their plans to work without a hitch and fall apart if the don’t. Winners expect setbacks and do not allow them to deflate their initial passion and commitment. Winners do not allow the negative comments of friends and enemies to dismantle their dreams and plans.

If you have been walking around for years with a good idea in your head, now may be a good time to activate some serious action to make it a reality. I do not claim that it will be easy or that all your dreams will become a reality, but why not give some of them your best shot? How would you feel if you read in a magazine or newspaper, that someone else made millions with a similar idea than the one you have allowed to hibernate in your mind?





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Posted by on January 22, 2015 in WISDOM


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When you listen to the fainthearted you will become one of their clan.

To accomplish (1) great things we must not only act (2), but also dream (3), not only plan (4), but also believe (5).

Anatole France


The word accomplish is not always fully understood by people. The word (1) accomplish signifies to finish, complete or bring something to an end. You cannot claim that you accomplished your goal or objective if you do not bring something to a successful conclusion. Most people are excellent at starting things, but the real winners in life understand that without completion there is no reason to celebrate.

You might plant your seeds in the garden of life, but if you fail to follow through you will not reap the fruit of your labour. Everything that is worthwhile accomplishing starts with a dream (3). Most of the wonderful inventions you see around you today started with an idea in the head of someone. When the idea is transformed into a dream it is given the opportunity to materialize. Most people allow their ideas and dreams to die unceremoniously in their heads.

Most of the most brilliant inventions never got past the dream stage because their owners never acted (2) on their inspirations. The best books were never written because the potential authors could not summon up enough courage to write the first page. If you want to make your dreams a reality you need to think up a plan (4) to take it past the dream stage.

Only a few people get past their own negative self-talk. Most people do not have the courage and fortitude to take something through to a successful conclusion. Friends and family are excellent flaw finders, but usually do not have any plans of their own. Most of them resigned themselves to what they call their “fate” in life and know that they will remain just a face in the crowd of faceless mediocre people.

When you listen to the fainthearted you will become one of their clan. You will see danger and failure in every shadow. It takes courage and lots of faith in your ideas, dreams and plans if you want to take them through to a successful conclusion. You must believe (5) if you want to achieve. You must not allow negative thinkers to shoot down your plans and goals.


They say faith can move mountains. When you really believe in your mission you will overcome all obstacles that attempt to prevent you from achieving your objectives.




You are the creator of your own successes and failures. The choices that you make will lead you toward or away from your goals and dreams. The cowards are afraid to act because they fear failure. The winners accept that failure is not a destination, but simply a part of the process. Nothing worthwhile was ever achieved without serious effort and painful failures. All that failure indicates to you is that you still need to make a few modifications to your plan. Failures expect their plans to work without a hitch and fall apart if the don’t. Winners expect setbacks and do not allow them to deflate their initial passion and commitment. Winners do not allow the negative comments of friends and enemies to dismantle their dreams and plans.

If you have been walking around for years with a good idea in your head, now may be a good time to activate some serious action to make it a reality. I do not claim that it will be easy or that all your dreams will become a reality, but why not give some of them your best shot? How would you feel if you read in a magazine or newspaper, that someone else made millions with a similar idea than the one you have allowed to hibernate in your mind?





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Posted by on November 25, 2014 in WISDOM


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What’s a million dollar idea worth? Not much. Unlike most things, the value of an idea is not inherent to the idea, but is a function of the owner of the idea. A cello in my hands is worth very little, but a cello in Yo-Yo Ma’s hands is worth millions. Why is that? You might remember from 7th grade science class that potential energy is an object’s built up or stored energy while an object’s kinetic energy is the energy it has as a result of its movement. Your idea, goal, wish, hope, or aspiration has potential energy. Your ability to convert an idea’s potential energy into kinetic energy determines its value. Your job is to convert your desire to start a business, lose weight, learn Japanese, make more money, or get a job into income producing, joy bringing, life affirming kinetic energy.


I want you to write this down and stick it to the fridge, on your dashboard, and in your bathroom. The formula for achieving anything is blindingly simple:




THINK. The first stage is to THINK. What do you want to achieve? What are your goals? What’s that one thing you’ve been dreaming of doing for years? All great things start with an idea. Whether you know it or not, you have ideas, goals, and dreams that are coiled up just waiting to be discovered. It’s been said Americans spend more time planning their summer vacation than they do planning their retirement. My guess is we spend more time going to the bathroom each day than we spend each month focused on our goals/future.


Nothing is achieved without first a thought, a spark, a mental itch. Even if you feel stuck or have no idea what you want from life, your job is to THINK for just a few minutes a day. Warning: coming up with ideas and goals is a lot of fun, but because it’s easy and takes little effort, this is where most people stop. To achieve, you can’t stop here, you must…


START. Ideas and goals are powerful because they create potential energy. In order to unleash this potential energy into movement, you must START. This is a critical step because it requires action in order to turn the ethereal into the tangible. If your goal is to start a business, at some point you need to get out of your head and take action. Once you’ve designed your exercise program, you need to dust off your sneakers and START. If you’ve determined the best way to make more money is by going back to school, you need to START by registering and attending class.


The START stage is exciting because the release of potential energy into action can be euphoric. For the first time in maybe a long time you may feel a sense of direction and accomplishment, but as important as it is to START, it’s not enough. In order to reach your goals, you must…


FINISH. This is where champions are made, goals are reached, and lives are enriched. Having the idea to write a book is inspiring. Sitting down at the computer and cranking out a few pages is encouraging. But only actually holding a completed manuscript in your hands is fulfilling. When you FINISH you’ve fully converted an idea’s potential energy into kinetic energy.


Most people START, but few FINISH. Roy Johnson, editor of Men’s Fitness, is passionate about finishing. He told me “Anyone can be a starter. You want to be a finisher.” A finisher separates the winners from the wanters.


Not convinced? If you trace back all of your proudest accomplishments, you’ll find they all started with a thought, which lead to action, which lead to achievement. Want to be a dreamer? THINK. Want to be a doer? START. Want to be an achiever?



By Robert Pagliarini



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Posted by on June 5, 2014 in WISDOM


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The choices that you make will lead you toward or away from your goals and dreams.

To accomplish (1) great things we must not only act (2), but also dream (3), not only plan (4), but also believe (5).

Anatole France


The word accomplish is not always fully understood by people. The word (1) accomplish signifies to finish, complete or bring something to an end. You cannot claim that you accomplished your goal or objective if you do not bring something to a successful conclusion. Most people are excellent at starting things, but the real winners in life understand that without completion there is no reason to celebrate.

You might plant your seeds in the garden of life, but if you fail to follow through you will not reap the fruit of your labour. Everything that is worthwhile accomplishing starts with a dream (3). Most of the wonderful inventions you see around you today started with an idea in the head of someone. When the idea is transformed into a dream it is given the opportunity to materialize. Most people allow their ideas and dreams to die unceremoniously in their heads.

