Monthly Archives: September 2014

How to Steal and Get Rich.






My eight year old daughter is crying right now. She’s trying to draw manga-style comic book figures. “The eyes look stupid!” she says, “and the arms look flimsy!” My oldest tries to calm her down, “Mollie, I’m three years older than you. Thats why my characters look so good,” she says, but somehow that doesn’t work and it doesn’t help when my oldest says, “Mollie, guess what, I finished drawing on the whole pad? Aren’t these pretty?”

I tell my youngest, “Mollie, look on the Internet and see how other artists do their eyes and arms. I bet there are some Manga artists who even have videos on how to do it.”

She says, “but that’s copying. I don’t want to copy. I refuse.”

Good Artists Copy. Great Artists Steal.

So I tell her my favorite quote from Picasso, “Good artists copy. Great artists steal.” And my oldest says, “that would mean HE stole.” And I tell her that’s right but still my youngest refuses to listen. She says, “I don’t want to copy. I want to do something completely original.” But that’s impossible. Just about every idea worked on now is a result of the following recursive formula:

NI(X) = NI(1) + NI(2 )+ NI(3)… + MI

Where “NI” = “new idea” and NI1, NI2, etc equals various new ideas as of yesterday. And “MI” which could be a tiny component of the whole equation, is “My improvement”. Which, again, might be minimal, or zero, at best.


Telescope. Galileo stole the telescope. He took the original invention by Hans Lippershey, made it a bit longer and more powerful and gets full credit 400 years later for the invention.

Telephone. Who invented the telephone? Well, Alexander Graham Bell of course? But only after the looked at the failed patent Antonio Meucci filed in 1874 (Meucci was too poor to send in the $10 patent charge. So…patent denied. Enter Bell).

Relativity. Einstein stole part of the theory of relativity from Poincare. Poincare published countless papers on relativity that Einstein had studied before his own first book on relativity. Einstein cited hundreds of sources but didn’t mention Poincare once. Do the research but there are several instances of direct plagiarism in his initial book on relativity.

Search. Google. Not quite a “steal” in the sense of the above but the entire concept of a “search engine” was dead and over by the time Google hit the scene. My little story on this: A company called “Oingo” came calling one of my partners one day in 2000 or 2001. I forget which year, that’s how little impact it made on me. They were working on some algorithm for matching ads with web pages on search engines, or something like that. They needed funding badly. We almost could’ve named our price. I said, because I was the resident genius, “No way. Isn’t the entire search engine business dead?” Somehow they survived, changed their name to Applied Semantics and were bought by a tiny search engine company with no revenues called Google. The Oingo algorithm became “Adsense” which accounts for 99% of Google’s revenues. The Applied Semantics deal would’ve been worth about $1bb – $2bb by now. Suffice to say, Google built on the backs of everyone from Lycos to Oingo to Altavista, etc.

Superman. “Captain Marvel”, which was first put out by Fawcett Comics in 1940 was of course a direct ripoff of “Superman” and yet became very successful.

And Superman himself may have been a plagiarism of sorts. 5 years before the first “Superman” came out, Jerry Siegel (Superman’s creator) reviewed the book “Gladiator” about a boy growing up in rural America who had super powers.

Siegel claimed in 1940 that Gladiator had not been an inspiration. He did not at that point note his 1932 review of the book.

Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson directly plagiarized John Locke when he wrote the Declaration of Independence. James Madison even admitted later: “The object was to assert, not to discover truths.”

Chess. Bobby Fischer learned Russian when he was 14 years old so he could steal ideas from the Russian chessplayers in the magazine “64”. He used those opening ideas to win the US Championship at the age of 15 in the mid 1950s.

Art. Roy Lichtenstein directly stole from the cartoon strip “True Romance” to repackage and then resell for (now) millions.

Star Wars. Whether you call it inspiration or plagiarism, George Lucas took ideas from everything from Taoism to Asimov’s Foundation series, to Joseph cambell, Greek Mythology, King Arthur, etc.

Vonnegut. Kurt Vonnegut said he “cheerfully ripped off” the plot of Brave New World for his novel, “Player Piano”- and Aldous Huxley, in turn, stole it from Eugene Zamatian’s We

Groupon and every other business. Almost all current successful internet businesses are the result of lifting (and improving) the ideas from past businesses. Groupon is a direct descendant of the failed Paul Allen company, Mercata (remember?). Facebook (remember Geocities? Or, heaven forbid, Tripod). And why didn’t the “World Wide Web Worm:” succeed (the first search engine that I can think of).

Comedy. In standup comedy, stealing (or improving on) routines has been common. Robin Williams was constantly accused of this early in his career and his reply was that he was so stream of consciousness he sometimes had no idea where the ideas were coming from (i.e., they were coming from his friends even minutes after their acts). Bill Cosby has admitted stealing some jokes from George Carlin, Rosie O’Donnell was known to borrow from Jerry Seinfeld early in their careers. Sam Kinison has accused Bill Hicks of joke thievery who, in turn, has accused Denis Leary of stealing parts of his routine.

3AM. I personally think Comedy Central’s show “Insomnia” is somewhat a ripoff of my III:am idea for HBO (particularly since I pitched the idea to Comedy Central first).

Unfortunately, stealing is not a shortcut to success. Stealing is THE ONLY PATH to success.

How do you steal? Try this.

1. Pick a field you are passionate about: whether its blogging, romance novel writing, comedy, internet entrepreneurship, art, cooking, cancer research, etc.

2. Read everything you can about the field. Here’s what you have to read minimally: At least the history of that field from 1800 on. Try to read at least 10 different sources on the history; All of the latest blogs in the field. Try to have 100 different sources here; All the basic techniques the current leading experts in the field use. Read all of their biographies or autobiographies.

3. Pick your five favorite sources in the field. For instance, if I wanted to write a novel: I’d pick my five favorite novelists. If I wanted to start a business in “local Internet” I’d pick my five favorite local Internet companies. If I wanted to blog, I’d pick my five favorite bloggers. If I wanted to be a management consultant, I’d steal directly from Peter Drucker, Jim Collins, etc.