Most of the most brilliant inventions never got past the dream stage because their owners never acted (2) on their inspirations. The best books were never written because the potential authors could not summon up enough courage to write the first page. If you want to make your dreams a reality you need to think up a plan (4) to take it past the dream stage.

Only a few people get past their own negative self-talk. Most people do not have the courage and fortitude to take something through to a successful conclusion. Friends and family are excellent flaw finders, but usually do not have any plans of their own. Most of them resigned themselves to what they call their “fate” in life and know that they will remain just a face in the crowd of faceless mediocre people.

When you listen to the fainthearted you will become one of their clan. You will see danger and failure in every shadow. It takes courage and lots of faith in your ideas, dreams and plans if you want to take them through to a successful conclusion. You must believe (5) if you want to achieve. You must not allow negative thinkers to shoot down your plans and goals.


They say faith can move mountains. When you really believe in your mission you will overcome all obstacles that attempt to prevent you from achieving your objectives.




You are the creator of your own successes and failures. The choices that you make will lead you toward or away from your goals and dreams. The cowards are afraid to act because they fear failure. The winners accept that failure is not a destination, but simply a part of the process. Nothing worthwhile was ever achieved without serious effort and painful failures. All that failure indicates to you is that you still need to make a few modifications to your plan. Failures expect their plans to work without a hitch and fall apart if the don’t. Winners expect setbacks and do not allow them to deflate their initial passion and commitment. Winners do not allow the negative comments of friends and enemies to dismantle their dreams and plans.

If you have been walking around for years with a good idea in your head, now may be a good time to activate some serious action to make it a reality. I do not claim that it will be easy or that all your dreams will become a reality, but why not give some of them your best shot? How would you feel if you read in a magazine or newspaper, that someone else made millions with a similar idea than the one you have allowed to hibernate in your mind?



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Posted by on March 4, 2014 in WISDOM


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Experiences both good/bad are out there, waiting to meld/twist your personality into something new/fabulous.

Information overload, conceptual image

I knew who I was this morning, but I’ve changed a few times since then.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

What is travel? Travel is a new bed every night. Travel is learning for the day the map of a new city. It’s wonderful new friends or brusque strangers. Travel is something new on your plate at dinner. Travel is always worrying about your budget. Travel is an out-of-breath moment on a mountaintop, congratulating yourself for sticking to it. Travel is strange sounds in the night outside your tent. Travel is the anonymity of an airport and the familiarity of a shared bathroom. Travel is the neon lights of a busy city.

Travel is staring into a mirror and thinking “Maybe I should wash my hair today”. Travel is wearing the same outfit for days. Travel is a worn pair of sneakers and a well-loved backpack. Travel is sweating in the back of a local bus or train.

Travel is more than just a stamp in your passport – it’s a stamp on your soul. You’ll never again see the place you left with the same eyes. You don’t always see it immediately, but one day back home, you’ll catch yourself doing something in a different way, and remember why. Here’s the top nine ways you will change:

#1: Travel Reveals the Big Picture

It’s funny how we lose ourselves in our own lives, sometimes so deep that we can’t separate our daily existence from the broader perspective. Being away from routine and the same people you meet every day forces you to see your life from the outside. It also makes it simpler to admit to yourself when something – a dead-end job or a going-nowhere relationship – is not working out for you. And this takes us into our next point.

#2: Travel Reminds You What Is Really Important

Maybe you had a hobby you’ve given up. Maybe you loved one part of your job above all else. Maybe there is one ambition buried away beneath everything else. When the familiar is stripped away, you see with astonishing clarity what it is that rocks your boat. You’ll question why you stopped doing what you enjoyed, and start trying to figure out how to build your life around it again.

#3: Travel Reveals Who You Love + Why You Love Them

When you travel, you miss everything beloved – from your favorite brand of coffee to your softest pair of pajamas. But you won’t miss the people who filled your life but weren’t really that important to you. Travel is the easiest way to separate the acquaintances from those who are truly special. You’ll see them with more clarity too, and remember what it is you love about them most.

#4: Travel Makes You More Adaptable

If there is one constant in a traveller’s life, it is that travel will throw up situations that challenge you. You can make the most detailed itinerary, plan your trip perfectly, and then feel the carpet swept from under you the next minute. You’ll go through anger, denial and frustration, and hopefully, finally, you’ll learn to laugh at it.

#5: Travel Makes You Grateful

Whether you travel from a developed country to a developing country, or vice-versa, there will come a moment when you are grateful for all you have. When you see people who manage on far less in a year than you do in a month. Or meet someone with one leg who is hiking up a hill, you’ll close your eyes for a second and utter a quite, thank you.

#6: Travel Opens Your Personality Up

Think about your life back home, when you worked and had an apartment. With the exception of maybe trying out a new restaurant or a weekend holiday class, when was the last time you did something new? Out of your comfort zone? You probably don’t even remember. But when you’re on the road, simply ordering lunch can be a task. You’ll find yourself shedding your old skin of defense mechanisms, stereotypes and anxieties, and taking on a lot more than you ever thought you were capable of.

#7: Travel Hones Your Social Skills

Are you shy? Unwilling to trust fate? Are you mistrusting of other people’s goodness? Travel will take care of all that. Most of us hold our prejudices and flaws close to ourselves, look at them as protectors of our precious emotions. Essentially, we use them as nothing more than excuses. You might not talk to everyone you meet, but you’ll be forced to interact with many, many more people than you’re used to, sometimes not even in your language.

#8: Travel Teaches You to Do Without

At home, we build our little nests and we line them with gadgets, books, art, music, clothes and food. Then we sit down and admire them and tell ourselves that we couldn’t live without them. But when you travel, your nest is suddenly downsized to the bare minimum. You’re now living a very full life without those high thread-count sheets or fluffy towels. And you realize you’ll be just fine without them. (Which is not to say you won’t go and buy them again when you get back. We all have our weaknesses!)

#9: Travel Reintroduces You to Yourself

In the midst of museum-traipsing, people-watching, meal-planning, map-reading, budget-checking and ticket-booking, one day you’ll have an epiphany. It could range from something as small as “I don’t like sushi because I don’t like squishy food” to “I don’t like my job because it doesn’t feel like I’m making a difference”. But it’s a truth about yourself and it’s likely that it’s come from a meeting with a backpacker who was travelling to teach in a village, or last night’s experiments with sushi. And you’ve just learned a little more about yourself.

Experiences both good and bad are out there, waiting to meld and twist your personality into something new and fabulous. So book your tickets for that long trip, by all means. But know that you won’t be the same when you return.

By Mishana Khot / Source: Vagabondish

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Posted by on February 27, 2014 in WISDOM


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Most of the most brilliant inventions never got past the dream stage because their owners never acted on their inspirations.

To accomplish (1) great things we must not only act (2), but also dream (3), not only plan (4), but also believe (5).

Anatole France


The word accomplish is not always fully understood by people. The word (1) accomplish signifies to finish, complete or bring something to an end. You cannot claim that you accomplished your goal or objective if you do not bring something to a successful conclusion. Most people are excellent at starting things, but the real winners in life understand that without completion there is no reason to celebrate.

You might plant your seeds in the garden of life, but if you fail to follow through you will not reap the fruit of your labour. Everything that is worthwhile accomplishing starts with a dream (3). Most of the wonderful inventions you see around you today started with an idea in the head of someone. When the idea is transformed into a dream it is given the opportunity to materialize. Most people allow their ideas and dreams to die unceremoniously in their heads.

Most of the most brilliant inventions never got past the dream stage because their owners never acted (2) on their inspirations. The best books were never written because the potential authors could not summon up enough courage to write the first page. If you want to make your dreams a reality you need to think up a plan (4) to take it past the dream stage.

Only a few people get past their own negative self-talk. Most people do not have the courage and fortitude to take something through to a successful conclusion. Friends and family are excellent flaw finders, but usually do not have any plans of their own. Most of them resigned themselves to what they call their “fate” in life and know that they will remain just a face in the crowd of faceless mediocre people.

When you listen to the fainthearted you will become one of their clan. You will see danger and failure in every shadow. It takes courage and lots of faith in your ideas, dreams and plans if you want to take them through to a successful conclusion. You must believe (5) if you want to achieve. You must not allow negative thinkers to shoot down your plans and goals.


They say faith can move mountains. When you really believe in your mission you will overcome all obstacles that attempt to prevent you from achieving your objectives.




You are the creator of your own successes and failures. The choices that you make will lead you toward or away from your goals and dreams. The cowards are afraid to act because they fear failure. The winners accept that failure is not a destination, but simply a part of the process. Nothing worthwhile was ever achieved without serious effort and painful failures. All that failure indicates to you is that you still need to make a few modifications to your plan. Failures expect their plans to work without a hitch and fall apart if the don’t. Winners expect setbacks and do not allow them to deflate their initial passion and commitment. Winners do not allow the negative comments of friends and enemies to dismantle their dreams and plans.

If you have been walking around for years with a good idea in your head, now may be a good time to activate some serious action to make it a reality. I do not claim that it will be easy or that all your dreams will become a reality, but why not give some of them your best shot? How would you feel if you read in a magazine or newspaper, that someone else made millions with a similar idea than the one you have allowed to hibernate in your mind?


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Posted by on January 24, 2014 in WISDOM


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Most problems lose their potency when we expose them to scrutiny.

I concluded a long time ago that there is one major flaw that is mostly responsible for the demise of relationships, businesses and even empires. This deadly virus that infests and kills initiative is non-action. Many of us tend to go into a paralysed non-action frame of mind when we are confronted with problems or projects that pose perceived insurmountable challenges. I grew up in nature and often watched how a frog or bird seems hypnotised when they come face to face with a snake. They often have ample time to evade becoming a meal, but just sit there. We often do the same when we are confronted with challenges. We also just sit there and hope that the problem or challenge will go away. Adopting an action orientated frame of mind is imperative in the game of life. Waiting, hoping and praying that things will get better is just not good enough. The solution to most problems is action. The moment you take deliberate action you create momentum. I am not promoting random, run around panic action, but simple deliberate “one step at a time” action. The first thing that you need to do is to “accept what is”. Many of us live in denial and don’t want to accept or admit that we are in deep shit. We cannot take decisive action if we deny that we have a huge hole in our boat that need urgent fixing. The fairies will not mystically come while you sleep and wait and fix the problem. I have seen many executives that seemingly have a magnetic backside that glue them to their chairs. Their factory is burning or the financial vultures are circling their business ready to attack and remove while they wait and hope that a miracle will rescue them. Things are never as hopeless as they seem. The biggest proportion of the challenges we face can be overcome and often even sidestepped if we take positive and decisive action. Logical action is only possible the moment we fully understand what we are faced. Most problems lose their potency when we expose them to scrutiny. The more quality information we have the easier it becomes to take decisive action.


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Posted by on November 26, 2013 in WISDOM


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What are you waiting for? – MOST PEOPLE START, BUT FEW FINISH



What’s a million dollar idea worth? Not much. Unlike most things, the value of an idea is not inherent to the idea, but is a function of the owner of the idea. A cello in my hands is worth very little, but a cello in Yo-Yo Ma’s hands is worth millions. Why is that? You might remember from 7th grade science class that potential energy is an object’s built up or stored energy while an object’s kinetic energy is the energy it has as a result of its movement. Your idea, goal, wish, hope, or aspiration has potential energy. Your ability to convert an idea’s potential energy into kinetic energy determines its value. Your job is to convert your desire to start a business, lose weight, learn Japanese, make more money, or get a job into income producing, joy bringing, life affirming kinetic energy.


I want you to write this down and stick it to the fridge, on your dashboard, and in your bathroom. The formula for achieving anything is blindingly simple:




THINK. The first stage is to THINK. What do you want to achieve? What are your goals? What’s that one thing you’ve been dreaming of doing for years? All great things start with an idea. Whether you know it or not, you have ideas, goals, and dreams that are coiled up just waiting to be discovered. It’s been said Americans spend more time planning their summer vacation than they do planning their retirement. My guess is we spend more time going to the bathroom each day than we spend each month focused on our goals/future.


Nothing is achieved without first a thought, a spark, a mental itch. Even if you feel stuck or have no idea what you want from life, your job is to THINK for just a few minutes a day. Warning: coming up with ideas and goals is a lot of fun, but because it’s easy and takes little effort, this is where most people stop. To achieve, you can’t stop here, you must…


START. Ideas and goals are powerful because they create potential energy. In order to unleash this potential energy into movement, you must START. This is a critical step because it requires action in order to turn the ethereal into the tangible. If your goal is to start a business, at some point you need to get out of your head and take action. Once you’ve designed your exercise program, you need to dust off your sneakers and START. If you’ve determined the best way to make more money is by going back to school, you need to START by registering and attending class.


The START stage is exciting because the release of potential energy into action can be euphoric. For the first time in maybe a long time you may feel a sense of direction and accomplishment, but as important as it is to START, it’s not enough. In order to reach your goals, you must…


FINISH. This is where champions are made, goals are reached, and lives are enriched. Having the idea to write a book is inspiring. Sitting down at the computer and cranking out a few pages is encouraging. But only actually holding a completed manuscript in your hands is fulfilling. When you FINISH you’ve fully converted an idea’s potential energy into kinetic energy.


Most people START, but few FINISH. Roy Johnson, editor of Men’s Fitness, is passionate about finishing. He told me “Anyone can be a starter. You want to be a finisher.” A finisher separates the winners from the wanters.