4. Get one element that you like from each source. What element do you think stands out that makes them a success.

5. Add your own improvement. Or not. You can even start out with a direct copy and throw in your twist at the end.

6. Ignore all the haters. The more people hate you, the more money you will make. Trust me on that.

I’m hoping Mollie grows up and learns how to be just as good a thief as her dad.


By James Altucher


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Posted by on September 30, 2014 in WISDOM



The Science of Chance




Chance, risk, uncertainty, luck – call it what you will – affects every part of our lives.

And so when BBC Four commissioned our programme Tails You Win: The Science Of Chance there was a huge range of possible themes to explore, from gambling to natural disasters, extreme sports to collapsing economies, coincidences to lotteries.

We ended up touching on all of these since they all, at least to some extent, can be handled using numbers.

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Posted by on September 30, 2014 in WISDOM


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Life would be senseless and meaningless without problems, hardships, setbacks and obstacles.




Humans enjoy playing board or computer games, provided the games are difficult and there are obstacles. We enjoy planning, scheming, being tested and challenged in order to finish the game. The challenges and obstacles make the game enjoyable and hook us to play for hours. Life would be senseless and meaningless without problems, hardships, setbacks and obstacles. Without the crises we experience, we will not appreciate the successes or peak experiences. The Chinese symbol forcrisis comprises two characters, namely danger and opportunity. Every crisis may elicit feelings of apprehension, but it also presents an opportunity for change, growth and self-mastery. We do not always understand why certain difficult people come into our life, but there are no coincidences.


We do not always believe or accept that every person comes into our lives for a reason. We do not make mistakes or poor decisions because everything that happens to us, happens for a purpose and can be perceived as a lesson. The universe will present you with the problems and challenges that you need for your spiritual growth. Every situation, especially the adverse situations, is an opportunity to learn and to discover who you really are. If people betray or hurt you, it may be to teach you about trust or forgiveness. When faced with adversity, you have the opportunity to develop qualities such as inner strength, courage, resilience, self-discipline, willpower and resourcefulness. When people disappoint, manipulate or use you, they present you with opportunities to control your temper, to transcend your ego and to develop qualities such as patience, tolerance, unconditional love or forgiveness. Difficult people give you the opportunity to behave pro-actively and to access more light in order to attain self-mastery.


Susan Minnaar





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Posted by on September 30, 2014 in WISDOM


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Before anything you want to happen can occur, you must desire that it happen. You must believe that it can happen. And you must expect it to happen.



Events can be manipulated to solve problems you are faced with. You can change things you’re not satisfied with.

While there’s no disputing the fact that you can’t always get what you want, it’s also true that you can exercise your innate power over the events of your life and make things go your way much more frequently.

To do so, you must understand and use the three mighty forces of power – desire, belief, and expectation. Before anything you want to happen can occur, you must desire that it happen. You must believe that it can happen. And you must expect it to happen. Let’s look at each of these three forces and then see how you can put them to work for you.

The First Power Force – Desire

Every manifestation of will is preceded by the desire to act. You must desire something before will can take action. In order to desire something, you must believe that you will gain a measure of satisfaction from it.

Anything you do, from the moment you wake up in the morning until the time you close your eyes to sleep in the evening, is precipitated by desire. Nothing is done that does not have a degree or more of desire behind it. To desire something is to feel there will be a measure of satisfaction after the getting of the thing. You cannot desire a thing unless you feel there will be some satisfaction in the attainment of that desire.

Avoidance of Pain Keeps Many People Stuck

Many people are stuck in a particular position in life simply because they feel that making a change would cause some measure of discomfort. To avoid the discomfort they linger in the existing state of affairs even though that causes discomfort as well. The sayings “Better the devil I know than the devil I don’t.” and “Don’t jump from the frying pan into the fire.” Express this sentiment.

Note the system of expectation at work here. When discomfort or pain is expected, the force works to keep you from making any change, even when the pain is imagined and may never take place.

Like all things, desire has degrees of strength. Consider the story of the disciple who went to his guru one day and asked, “Master, how do I achieve enlightenment?” The wise old guru directed the disciple to the bank of the Ganges River and had him kneel with his head over the water. Then the guru put his hand on the young man’s neck and pushed his head below the surface of the water. After a minute and a half the young disciple was frantic. He pulled and heaved and flailed his arms, but the grip was like iron. He could not get his head back out of the water. After two minutes, when it seemed as though his lungs would burst, the grip was released.

The young man’s head jerked out of the water and he took great gulps of air into his tortured lungs. The guru smiled. “Tell me,” he gently asked, ” what was your greatest desire just then?” “To breathe,” the young disciple stated emphatically. “Ah,” the guru said. “When you desire enlightenment to that degree, it shall be yours.”

To have a better understanding of desire, see it on an ascending scale, like a giant thermometer. At the bottom of the scale is zero, and at the top, one hundred.

When your desire is weak, near the bottom of the scale, it is unlikely that anything will motivate you to activate your will and accomplish the object of that desire. When your desire is near the top of the scale nothing can keep you from success in attaining that desire. To enhance desire, go to level and visualize the positive end result of what you desire to happen.

The Second Power Force – Belief

Belief is mental acceptance of some idea as being true. You accept ideas from others because they are authority figures. This setting of a belief in your mind (usually at a young and trusting age) comes about because you have absolute trust in the authority (generally the parent, sometimes the religious or educational institution, sometimes another trusted outside agency such as a relative, peer, or the media).

This acceptance can come about even when there are facts that contradict it. Reinforcement of beliefs strengthens until, faulty or true, they become a fundamental part of your thought processes. To entrench matters more, now beliefs are tested through the structure of the faulty belief, thereby compounding the problem. What this means is that you only accept information that reinforces the belief. Information that contradicts the belief is rejected.

The Third Force of Power – Expectation

Expectation is a mighty power indeed — so much so that a doctor can take an inert pill and tell a patient that it is a powerful drug, and the patient will react as though the actual drug had been taken. This well-documented phenomenon is called the placebo effect. It might also be called the “expectation effect.”

Of course, the placebo effect does not work all of the time. If it did, no one would bother with drugs at all. They would simply use placebos. It does, however, work with a significant and measurable percentage of success.

Expectation can be a powerful force in one’s life. How can you use expectation as a force in your life? Can you simply expect good things to happen and they will happen?