Not convinced? If you trace back all of your proudest accomplishments, you’ll find they all started with a thought, which lead to action, which lead to achievement. Want to be a dreamer? THINK. Want to be a doer? START. Want to be an achiever?




By Robert Pagliarini



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Posted by on November 7, 2013 in WISDOM


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Some have been waiting in the waiting room of life for more than eighty years for love, respect, friendship and fun to come their way.






WHEN  WILL YOU MOVE FORWARD? Do you feel that you are sitting in the “waiting room” of life, waiting for happiness, love, the green light, better times or a bridge to appear? Can it be that you are waiting for courage, permission, your turn, zero risk, the right moment or a sign or guarantee?

Sometimes waiting is a cover for fear, self-doubt, unworthiness and not taking responsibility. This habit of waiting is a common block to happiness, love and success. There is no rational reason to wait, happiness, success and love is waiting for you. They await your choice, your acceptance and a sign from you. For as long as you wait, you cannot see what is already possible if you get up and pursue you selected objectives.

When you wait for things to happen you are giving up all control. You hope and dream things will by accident fall into you lap or come your way. When you wait you disconnect between what is truly possible and what you will let yourself receive. When you wait you are like a person that put his or her life on hold. The world is waiting for you muster up enough courage to become active and do something about your objective, goals and dreams. Most of us are impatient and hates to wait for in queues or waiting rooms. Why are we then so inclined to put our lives on hold when it comes to the most important things in our lives?

RELATIONSHIPS: Relationships suffer because people wait for things to improve and get almost perfect before they make a commitment. What people fail to understand is that relationships are always under construction. There is always work in progress.

If you are going to wait until your “relationship” is perfect and pristine you will wait forever. Have you ever thought how your indecisiveness is possibly the major reason why you are not really making progress? You must actually get into the water before you will get wet. You can stare at the water all day long, but only when you jump in will you be able to really find out what it is really like.

While you are sitting on the fence no progress will be made either. How can you ever enjoy your relationship if you continue to sit in your protective little castle, waiting for your potential lover to break down your heavily reinforced walls? When you do this you are not really in the game; you are not a member of the club. All you are is a critical spectator. You need to dive in and get wet or accept the crumbs that life throw at you from time to time.

LONELY? People are lonely because they wait for love instead of being loving. They wait for friendship instead of being a friend. If you are not happy with your social life then you will have to look how “available” you are to individuals that might be interested to enjoy your company? If you are hiding in your flat or home with the curtains drawn you will continue to be lonely for the rest of your life. If you have built invisible walls around yourself you should not be too surprised when people pass you by.

If you have a nasty personality that repels people you will remain isolated and lonely. When you make it difficult for people to be with you, you will gather cobwebs in your self-imposed exile. You are a walking and talking advertisement who you are and what you stand for. You can instantly repel potential interest without even saying a word with a bad attitude or if you go around with a chip on your shoulder.

WORK? You have a lack of team spirit because everybody is waiting for the team spirit to get better. Nothing will change until the team member stop waiting for the team spirit to get better and do something about it. Nothing will get better or improve while the various staff member sit in their boxes and wait for others to make the first move.

PREMATURE AGEING? People age prematurely because they postpone their happiness. They promise that they will have fun after work, after chores, after the bills are paid, after retirement and after the grandkids are settled. Life passes you by when you are constantly in a standby or waiting mode. If you think that you will one day begin to live and enjoy life when everything is perfect or taken care of you are in for a nasty surprise.

They might one day write on your tombstone “Here lays the word’s biggest spectator, born 1952 – died 1990 and buried 2012.

SILLY CONFLICTS? Silly conflicts last forever because both parties wait to get what they will not give. Each party waits for the other to make the first move. Many relationships flushed down the toilet because one or both parties waited that the other would admit his or her mistake, faults, shortcomings and endless love. Waiting in relationships cause serious confusion and results in bitter conflicts. As indicated above you either dive in and get wet or quit. You cannot wait and hope that your partner will entertain and love you if you are nothing more than a spectator.

Willingness inspires readiness. With readiness all things are possible. Be ready and allow yourself to receive. Be ready and let yourself be guided, be helped, be inspired and be loved. You must become willing to get involved in the game of life or it will pass you by like a thief in the night. You need to get involved and become a player and not a spectator.

People are not out there to entertain you. They will not break down the door of your castle and beg you to come out and play. You might feel safe behind your walls and enjoy the infrequent attempts to lure you out of your hiding place, but will discover that the interested parties usually loose interest and go to the unguarded house.

You can sit in the waiting room of life forever or you can become an active player. Look around you and notice the other people in this waiting room. Their hair is grey and their skins look like a deflated rugby ball. Some of them have been waiting for more than eighty years for love, respect, friendship and fun to come their way. What they failed to realise all these years is that life is not a waiting game, but a game where you need to play your heart out if you want to taste the good things in life.



Posted by on May 5, 2013 in WISDOM


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Your mind is like a big ball of potential thinking energy, just waiting for you to give it a direction to think wildly into…



If you often lay awake, unable to put your mind to rest while you’re tossing and turning, you’re going to love what you’re about to read, because I’m about to share with you one of the most powerful methods for quickly shutting off your mind, and drifting off to sleep.

As you may already know, your mind must be in the Alpha brain-wave stage to fall asleep. This is the stage your mind enters you’re still conscious, but your body and begin to relax. It enables your more rampant and conscious mind to turn off as you enter the realm of sleep.

We all know how it feels… when you’re lying awake in bed trying to fall asleep, it seems like your mind is running on hyper-speed. It’s almost like you’re thinking 10 times faster than when you’re just normally awake and alert. In fact, if you experience this often, I can tell you for a fact that your mind IS working harder than it is when you’re not trying to fall asleep, and there is a very good reason for it, here’s why this happens…

The law of momentum is everywhere in life, in physics, with your body, and most importantly, with your “thoughts.” You see, your thinking is very predictable, it all works on the law of focus and momentum. Your mind is like a big ball of potential thinking energy, just waiting for you to give it a direction to think wildly into…

It awaits and responds your every command. It’s an exceptional tool. Except, most of us aren’t very experienced at “controlling” this amazing tool. In fact, a lot people aren’t even aware that they can control it! And this is where sleep problems come in.

Imagine your mind like a giant overflowing lake that’s just waiting for an outlet to pour into… Slowly, when it finds an outlet, it begins with a trickle of water. That trickle turns into a stream. Then, that stream turns into a small river. Pretty soon, the small river is a giant unstoppable waterfall. Your thoughts work in the same way when you’re “trying” to fall asleep.

For example, you’re laying in bed, frustrated, forcing your mind to not think. “I just want to get some sleep! Stop thinking. Okay, starting now… I won’t think anymore. No think… nothing. My life is nothing… If only I would finally get motivated in my job maybe I would finally create the income to start traveling instead of dealing with these problems. Problems, how can I… Ahh, I’m thinking again! Stop!”

You get even more frustrated, and repeat the process over again in a few minutes. So how do you stop it? It’s easy, you see, you can easily control your thinking, except most people aren’t aware of the tools necessary! The good news is, I’m about to give you the 3 step handbook to controlling your mind. Here are the 3 universal steps that will enable you to not only stop thinking, you’ll also be able to lower your brain-waves into the alpha brain-state, which will quickly let you enter sleep…

The 3-Step Process for Controlling Your Mind

Step 1: Awareness

The first step to changing anything is becoming aware that it’s happening, especially if it’s your mind. Pretend your mind is racing, and you finally realize that you’re thinking… Most people at this stage get extremely frustrated and “try” to force the mind into submission. It doesn’t work! Why? Because, what you focus on expands. The more frustrated you get, the more you’re focusing on frustration, so you’ll get even MORE frustration, and more thinking… on and on!

So the first step, is to simply become “aware” of the fact that you’re thinking. Nothing more. When you notice that you’re thinking, smile to yourself, and say, “I just noticed myself thinking… Interesting…”

Now notice what happens inside of you when you do this… something VERY profound. If “I” just noticed “myself” thinking, perhaps there are really two completely separate identities running your life? There is the “I” and there is the “self.”

The “I”, is the real you, the higher being, the “I” behind the mind, that runs the show, the heart, the soul, the true conscious being, the choice maker.

The “self” is the mind. If left to run the show, will run in endless circles until the edge of insanity.

The moment you do this, the moment you become “Aware” – you are no longer a slave to your mind. You have won. After you become aware… do nothing, just lay there for 3 seconds and notice how it feels to be present in who you really are, not the mind, but you, the “I” – there is a great feeling of peace behind that presence in the “I.” Why? Because when you are aware like this, you’re aware of the power of your choice making. You now have the power of choice.

Step 2: Relaxed Focus

“What you focus on expands.” Now that you have become aware of your thinking. All you have to do is “direct” your mind into a place that will bring you into a deep, deep place of relaxation. Think about it, if before your mind will relentlessly race into any direction you give it, why not pick a direction that will give you peace and restful sleep?

But, most people don’t know what that direction really is. It’s really easy. If you focus on anything your body does or feels subconsciously, you will begin to become more and more realized. For example your breathing, the feeling of the pillow on your head, the sounds of nature outside (unless you live in the city), the warmth of your body. These are all things that happen, yet your conscious mind doesn’t think about them.

As you know, “What you focus on, expands”… So what would happen if you focused on something that is happening in your “subconscious”? That’s right, your conscious thinking would diminish, and your subconscious mind would begin to take over the entire process of you falling asleep! It really is that simple, and it works every-time.

The easiest one, is your breathing. And I promise you if you just try this tonight, you will be shocked when you wake up in the morning: “Wow! It worked!”

Step 3: Repetition

As I said, the easiest one to focus on is your breathing. In the beginning, you’ll find this easier said than done. Let me walk you through it.

  • Begin by taking your focus onto your breathing. Take a deep breath in. Hold it for a short while, and slowly exhale…

  • Count “1″

  • Breathe in again… hold it shortly, exhale slowly, and count…

  • “2″

Why count? Because I guarantee you, in the very beginning, you may find it challenging to hold your focus. In fact, you’ll be surprised as you may not even make it to “5″ the first time. This is because your conscious ever-thinking mind will butt in and interrupt. You may randomly go off into a barrage of thoughts again. If this happens, and it very well may, what do you do?

Simply become aware, and begin focusing on your breathing again. Guess what happens? As you become aware, 2 or 3 times… your mind will give up. I guarantee you, beyond the shadow of a doubt, when you get to “10″ or “15″ breaths you will feel a wave of relaxation in your body. This is the silent “click” as your mind shifts from the high frequency Beta brain-waves into Alpha brain-waves. Your subconscious mind will do the rest!

by By Kacper M. Postawski – Reproduced with the permission of Mind Power News

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Posted by on March 10, 2013 in WISDOM


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Champions also feel fear, but they have that little something that override their fear.

It is mind blowing to see what hardship and distress some of us need to go through before we wake up to the fact that we are trapped in a state of NON-ACTION by our fear. How many of our relationships must be destroyed by our inability to do what need to be done or say what we desire to say before we grab resistance by the throat. We resist our feelings in our relationships because our partner might gain the upper hand or get the wrong impression of us. A person or partner treat us like shit and we just stand there and bite our tongues. We are too afraid to take drastic and sustained action because we are afraid that he or she might leave us. We remain in a toxic relationship because we are afraid that we might end up lonely in a flat with only a big fat cat and a canary to keep us company. We yearn for success, money and affluence, but do little or nothing that can move us towards our desires and dreams. We are so afraid that we might fail that we remain in a sustained state of hibernation. Many of us want to write a book, play or paint something, but we fail to lift a finger because we allow the fog of resistance to cloud our mind. What are we waiting for? Who do we think will come and rescue us or break down the door to come and give us a job or show us that we are worthy? The fog of resistance clouds our judgement and ability to walk tall and play to win. This feeling or force that kept many of us prisoner since early childhood has no power to bind us. We are its power source. It feeds off our fear of failing or getting hurt. It is recharged every time we allow doubt to clasp its slimy cold fingers around our hearts. Do you know why many outperform us in business, relationships and entrepreneurial ventures? I am sad to report that they have nothing that you don’t have other than the courage to walk forward in the face of adversity. Champions also feel the fear, but they have that little something that override their fear. Their hearts are also beating like a drum, but they do what they know needs to be done until the task is completed. The key is to take that first step forward no matter what you are faced with. Then take a second, third and forth step as well. You will soon gather a rhythm of your own while you write that first page of your book or put down that paint on your masterpiece’s canvas. Yes my friend feel the fear and then do what needs to be done anyway.

Spend some time today pushing back the resistance that have been blocking you for far too long now. Make a list of stuff that you have been sidestepping for a while now. Take number one on the list and do what needs to be done until you can put a tick (task completed) next to it on your list. Now do the same with number two etc. You will soon be flooded with powerful surges of energy and courage. I will continue this series tomorrow.


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Posted by on February 22, 2013 in WISDOM


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Your mind is like a big ball of potential thinking energy, just waiting for you to give it a direction to think.

If you often lay awake, unable to put your mind to rest while you’re tossing and turning, you’re going to love what you’re about to read, because I’m about to share with you one of the most powerful methods for quickly shutting off your mind, and drifting off to sleep.

As you may already know, your mind must be in the Alpha brain-wave stage to fall asleep. This is the stage your mind enters you’re still conscious, but your body and begin to relax. It enables your more rampant and conscious mind to turn off as you enter the realm of sleep.