When you are told something by an authority figure you respect – say, a doctor, a teacher, a parent, or your boss – those words have an effect on all three levels, the physical, the mental, and the spiritual. When you believe this authority figure without hesitation or reservation, then that person’s expectation of you is more likely to come to be. With respect to your own expectation of yourself, however, you might well tell yourself, “I’m going to expect this to happen” only to hear a small voice responding, “Who are you kidding?”

The trick is to make yourself the respected authority figure. Expectation is enhanced with our techniques that entail going to one’s Alpha level and creating the visual imagery of the desired event already having taken place. This technique has a dual effect: it puts you in the position of acting as your own authority, and it reinforces your experience of yourself that way.

The more successful you become, the more you believe in yourself and the better you become at triggering the anticipated positive result of whatever event you are trying to bring about. As you grow into a better person better begets better and you do indeed grow better and better.

To build expectation, go to level and visualize the event as already having happened. When you come out of the alpha level, think about the event happening by a predetermined date. You will find more and more expected events coming to pass.

To help you change your expectation, recall the principle of correspondence – as above, so below; as below, so above. As it is with the seed, so it is with the tree. Start with the small if you want to affect the large. If you wish to bring about a change in a friend, in a parent, child, or spouse, change your own expectation. Begin to expect that which you desire to happen and you will note changes occurring.

Expect things on a smaller scale at first, as the smaller things come into being you begin to expect the major things to happen as well. Expectation is a force that can and should be discussed with others.

Expectation works with all people, and on all levels-on the family level, on the town, city, and country level, on the national, international, and universal level. The law is the law; what works with the small works with the mighty. What works with the molecule works with the universe.

Change your expectation and see your reality, your world, change to the degree that you wish it to change. And eventually you will arrive at the place you wish to be.


Burt Goldman is a life-long Silva instructor and creator of Quantum Jumping and the American Monk Healing Triangle.



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Posted by on September 30, 2014 in WISDOM


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But God didn’t create us to suffer or to prosper.





The principle of Mentalism — which says the universe is a mental creation of God — is perhaps one of the most inexplicable and mysterious of any principle as it involves the unknowable.


God, or as the followers of the teachings of Hermes say the All, is absolute and beyond understanding; all we can do is guess; and the guesses I can safely say will all be wrong. God is infinite and eternal; meaning God had no beginning but has always been, and will have no ending but will always be.


That alone is beyond comprehension. How can anything have no beginning? That my friends is the divine paradox. But allow me to address the fact that God is infinite. Being infinite he is in and of everything. I use the term loosely as God would have to be genderless and perfect. You can neither diminish nor add anything to him.


The universe is a mental creation. That goes along with the infinite nature of God. Allow me to use a metaphor as that is the only way to get even close to a comprehension of what I am attempting to say.


You can create a being, or an event in your mind. Every play, every book, every motion picture is a created fantasy, not real, but created by the mind of a person. An infinite being creates infinitely. In other words, all that is, all that was, and all that will be has been created in the mind of God. That is infinity.


I touch on this in Quantum Jumping because if the universe is infinite everything imaginable, and much more that is unimaginable has already been created. Every being, every animal and vegetable, every grain of sand, every molecule and every time period, past present and future is already there in an infinite universe.


If that is difficult to understand how about eternity? Many faiths believe that after death they will awaken in heaven, paradise, glory. That would be nice for ten years or so of perfect living in a perfect world. But how would you feel doing the same thing for a hundred years, or a thousand, or ten thousand. And after ten thousand years of paradise with the perfect woman, or man, or place to reside you can look forward to another ten thousand.


Wow. Twenty thousand years of doing the same thing. How about a hundred thousand years, a million, a hundred million years of paradise with the same person, the same perfect events. And after a hundred million years, even though you may be a bit tired of all that perfection you can look forward to a hundred million more, and then another and another. After all this is eternity.


Logically, something here is amiss. But God didn’t create us to suffer or to prosper. He didn’t create us to be bad, or good. He created all types and then gave us free will and created the law of causality, commonly called cause and effect. What they do with that resolve is up to the individual. When a writer writes a play he directs the characters and is the puppeteer; a writer is the obvious cause. But what if the writer had the ability to create the cast of the play, and the setting, and then allowed the characters to go their own way, to do their own thing, to allow the characters to create cause themselves. Might be an interesting play, but the writer would have to be an infinite being to do that so we can only guess at what the outcome would be.


As I only have a brief time to get this point across I can only hope to stimulate your mind and get you to using more of it, to think. God must be immutable. He cannot be changed, nor added to or subtracted from nor become greater or lesser in any respect. He must have always been and will always remain, what he has done in the creation of all these creatures of the universe is to experience. Now God does not need experience, he doesn’t need anything. He is, all that is.


Why did God create the universe? We can never know that. We can only use the concept of the universe being a mental creation of God in our own lives. We are also mental creators. Every thing, every dress, shoe, tie, suit, car, pencil, house, building, everything was created by the mind of a human being. In that we are all imitators of the creator of all things.


Know that you too are a creator. Get to understand your mind a bit better and you will find the way. The universe is a mental creation of God. Your world is a mental creation of yourself. Many of you know that I’ve used this concept over and over again during the thirty and more years I’ve been teaching personal development. Your world is a mental creation.


Where do you find yourself, where are you at present? You may not realize it, it may seem that forces beyond your control put you there, but the fact is, you did it. You did it with your attitude, your beliefs, your actions and your mental creations. You too are a creator, a mental creator. The great principle of Mentalism states, the universe is a mental creation of God. You are part of that creation, but you have free will. You have the ability to change, to progress, to grow, to evolve. To be a better person. To be a better and better person.


My advice to you, should you be interested is to be the best you that you can be. But know that through the dynamic use of your mind you do have the ability to be a better person, a better you. How about starting now, right now. What can you do if you made up your mind to be a better person? I can’t tell you that. But think about this, what would your life be like if you were a better person?


Only you can take the first step. Do something today, or if it is late in the afternoon or evening when you’re reading or hearing this, do something tomorrow that you will be proud of, something that will please you. I can’t tell you what that is, only you can. Sit quietly for a few moments, meditate and call on your higher self, what would that self tell you to do to make you a better person, a person you will be proud of a person your ancestors will be proud of? And then, do it.