We all know how it feels… when you’re lying awake in bed trying to fall asleep, it seems like your mind is running on hyper-speed. It’s almost like you’re thinking 10 times faster than when you’re just normally awake and alert. In fact, if you experience this often, I can tell you for a fact that your mind IS working harder than it is when you’re not trying to fall asleep, and there is a very good reason for it, here’s why this happens…

The law of momentum is everywhere in life, in physics, with your body, and most importantly, with your “thoughts.” You see, your thinking is very predictable, it all works on the law of focus and momentum. Your mind is like a big ball of potential thinking energy, just waiting for you to give it a direction to think wildly into…

It awaits and responds your every command. It’s an exceptional tool. Except, most of us aren’t very experienced at “controlling” this amazing tool. In fact, a lot people aren’t even aware that they can control it! And this is where sleep problems come in.

Imagine your mind like a giant overflowing lake that’s just waiting for an outlet to pour into… Slowly, when it finds an outlet, it begins with a trickle of water. That trickle turns into a stream. Then, that stream turns into a small river. Pretty soon, the small river is a giant unstoppable waterfall. Your thoughts work in the same way when you’re “trying” to fall asleep.

For example, you’re laying in bed, frustrated, forcing your mind to not think. “I just want to get some sleep! Stop thinking. Okay, starting now… I won’t think anymore. No think… nothing. My life is nothing… If only I would finally get motivated in my job maybe I would finally create the income to start traveling instead of dealing with these problems. Problems, how can I… Ahh, I’m thinking again! Stop!”

You get even more frustrated, and repeat the process over again in a few minutes. So how do you stop it? It’s easy, you see, you can easily control your thinking, except most people aren’t aware of the tools necessary! The good news is, I’m about to give you the 3 step handbook to controlling your mind. Here are the 3 universal steps that will enable you to not only stop thinking, you’ll also be able to lower your brain-waves into the alpha brain-state, which will quickly let you enter sleep…

The 3-Step Process for Controlling Your Mind

Step 1: Awareness

The first step to changing anything is becoming aware that it’s happening, especially if it’s your mind. Pretend your mind is racing, and you finally realize that you’re thinking… Most people at this stage get extremely frustrated and “try” to force the mind into submission. It doesn’t work! Why? Because, what you focus on expands. The more frustrated you get, the more you’re focusing on frustration, so you’ll get even MORE frustration, and more thinking… on and on!

So the first step, is to simply become “aware” of the fact that you’re thinking. Nothing more. When you notice that you’re thinking, smile to yourself, and say, “I just noticed myself thinking… Interesting…”
Now notice what happens inside of you when you do this… something VERY profound. If “I” just noticed “myself” thinking, perhaps there are really two completely separate identities running your life? There is the “I” and there is the “self.”

The “I”, is the real you, the higher being, the “I” behind the mind, that runs the show, the heart, the soul, the true conscious being, the choice maker.

The “self” is the mind. If left to run the show, will run in endless circles until the edge of insanity.

The moment you do this, the moment you become “Aware” – you are no longer a slave to your mind. You have won. After you become aware… do nothing, just lay there for 3 seconds and notice how it feels to be present in who you really are, not the mind, but you, the “I” – there is a great feeling of peace behind that presence in the “I.” Why? Because when you are aware like this, you’re aware of the power of your choice making. You now have the power of choice.

Step 2: Relaxed Focus

“What you focus on expands.” Now that you have become aware of your thinking. All you have to do is “direct” your mind into a place that will bring you into a deep, deep place of relaxation. Think about it, if before your mind will relentlessly race into any direction you give it, why not pick a direction that will give you peace and restful sleep?

But, most people don’t know what that direction really is. It’s really easy. If you focus on anything your body does or feels subconsciously, you will begin to become more and more realized. For example your breathing, the feeling of the pillow on your head, the sounds of nature outside (unless you live in the city), the warmth of your body. These are all things that happen, yet your conscious mind doesn’t think about them.

As you know, “What you focus on, expands”… So what would happen if you focused on something that is happening in your “subconscious”? That’s right, your conscious thinking would diminish, and your subconscious mind would begin to take over the entire process of you falling asleep! It really is that simple, and it works every-time.
The easiest one, is your breathing. And I promise you if you just try this tonight, you will be shocked when you wake up in the morning: “Wow! It worked!”

Step 3: Repetition

As I said, the easiest one to focus on is your breathing. In the beginning, you’ll find this easier said than done. Let me walk you through it.

  • Begin by taking your focus onto your breathing. Take a deep breath in. Hold it for a short while, and slowly exhale…


  • Count “1”


  • Breathe in again… hold it shortly, exhale slowly, and count…


  • “2”

Why count? Because I guarantee you, in the very beginning, you may find it challenging to hold your focus. In fact, you’ll be surprised as you may not even make it to “5” the first time. This is because your conscious ever-thinking mind will butt in and interrupt. You may randomly go off into a barrage of thoughts again. If this happens, and it very well may, what do you do?

Simply become aware, and begin focusing on your breathing again. Guess what happens? As you become aware, 2 or 3 times… your mind will give up. I guarantee you, beyond the shadow of a doubt, when you get to “10” or “15” breaths you will feel a wave of relaxation in your body. This is the silent “click” as your mind shifts from the high frequency Beta brain-waves into Alpha brain-waves. Your subconscious mind will do the rest!

by By Kacper M. Postawski – Reproduced with the permission of Mind Power News

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Posted by on July 23, 2012 in WISDOM


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So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

Comes The Dawn


By Veronica A. Shoffstall


After a while you learn the subtle difference
between holding a hand and chaining a soul.

You learn that love doesn’t mean leaning 
and company doesn’t mean security.

You begin to learn that kisses aren’t contracts
and presents aren’t promises.

You begin to accept your defeats
with your head up and your eyes open
with the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child.

You learn to build all your roads on today,
because tomorrow’s ground is too uncertain for plans,
and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.

After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much.

So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul,
instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

You learn that you really can endure,
that you really are strong, and you really do have worth.

You learn and learn, with every goodbye you learn.

Thank you Annalise for this Wisdom!

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Posted by on June 18, 2012 in WISDOM


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Your mind is like a big ball of potential thinking energy, just waiting for you to give it a direction to think.



If you often lay awake, unable to put your mind to rest while you’re tossing and turning, you’re going to love what you’re about to read, because I’m about to share with you one of the most powerful methods for quickly shutting off your mind, and drifting off to sleep.

As you may already know, your mind must be in the Alpha brain-wave stage to fall asleep. This is the stage your mind enters you’re still conscious, but your body and begin to relax. It enables your more rampant and conscious mind to turn off as you enter the realm of sleep.