There is a road ahead of you with many forks in it. Each one involves a choice. Your reality is the result of the choices you made in the past. Your future life will be the result of the choices you make in the future.


Make good ones. Each choice is a cause for an upcoming effect. Good luck, and may God smile on you.



By Burt Goldman, Creator of Quantum Jumping


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Posted by on September 30, 2014 in WISDOM


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Where do evil spirits come from?





Seems like silly question, doesn’t it? At least it would to most Bible believers. Evil spirits come from Satan. But that’s not what the Bible says.

The phrase “evil spirit(s)” occurs 14 times (in 13 verses) in the Bible, in 8 of which the evil spirits were sent directly and explicitly by God.

The first evil spirit was sent by God to kill people in war.

Then God sent an evil spirit between Abimelech and the men of Shechem; and the men of Shechem dealt treacherously with Abimelech. Judges 9:23

God sent the next evil spirit to cause Saul to have a mental breakdown. (But luckily, David plays his harp and makes Saul’s “evil spirit from the Lord” go away.)

But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him. And Saul’s servants said unto him, Behold now, an evil spirit from God troubleth thee. Let our lord now command thy servants, which are before thee, to seek out a man, who is a cunning player on an harp: and it shall come to pass, when the evil spirit from God is upon thee, that he shall play with his hand, and thou shalt be well. 1 Samuel 16:14-16

And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him. 1 Samuel 16:23

Then God sent an evil spirit to cause Saul to prophesy and sit with a javelin in his hand.

And it came to pass on the morrow, that the evil spirit from God came upon Saul, and he prophesied in the midst of the house: and David played with his hand, as at other times: and there was a javelin in Saul’s hand. 1 Samuel 18:10

And the evil spirit from the LORD was upon Saul, as he sat in his house with his javelin in his hand: and David played with his hand. 1 Samuel 19:9

The other 6 “evil spirit” occurrences are in the New Testament. The Bible doesn’t say where the evil spirits came from, but they are usually associated with some type of illness (Which come from God, right?).

And in that same hour he cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits; and unto many that were blind he gave sight. Luke 7:21

And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils, Luke 8:2

So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them. Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth. … And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye? And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. Acts 19:12-16

So the Bible is fairly clear on evil spirits: they are either sent directly by God or their origin is unknown. The Bible never attributes evil spirits to Satan.




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Posted by on September 30, 2014 in WISDOM


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The time of year a baby is born can shape what profession they will embark on in later life.




Your Month of Birth Guides Your Career Choice



Being born in a certain month appears to indicate the statistical likelihood of what job a person will end up with, the study by the Office for National Statistics found.

Researchers have uncovered that the month in which babies are born could also affect everything from intelligence to length of life.

A child born December is more likely to become a dentist while someone whose birthday falls in January will tend to a debt collector, they found.

A February birth appears to increase the chances of being an artist while March babies appear to go on to become pilots.

Meanwhile, April and May are said to have a fairly even spread of professions, births in the summer months mean a much lower chance of becoming a high-earning football player, doctor or dentist.

The study was derived by researchers who analysed the birth months of people in 19 separate occupations using information from the last census, the Daily Mail reported.

Although these trends may be difficult to explain, correlations between birth months and specific health problems have a scientific basis.

Spring babies are at greater risk of illnesses including schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, asthma and autism.

They may also be less clever than classmates born in other parts of the year.

Research has suggested many of the differences are linked to a mother’s exposure to sunlight in pregnancy.

Sunlight triggers the production of vitamin D in the body and lack of this in the first months of life may have long-lasting effects.

Speaking earlier this year, Russell Foster, an Oxford University neuroscientist, said the effects were small “but they are very, very clear”.

“I am not giving voice to astrology – it’s nonsense – but we are not immune to seasonal interference,” he said.

“It seems absurd the month in which you are born can affect life chances, but how long you live, how tall you are, how well you do at school, your body mass index as an adult, your morning-versus-evening preference and how likely you are to develop a range of diseases are all correlated to some extent with the time of year in which you emerge from the womb.”


Source: The Telegraph




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Posted by on September 29, 2014 in WISDOM


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Be weary when you become reliant on a single source.





Be weary when you become reliant on a single source. Look around you and see how many people you can identify that serves the person that they are forced to rely upon like a slave. Even the mighty lion in a circus jumps through hoops to earn his food.

Become a champion today. Walk forward even when you do not see a bridge in front of you. You may not have all the answers or do not even understand the questions, but must continue moving forward if you want to overcome and succeed. When faced with a problem, walk forward and trust that the solution or answers will be revealed to you. The most difficult part of your journey over the bridge of life is not the actual journey, but to gather enough courage to walk forward even when the future seems unclear to you.

Become a mature person that calmly does what needs to be done. The fool frantically rushes around in an attempt to be everything for everybody. The wise person believes in live and let live. He does not make an issue out of everything.

Become outcome focused. Make sure that you know what outcome you desire and then actively pursue this desired outcome. You cannot focus on your fears and expect to achieve your desired outcomes. Do you want to own the magic key to success and problem solving? I am sure you do. The magic key that makes all your dreams a reality is decision making. Only when you decide to take, your first bold steps toward your desired outcome will your life start moving forward again.

Become wise and look past the disguise of a person if you want to discover his real intentions. Focus on his disposition if you want to uncover his real objective. The less informed falls for the bravado, tears or fake confidence of such person. The wise man looks through the mask and notice what his hidden motivators are.

Before you announce your final decision, gather as much information as possible. The less informed hears half a story and then jumps to conclusions. A wise person understands that the validation of several options could save him endless inconvenience in the long run. Impulsive choices often lead to major misconceptions.

Being busy does not mean that you are actually productive. The wise man works in a systematic and constructive manner. He gives his undivided attention to priorities. The fool reminds you of a dog that chases his own tail.

Beware of the chameleon people. They take on the colour that seems most appropriate to them at any given moment in time. Their solidarity and loyalty shifts constantly. The less informed takes the current colour of a person as permanent. Do not reveal any sensitive information to anyone that could change colour at some future date and use such information against you or feed it to your enemies.



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Posted by on September 29, 2014 in WISDOM


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There are so many people that have good intentions, but never start their vehicle of life.







I often find it astounding to see how people can “procrastinate” their lives away. There are so many people that have good intentions, but never start their vehicle of life. They sit ready in the racing position, but for some reason not clear to me never start their success vehicles engine. They have the plans; they have the desire, but sit there frozen behind the wheel of their success vehicle and obviously are going nowhere fast. You can have the most powerful racing car, but only when you start your engine and push hard on the petrol pedal will forward movement take place. You can sit behind the wheel of the vehicle of life and pray, medicate or visualize all you like, but will make no progress towards you goals, objectives or desired outcomes until you actually drive off towards your target. You can sit there and blame your company, friends, family or even God for your disposition, but you are ultimately the one that needs to turn the key in the ignition and drive off onto the highway of life.


Procrastination is responsible for poor performance. Procrastination is the killer of dreams. Procrastination destroys potential and keeps you frozen in a state of mediocrity. Try and find any person that achieved anything worthwhile in life that waited and hoped that success would come his or her way. The achievers in life often start their engines and lay down rubber on the highway of life long before their plans and goals are fully formed in their minds. They know that the most difficult part of achieving their goals is not the actual action, but to overcome their fear of failure or pain that keeps the glued in one sport. The champions start their engines early and begin to move in the general direction of their goal or objective long before the smaller details of their plans are worked out or double-checked. They know that adjustments can be made along the way while the fools remains frozen behind their desks. The desk dwellers are experts at justifying their pathetic performance. They are forever waiting for a road map or something else. Any excuse will do as long as they can justify why they are still not moving towards the desired outcome. I have seen educated men and women that suffer with “action anxiety” all my life. Their fear of the unknown or their anxiety to go outside their comfort zones keep them prisoner.




Why not try a bit of reverse psychology today. Why not visualise and see what your outcome will be if you fail to take action. Do not justify your lack of action. Simply think of the consequences if you take no action. See how idiotic you look in your frozen position. See how people get a head start on you because of your fear of potential pain. Feel like the coward you are when you allow your fear to override your will to act. Experience the remorse that you will feel when somebody with much less potential than you takes the first prize or get the lucrative deal. Think what your children will think about you when they discover their father or mother is a coward. Think what the love of your life will think if she or he discovers that, you are a coward. Project yourself to your final day on the job and how you will feel when you discover that you wasted half your life waiting and hoping.


The next time something needs to be done, get up and do it immediately and without hesitation. Stop creating monsters in your mind. Remember the key is ACTION. GO FOR IT TODAY!



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Posted by on September 29, 2014 in WISDOM


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8 Things You Do Everyday That Will Kill You Dead



The world is a dangerous place. Ever day thousands of people are killed by car wrecks, war, earthquakes, tsunamis, and boring celebrity gossip shows. But there are also plenty of things that we do every day that put us at risk or nudge us just slightly closer to death. Why do we continue to do dangerous stuff that we know shortens our life span? Because we are a brilliant, rational, logical species that always acts smart, that’s why. And in case you weren’t aware, we will help educate you on the shit you do every day that’s gonna kill you, so hopefully you will stop doing it, and continue to come back to COED.

1. Sitting on the couch – That’s right: not exercising can give you cancer. Exercising for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week will greatly reduce your risk of cancer, not to mention all the other illnesses associated with being over weight, out of shape, and a generally unattractive slob. So get out there and walk for 30 minutes, because it doesn’t even have to be that strenuous! Plus, regular exercise greatly improves mood as well.

2. Eating crap – This one may actually be a greater danger than smoking, as the related illnesses are numerous and compounding: heart disease, diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, strokes, and cancer. 61% of Americans are overweight and a full 25% are clinically obese, and of these, 300,000 die each year, simply from being fat. It aint pretty.

3. Drinking – There is much confusion concerning the health effects of drinking, as numerous studies have shown that daily alcohol consumption can improve health. The critical piece that is often overlooked is that the rate of consumption is minor: at most 2 glasses per day. Anything beyond that and alcohol greatly worsens whatever condition it might have helped. Liver disease, high blood pressure, and accidents resulting from incredibly stupid drunken behavior are the main causes of alcohol related deaths, of which there are 100,000 in the U.S.

4. Driving like an idiot/teenager – We were all teenagers at one point and we were all susceptible to the flawed judgement characteristic of the age. Some people grow out of it, and others do not. Continuing to act like an adolescent male who is attempting to assert Alpha-male dominance and impress the females is recipe for a firey death. Unfortunately, the driver isn’t the only one at risk, which makes this especially dangerous. More than 100 people die every single day in car accidents in the U.S. Don’t be an idiot.

5. Smoking – Everybody knows smoking is bad for you. The days when tobacco companies attempted to convince us that cigarettes were safe are long gone, and yet, a significant portion of the world continues to suck on those deadly little sticks (which, coincidentally, also make you smell really bad, thus lowering the chance of matting and producing off spring). The commonly accepted mortality rate of cigarettes is 33%. That means if smoke, you have a 1 in 3 chance of dying young from smoking related illness. That adds up to almost 450,000 Americans each year.

6. Hang around people who smoke – Yah, you don’t even have to smoke yourself to be treated to the feast of smoking related diseases: 50,000 Americans die each year from second-hand smoke. So don’t feel bad by asking somebody to not smoke, or to leave if somebody is. Killing themselves is one thing, killing you is just plain insulting.

7. Tanning – over a million Americans are diagnosed with skin cancer every year. Ironically, many of these people go to tanning booths rather than sitting out in the sun, thinking the tanning booths are safer. Wrong wrong wrong: UVA rays from tanning booths are two to three times more powerful than UVA rays from the sun. More than 10,000 Americans die every year from skin cancer. And they look a lot older than they really are when they do, too, because UV exposure destroys your skin, making it leathery and ugly. Oh the irony.

8. Pissing off a gun owner – It’s not guns that kill people, people kill people, right? Sure. But guns make it a whole lot easier. in 2007 there were almost 17,000 murders, but over 12,000 of those were via firearm. And yes, those 12,000 murdered by guns may have been assaulted with some other form of weapon if a gun wasn’t handy, but the fact is that guns have a higher fatality rate than any other weapon. Why else would gun owners, cops, the military etc carry guns? Because they are very effective at killing, that’s why. And the best estimate is that there are over 350 million guns in the US, so be nice. You never know who is packing.