We all know how it feels… when you’re lying awake in bed trying to fall asleep, it seems like your mind is running on hyper-speed. It’s almost like you’re thinking 10 times faster than when you’re just normally awake and alert. In fact, if you experience this often, I can tell you for a fact that your mind IS working harder than it is when you’re not trying to fall asleep, and there is a very good reason for it, here’s why this happens…

The law of momentum is everywhere in life, in physics, with your body, and most importantly, with your “thoughts.” You see, your thinking is very predictable, it all works on the law of focus and momentum. Your mind is like a big ball of potential thinking energy, just waiting for you to give it a direction to think wildly into…

It awaits and responds your every command. It’s an exceptional tool. Except, most of us aren’t very experienced at “controlling” this amazing tool. In fact, a lot people aren’t even aware that they can control it! And this is where sleep problems come in.

Imagine your mind like a giant overflowing lake that’s just waiting for an outlet to pour into… Slowly, when it finds an outlet, it begins with a trickle of water. That trickle turns into a stream. Then, that stream turns into a small river. Pretty soon, the small river is a giant unstoppable waterfall. Your thoughts work in the same way when you’re “trying” to fall asleep.

For example, you’re laying in bed, frustrated, forcing your mind to not think. “I just want to get some sleep! Stop thinking. Okay, starting now… I won’t think anymore. No think… nothing. My life is nothing… If only I would finally get motivated in my job maybe I would finally create the income to start traveling instead of dealing with these problems. Problems, how can I… Ahh, I’m thinking again! Stop!”

You get even more frustrated, and repeat the process over again in a few minutes. So how do you stop it? It’s easy, you see, you can easily control your thinking, except most people aren’t aware of the tools necessary! The good news is, I’m about to give you the 3 step handbook to controlling your mind. Here are the 3 universal steps that will enable you to not only stop thinking, you’ll also be able to lower your brain-waves into the alpha brain-state, which will quickly let you enter sleep…

The 3-Step Process for Controlling Your Mind

Step 1: Awareness

The first step to changing anything is becoming aware that it’s happening, especially if it’s your mind. Pretend your mind is racing, and you finally realize that you’re thinking… Most people at this stage get extremely frustrated and “try” to force the mind into submission. It doesn’t work! Why? Because, what you focus on expands. The more frustrated you get, the more you’re focusing on frustration, so you’ll get even MORE frustration, and more thinking… on and on!

So the first step, is to simply become “aware” of the fact that you’re thinking. Nothing more. When you notice that you’re thinking, smile to yourself, and say, “I just noticed myself thinking… Interesting…”

Now notice what happens inside of you when you do this… something VERY profound. If “I” just noticed “myself” thinking, perhaps there are really two completely separate identities running your life? There is the “I” and there is the “self.”

The “I”, is the real you, the higher being, the “I” behind the mind, that runs the show, the heart, the soul, the true conscious being, the choice maker.

The “self” is the mind. If left to run the show, will run in endless circles until the edge of insanity.

The moment you do this, the moment you become “Aware” – you are no longer a slave to your mind. You have won. After you become aware… do nothing, just lay there for 3 seconds and notice how it feels to be present in who you really are, not the mind, but you, the “I” – there is a great feeling of peace behind that presence in the “I.” Why? Because when you are aware like this, you’re aware of the power of your choice making. You now have the power of choice.

Step 2: Relaxed Focus

“What you focus on expands.” Now that you have become aware of your thinking. All you have to do is “direct” your mind into a place that will bring you into a deep, deep place of relaxation. Think about it, if before your mind will relentlessly race into any direction you give it, why not pick a direction that will give you peace and restful sleep?

But, most people don’t know what that direction really is. It’s really easy. If you focus on anything your body does or feels subconsciously, you will begin to become more and more realized. For example your breathing, the feeling of the pillow on your head, the sounds of nature outside (unless you live in the city), the warmth of your body. These are all things that happen, yet your conscious mind doesn’t think about them.

As you know, “What you focus on, expands”… So what would happen if you focused on something that is happening in your “subconscious”? That’s right, your conscious thinking would diminish, and your subconscious mind would begin to take over the entire process of you falling asleep! It really is that simple, and it works every-time.

The easiest one, is your breathing. And I promise you if you just try this tonight, you will be shocked when you wake up in the morning: “Wow! It worked!”

Step 3: Repetition

As I said, the easiest one to focus on is your breathing. In the beginning, you’ll find this easier said than done. Let me walk you through it.

  • Begin by taking your focus onto your breathing. Take a deep breath in. Hold it for a short while, and slowly exhale…

  • Count “1”

  • Breathe in again… hold it shortly, exhale slowly, and count…

  • “2”


Why count? Because I guarantee you, in the very beginning, you may find it challenging to hold your focus. In fact, you’ll be surprised as you may not even make it to “5” the first time. This is because your conscious ever-thinking mind will butt in and interrupt. You may randomly go off into a barrage of thoughts again. If this happens, and it very well may, what do you do?

Simply become aware, and begin focusing on your breathing again. Guess what happens? As you become aware, 2 or 3 times… your mind will give up. I guarantee you, beyond the shadow of a doubt, when you get to “10” or “15” breaths you will feel a wave of relaxation in your body. This is the silent “click” as your mind shifts from the high frequency Beta brain-waves into Alpha brain-waves. Your subconscious mind will do the rest!

by By Kacper M. Postawski – Reproduced with the permission of Mind Power News

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Posted by on May 14, 2012 in WISDOM


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Your mind is like a big ball of potential thinking energy, just waiting for you to give it a direction to think.


If you often lay awake, unable to put your mind to rest while you’re tossing and turning, you’re going to love what you’re about to read, because I’m about to share with you one of the most powerful methods for quickly shutting off your mind, and drifting off to sleep.
As you may already know, your mind must be in the Alpha brain-wave stage to fall asleep. This is the stage your mind enters you’re still conscious, but your body and begin to relax. It enables your more rampant and conscious mind to turn off as you enter the realm of sleep.
We all know how it feels… when you’re lying awake in bed trying to fall asleep, it seems like your mind is running on hyper-speed. It’s almost like you’re thinking 10 times faster than when you’re just normally awake and alert. In fact, if you experience this often, I can tell you for a fact that your mind IS working harder than it is when you’re not trying to fall asleep, and there is a very good reason for it, here’s why this happens…

The law of momentum is everywhere in life, in physics, with your body, and most importantly, with your “thoughts.” You see, your thinking is very predictable, it all works on the law of focus and momentum. Your mind is like a big ball of potential thinking energy, just waiting for you to give it a direction to think wildly into…
It awaits and responds your every command. It’s an exceptional tool. Except, most of us aren’t very experienced at “controlling” this amazing tool. In fact, a lot people aren’t even aware that they can control it! And this is where sleep problems come in.
Imagine your mind like a giant overflowing lake that’s just waiting for an outlet to pour into… Slowly, when it finds an outlet, it begins with a trickle of water. That trickle turns into a stream. Then, that stream turns into a small river. Pretty soon, the small river is a giant unstoppable waterfall. Your thoughts work in the same way when you’re “trying” to fall asleep.
For example, you’re laying in bed, frustrated, forcing your mind to not think. “I just want to get some sleep! Stop thinking. Okay, starting now… I won’t think anymore. No think… nothing. My life is nothing… If only I would finally get motivated in my job maybe I would finally create the income to start traveling instead of dealing with these problems. Problems, how can I… Ahh, I’m thinking again! Stop!”
You get even more frustrated, and repeat the process over again in a few minutes. So how do you stop it? It’s easy, you see, you can easily control your thinking, except most people aren’t aware of the tools necessary! The good news is, I’m about to give you the 3 step handbook to controlling your mind. Here are the 3 universal steps that will enable you to not only stop thinking, you’ll also be able to lower your brain-waves into the alpha brain-state, which will quickly let you enter sleep…