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Posted by on September 29, 2014 in WISDOM


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As we sail along on the sea of life’s journey, we stop at many ports of call to pick up passengers and cargo.



Sailing the Seven Seas of Life

When we arrive into this world, we enter as a ship that navigates by the forces of nature and propelled by the power in the invisible auras of Spirit. It takes a few years for us to launch our ship with a self-propelled man made motor. During this process, we are taken to many shipyards for a refit to our intellect’s knowingness. We are trained by man-made ideologies and our natural awareness starts to go down deep inside the “Davy Jones locker” within us. We are taught to accept a new identity that will become the captain of our ship. We have to pass many tests of approval by our Admiralty of mis-guided intellects. Once we believe we are qualified to be our own pilot and navigator, we set out to chart our voyage of a lifetime.

As we sail along on the sea of life’s journey, we stop at many ports of call to pick up passengers and cargo. Some of these passengers become permanent guests in our lives. Some come for a short trip as they were sent to us to fill a need. Our thoughts advertised we were in need of advice and guidance so they came along for that part of our journey, for they knew the waters we were sailing. They steered us clear of dangers and helped us weather passing storms. Then they went on their way. Some died of a sickness or old age, but their souls stay with us for guidance, as long as we know where they are located in our inner sanctuary. They are the angels that we asked to help steer our course. We still have our trusted physical crew all around our ship, and we have to be aware that we need to treat them with love and respect or else we may encounter a mutiny.


We should always be on guard, for there are dangerous sharks and pirates in these waters. Many are after our cargo of money and treasures, whilst a few wish to take the joy out of our lives. The stock market is a vast ocean of scurvy forces that lie in wait to ambush us when we have lost our direction. There are many other unknown, hazardous ships, we will encounter on our travels and many fly the flag of friendship from a distance, but when we get up close, they hoist the skull and crossbones. Our lookouts fell asleep and we were attacked because impostors penetrated our vigilance. Enemies posing as friendly sailing vessels, in the seas turbulent cross currents of information. And so, we battle the storm and survive, but each battle leaves its scars on our vessel.


Once we journey beyond our half way mark, we suddenly get the feeling we might be heading in the wrong direction. We start to understand the real enemy is within our own ship, and the pilot we have so much faith in is an impostor. It is the same type of impostor that we have been battling in the other pirate ships, only this foe was planted in our thoughts for many years and has grown in stature and strength. So much so it thinks it can control the ship in heavy raging seas, even when it knows the ship is aging and does not have the power it once had. When it realizes it does not have any real power, it wants to abandon the ship as it begins to sink. It wants to forsake the vessel and allow it to crash on the rocks of worry and anxiety.


The captain of our ship is a wimp. A false-hearted scalawag, with no care for anything, except its own importance. It is a stowaway, which dresses up in a captain’s uniform recognized by society’s elite and panders to their whims. That is why we believed it to be so real, for we have all been flying the wrong flags, because our captains are nothing but sophisticated, adulterated, decoys. The real captain named Soul is still on board but held captive in the deep recesses of our vessel.


Captain Ego needs to retire and become a quiet member of the crew.


The time has come to unlock the chains of imprisonment and allow our authentic, trusted captain to gain mastery of the controls of our ship. To escort us to safe waters, where we can float on a tide of supreme bliss. Each day we will set out to achieve new goals and visit places beyond distant horizons. We will still encounter many storms along our cruises but with a steadfast captain at the helm, we will never fear any assault on our peace and tranquility. We have a twenty-four hour watch in the crow’s nest. Our finely tuned awareness is enjoying the true order of command. We have turned off the old worn out motor and we are sailing into the sunset with Spirit’s forces supervising our sail.


Within our life span, everyone will sail the seven seas. We come into this world as a newborn baby and some of us leave within a day or two. We have still sailed the seven seas, only we did it in a pure vessel and in super fast time. Others may sail for over one hundred years. The time-scale is not that important. The quality and value of time spent joyfully is important.


The seas are the same for everyone. Only the time frame is a little longer for some. In cosmic terms, there is little difference in a second or a hundred years. The first taste is the banquet. The first sail is the experience of a lifetime. So we sail the seven seas of life, until the time comes to set our ship adrift. We then sail into the infinite calm waves, in the imponderable galax-seas of eternity. Until that day comes, let’s sail our charter on the authentic sensations of love and joy. Only Spirit can award us with a true captain and navigator. Allow each moment to become a soul-filled adventure of unmeasurable bliss. 


Live Alchemy by Michael Levy


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Posted by on September 28, 2014 in WISDOM


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Thought provoking e-book – The matrix we live in is a prison pervaded by misery/hostility/confusion/resentment, and despair.




The mechanical matrix of post modern consumer society, built by ordinary men and women, is a reality that is indeed a snare, serving only to isolate its inhabitants from a truer, wider, and richer interpretation in which all things are interwoven and cooperative. The matrix we live in, and which we uphold with each and every one of our thoughts (though as we shall see, these thoughts are not our own), is a world built blindly, through fear and rationality, a prison pervaded by misery, hostility, confusion, resentment, and despair. It ain’t no playground. And if it’s a game, then it’s one which few of us ever get to enjoy playing, perhaps because no one ever told us the rules.


 EN MATRIX WARRIOR: BEING THE ONE (complete book) 4.2 MB


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Posted by on September 28, 2014 in WISDOM


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This myth tends to put us in a perpetual hypnotised, victim state.


If you ask me what is the biggest discovery that I made during my endless years of research on the reasons why we fail I would boldly state the following:

It is a myth that we are the victims of our history. This myth tends to put us in a perpetual hypnotised, victim state. We walk, talk, act and react according to the filters that we look through while playing the game of life. Most of us are on auto-pilot and automatically act and react in the manner dictated to us according to our mindset on the matter at hand. We cringe and we cry or dance in elation according to the historical scripts that we adopted since early childhood. The world became our stage. We endlessly repeat our little dramas and hardly ever think that there might be better alternatives if we STOP for a moment and look at the CURRENT moment in an OBJECTIVE and COMPOSED manner.




They cannot spring to life without our activation. They cannot make us sad or depressed until we send the signal via our thoughts that trigger them to life. The amazing thing for many of us must be the ability of these historical pictures, when activated to force us to once more look at the blood, wounds and feelings of disaster that we experienced during the birth of these experiences. It is impossible to remain composed, in control or positive while we allow these strings of historical data to contaminate our CURRENT moments.

Did you know that time is an illusion. The only time that is REAL is this very MOMENT. Nothing that happened HISTORICALLY or that might happen in the FUTURE can contaminate your current moment without your permission. No horror movies can play on the screen of your mind until you upload a single or series of historical data packages from your sub-conscious minds. You cannot manage your life or a specific moment on MERIT while you remain in AUTO-PLAY. How can you be brave when you constantly allow your historical horror movies to scare the living shit out of you? It is a simple as that. You can never escape your current circumstances (financial, relationship etc.) while you continuously work with old and often outdated blueprints.

This nasty habit is causing billions to stagger out of bed each day and repeat the same old cycles and rituals like slaves. They dance the same old monotonous dance and hope that something or someone will bring some joy or luck into their grey and uninteresting lives. They yearn for love, friendship, joy, prosperity or success, but fail to understand that it is impossible to manifest anything that falls outside of our current or habitual mindsets.

You have something called will-power. You can take your power back today. You make hundred of choices every hour. You can decide that you are going to get off your chair or bed right now and confront each moment in an objective and positive manner. You can decide that acting like a puppet or a slave is no longer fun. You can kick adversity in the balls and challenge those that cause you discomfort to “bring it on”. Can you see that you can become objective, strong, loving and fun to be with if you stop the tendency to allow your history to dictate each and every moment in your life? You can become productive and efficient right now if you PAUSE for a moment before you act or react. The key is the choices you make. What you do, think or fail to do will manifest tomorrow, next week and next year.

Draw a line in the sand today, right now and take your power back. Be brave and make decisions even if the outcomes might not be what you anticipated. You can always make new decisions and make adjustments to your new flight plan. Decide today that you are going to LIVE until you DIE. It is easy when you understand that all you need to do is to manage your CURRENT MOMENT. 



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Posted by on September 28, 2014 in WISDOM


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There was a time when you could actually FEEL the music!

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Posted by on September 28, 2014 in WISDOM



Philip K. Dick Discovers the Matrix.



Some people think that the physical universe is different from the mental planes of reality. But the physical universe is really not as physical as it seems. In fact, it is just another layer of the mental universe. Time and space does not exist in the physical universe only, it also does exist on the other planes of reality. Except it is experienced differently on those planes.

The entire universe is a hologram. The world is simply a simulation, like a computer program. All levels of reality are part of that same program. Everything physical is only a concept in the mind of God. As he imagines it to be, we experience it to be.

Reality is a mental construct. The rules of physics are just there to “govern” how the physical universe operates. The universal mind which governs the laws of the physical universe only allows it them to be superceded when it permits.

We are living in the matrix. This is not a computer-generated but a mind-generated world. It is generated by the universal mind which is partly the mind of God and partly the collective consciousness of the people alive.

Do our five senses really operate as energy receptors carry energy in the form of electrical impulses along nerves to the brain in order to be processed by the mind as information? Are we really not able to see the world around us when the electrical impulses are cut off? Does our life support system really operate as blood carrying oxygen from the air that we breathe to our body cells in order to nourish and repair them? Are we really not able to process energy without the means of our blood?

While looking at your feet, stomp on the ground. You will notice that your visual perception of your foot hitting the floor matches your sensation of touching it. This would be fine except for one thing: the speed of light is vastly faster than the conduction times and synaptic delays through the long nerves and spinal cord from your feet. As a result, you should be seeing the event before you feel it and the delay should be noticeable.

Scientist can study how the physical system operates in order to work with it. We have to follow the rules of a system when we are in it, in order to function in it. But the physical system is only a simulation to provide logic and order to how reality operates on the physical level. The simulation is only a mask over how true reality operates. We do not actually see with electrical impulses being sent from our eyes to our brains through the channel of nerves. We sense energy directly with our mind. We do not actually live with oxygen flooding our cells through the use of blood. We absorb energy directly from the universal field of energy. We perceive everything as energy directly with consciousness.

When we think, we think as conscious mind. When a thought becomes substantiated, it substantiates in the subconscious mind. But what is man’s subconscious mind? It is his mental field or frequency in Universal Subjectivity. There is no such thing as your subjective mind and my subjective mind, meaning two, for this would be duality. All mind is One Mind. But there is such a thing as the subconscious state of your thought and of my thought in Mind.

When we think, we think through a Universal Creative Medium, a receptive and plastic substance which surrounds us on all sides, which permeates us and flows through us. When we think, we think through and into the One Common Mind producing points of mental activity within it. We exist as the universal mind differentiated into individual minds. We think as universal conscious mind through the Universal Subconscious medium. As each person thinks, he is building around himself a mental atmosphere. Nothing can enter unless he allows it to, through the avenues of his own thought whether conscious or unconscious.

There is no other place that we could think, since Mind is Omnipresent. There is no out there. Everything exist as projections in the external world from within ourselves. Even the experience of internal to external projection itself is an experience in our Mind. It is a projection of consciousness within consciousness. There really is no external or internal for everything is at one place where Mind is. Mind is everywhere yet nowhere. Mind is nowhere but Here, Now. Everything is created by consciousness and nothing is outside of consciousness.

Our heart is our subconscious mind. The Universal Field of Subjectivity is the key to understanding what it means when we say someone is always with us because that person is in our heart. We might see, hear and touch the person, but that is just a means of experiencing each other through physical form. Of course Spirit must manifest into form in order to express itself. But once we experienced each other physically, we know that we are always connected to each other no matter where we are. There is no separation. The person exist in Universal Subconscious which is in our heart. That person is in us literally.

Metaphysics of Time, Space and Things

Time simply measures change. Beyond that simple function, time is nonexistent. There is really only the “now”. “Time is a sequence of events in a Unitary Whole.” Time is not a thing of itself, it is simply a measure of experience in eternity. Time does not contradict Eternity, but allows It to become expressed in terms of definite experience. Time is necessary since it allows experience to take place within the One, but time is never a thing of itself. It is really impossible to measure time. For yesterday is gone and tomorrow has not come, and today is rapidly slipping into the past. If we were to attempt to put a finger on any period of time it would be gone before we could point to it. But, illusive as time is, it is still necessary to experience.