The 3-Step Process for Controlling Your Mind

Step 1: Awareness

The first step to changing anything is becoming aware that it’s happening, especially if it’s your mind. Pretend your mind is racing, and you finally realize that you’re thinking… Most people at this stage get extremely frustrated and “try” to force the mind into submission. It doesn’t work! Why? Because, what you focus on expands. The more frustrated you get, the more you’re focusing on frustration, so you’ll get even MORE frustration, and more thinking… on and on!
So the first step, is to simply become “aware” of the fact that you’re thinking. Nothing more. When you notice that you’re thinking, smile to yourself, and say, “I just noticed myself thinking… Interesting…”
Now notice what happens inside of you when you do this… something VERY profound. If “I” just noticed “myself” thinking, perhaps there are really two completely separate identities running your life? There is the “I” and there is the “self.”
The “I”, is the real you, the higher being, the “I” behind the mind, that runs the show, the heart, the soul, the true conscious being, the choice maker.
The “self” is the mind. If left to run the show, will run in endless circles until the edge of insanity.
The moment you do this, the moment you become “Aware” – you are no longer a slave to your mind. You have won. After you become aware… do nothing, just lay there for 3 seconds and notice how it feels to be present in who you really are, not the mind, but you, the “I” – there is a great feeling of peace behind that presence in the “I.” Why? Because when you are aware like this, you’re aware of the power of your choice making. You now have the power of choice.
Step 2: Relaxed Focus

“What you focus on expands.” Now that you have become aware of your thinking. All you have to do is “direct” your mind into a place that will bring you into a deep, deep place of relaxation. Think about it, if before your mind will relentlessly race into any direction you give it, why not pick a direction that will give you peace and restful sleep?
But, most people don’t know what that direction really is. It’s really easy. If you focus on anything your body does or feels subconsciously, you will begin to become more and more realized. For example your breathing, the feeling of the pillow on your head, the sounds of nature outside (unless you live in the city), the warmth of your body. These are all things that happen, yet your conscious mind doesn’t think about them.
As you know, “What you focus on, expands”… So what would happen if you focused on something that is happening in your “subconscious”? That’s right, your conscious thinking would diminish, and your subconscious mind would begin to take over the entire process of you falling asleep! It really is that simple, and it works every-time.
The easiest one, is your breathing. And I promise you if you just try this tonight, you will be shocked when you wake up in the morning: “Wow! It worked!”
Step 3: Repetition

As I said, the easiest one to focus on is your breathing. In the beginning, you’ll find this easier said than done. Let me walk you through it.

  • Begin by taking your focus onto your breathing. Take a deep breath in. Hold it for a short while, and slowly exhale…
  • Count “1”
  • Breathe in again… hold it shortly, exhale slowly, and count…
  • “2”


Why count? Because I guarantee you, in the very beginning, you may find it challenging to hold your focus. In fact, you’ll be surprised as you may not even make it to “5” the first time. This is because your conscious ever-thinking mind will butt in and interrupt. You may randomly go off into a barrage of thoughts again. If this happens, and it very well may, what do you do?
Simply become aware, and begin focusing on your breathing again. Guess what happens? As you become aware, 2 or 3 times… your mind will give up. I guarantee you, beyond the shadow of a doubt, when you get to “10” or “15” breaths you will feel a wave of relaxation in your body. This is the silent “click” as your mind shifts from the high frequency Beta brain-waves into Alpha brain-waves. Your subconscious mind will do the rest!

by By Kacper M. Postawski – Reproduced with the permission of Mind Power News

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Posted by on March 30, 2012 in WISDOM


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What are you waiting for? Go out and invent something!



To accomplish (1) great things we must not only act (2), but also dream (3), not only plan (4), but also believe (5).

Anatole France


The word accomplish is not always fully understood by people. The word (1) accomplish signifies to finish, complete or bring something to an end. You cannot claim that you accomplished your goal or objective if you do not bring something to a successful conclusion. Most people are excellent at starting things, but the real winners in life understand that without completion there is no reason to celebrate.

You might plant your seeds in the garden of life, but if you fail to follow through you will not reap the fruit of your labour. Everything that is worthwhile accomplishing starts with a dream (3). Most of the wonderful inventions you see around you today started with an idea in the head of someone. When the idea is transformed into a dream it is given the opportunity to materialize. Most people allow their ideas and dreams to die unceremoniously in their heads.

Most of the most brilliant inventions never got past the dream stage because their owners never acted (2) on their inspirations. The best books were never written because the potential authors could not summon up enough courage to write the first page. If you want to make your dreams a reality you need to think up a plan (4) to take it past the dream stage.

Only a few people get past their own negative self-talk. Most people do not have the courage and fortitude to take something through to a successful conclusion. Friends and family are excellent flaw finders, but usually do not have any plans of their own. Most of them resigned themselves to what they call their “fate” in life and know that they will remain just a face in the crowd of faceless mediocre people.

When you listen to the fainthearted you will become one of their clan. You will see danger and failure in every shadow. It takes courage and lots of faith in your ideas, dreams and plans if you want to take them through to a successful conclusion. You must believe (5) if you want to achieve. You must not allow negative thinkers to shoot down your plans and goals.


They say faith can move mountains. When you really believe in your mission you will overcome all obstacles that attempt to prevent you from achieving your objectives.




You are the creator of your own successes and failures. The choices that you make will lead you toward or away from your goals and dreams. The cowards are afraid to act because they fear failure. The winners accept that failure is not a destination, but simply a part of the process. Nothing worthwhile was ever achieved without serious effort and painful failures. All that failure indicates to you is that you still need to make a few modifications to your plan. Failures expect their plans to work without a hitch and fall apart if the don’t. Winners expect setbacks and do not allow them to deflate their initial passion and commitment. Winners do not allow the negative comments of friends and enemies to dismantle their dreams and plans.

If you have been walking around for years with a good idea in your head, now may be a good time to activate some serious action to make it a reality. I do not claim that it will be easy or that all your dreams will become a reality, but why not give some of them your best shot? How would you feel if you read in a magazine or newspaper, that someone else made millions with a similar idea than the one you have allowed to hibernate in your mind?




Posted by on March 6, 2012 in WISDOM


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