Space, like time, is not a thing of itself, but is only the outline of form. It is a relative distance within the Absolute. Space is also necessary to the expression of Spirit, for without it no definite form could be produced. We must not be confused over the ideas of time and space, as they are not things of themselves. They are entirely relative, but none the less necessary.

Things are mean forms in time and space. Things are always results and never make themselves; they are the objectifications of Spirit. Things are necessary to the manifestation of Spirit. They are the result of the Self-Knowingness of the Word of God. Things vary in size and shape, in time and duration, from the planet to the peanut, from a moment to an eternity. It is necessary that Spirit should manifest in SOME KIND OF FORM in order that It may come into Self-Expression through Self-Realization. The world is waking up to the fact that things are not at all what they appear to be, that matter and form are but the one substance appearing and disappearing, and that form is simply used to express something which is formless, self-conscious life.

Form in the astral world is not as definite as form in the physical world. But the physical world is not as definite as it seems because it is governed by true reality, and true reality is highly fluid. Physical reality and mental reality and different levels of the same program, running with a different set of parameters. The difference between the physical world and the astral world is that of time. Change happens slower on the physical plane because energy moves at a slower rate on their plane but on the astral plane, things can happen very quickly.

There is only one place that is far more definite than physical reality. It is a place where you really can’t change the conditions in it with your mind. It’s vibrations are the lower and denser than Earth. That place is Hell. Beings that exist there will forever be tormented with fire in anguish, pain and misery. It is where things are truly hopeless and there is nothing you can do about it. Hell is the condition of having no alternatives. Both heaven and hell are real places, but while on Earth, your experience can either be a heaven or hell depending on whether you live in higher consciousness where anything is possible and change can happen fast, or hell consciousness where things are hopeless and impossible.

The physical plane is where the challenge is. It is a loss to give up living in the physical world and to enter the astral world just because one is in despair of the difficulties in manifesting desires on that plane. It is precisely for that reason that we are truly able to develop and test our powers of mind in order to fulfill our realization as spirit beings. The purpose of physicality is to lock different beings into common dimensional arenas of interaction, so they can evolve via that interaction. Gaining the ability to be in control of reality at the physical level is gaining the ability to be in control of our own minds to the fullest degree. Ruling and reigning over reality is expressing who we are as sons and daughters of God, created in the true spiritual image of God.


By Enoch Tan / Source: Mind Power Secrets Package


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Posted by on September 27, 2014 in WISDOM


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The question that you need to ask yourself is, “Do I want to win or do I want to be happy?”




When we detect something via one or more of our five senses “it is what it is” until we make up our mind what we are going to make of it and what we are going to do about it. Its status remains neutral until we “respond” to the event detected of that we possibly thought of.


Example – someone said something that and we proceed to lodge it in the “process pending” file in our subconscious computer. No rational and objective reaction can take place until we hit the process button. At this stage we only have unqualified raw data in our mental “in box”. We are most probably composed and don’t feel sad, angry, upset or rejected. We continue to sustain our “current” mood. It is only after we begin to process the input received that we detect a change in our mood. It is only after we filtered and judged the “input” that our brains release the appropriate chemical cocktail into our blood that it deem appropriate to the task at hand. This is when we begin to experience elation, anger, joy, sadness or frustration. We also then received a “spontaneously” action plan as part of the reaction protocol. Can you see that nothing happened until we pushed the process button? Let us look at a few examples of input that most of us experience often.


We are late for work. We think suddenly conclude that there is a conspiracy against us. We woke up to the fact that most robots are either out of commission or red.


Our partner makes a negative comment about a mistake that he/she perceived we made.


We receive a final request for payment of something we bought in a moment of possible “insanity”.


We read that there is a child dying of poor water quality in Africa every minute.


We hear on the news that our crime rate achieved new horrific record levels.


We see on the news that Malema outperformed himself at a political meeting with a new hair brain idea how even more funds can be extracted from those that he deem financially affluent.




ONE – Accept “what is”. Do not send the input for processing to the processing part of the mind.


TWO – Ensure that you fully understand the INPUT that you are confronted with. Ask question, and do proper research.


THREE – Now send this data to your sub-conscious mind for processing.




What many of us fail to grasp is that there is no rule or valid reason to respond or react until you feel ready to deal with a task at hand. The best responds is often to not to do or say anything and remain detached emotionally. A series of out of order robots must be accepted as something that we can do absolutely nothing about. It will be silly and a total waste of energy to react like a mad man every time you are confronted with a red or defective robot. The outcome of such behaviour could produce a totally unacceptable outcome and can result in your getting arrested for road-rage. The same holds true with most of the examples that I provided earlier. Most of our reactions are silly, a waste of time and meaningless. We in a moment of insanity bought something that now put us under serious pressure. How will massive feeling a guilt, fear and anxiety make this problem go away?




Most of us have a tendency to write a whole script around everything unacceptable that we are faced with. We become the main actor on the stage in our heads. We to top it all also play the role of a victim in these dramas. Most problems that we are faced with can be resolved if we learn to cut out the drama part of our processing.




Accept what is – Don’t go into a “why me” mode. Don’t moan and fret while you think what could or should have been. Accept the current situations and deal with in when you are composed and have valid data to work with.


Accept that most of the stuff that we perceive as a crisis is silly and should not even be processed. Malema said something that you deem a threat. Understand that there is nothing you can do to modify or change what he said. All you are going to achieve is to mess up your blood pleasure and flirt with a heart attack.


Just observe what was said in a detached manner. Don’t make what was said good or bad or right or wrong. Become a dethatched observer and look at the whole silly game the same way you will observe a tree that you pass on your way home. All you see is a tree. You have no specific opinions about the tree. You allow the tree to enter your field of vision and allow it to leave your field of vision without thinking or making up stories about this tree. It is our reactions that provide the power to most of the stuff that we are faced with.


The earth will remain stable on it axis and the sky will not fall if you OBSERVE all input in a detached manner. Refrain from attaching any emotions good or bad to any input. You take back your power when you accept “what is” and stop processing every event as if your life depended on it. It is your ego that is causing most of the shit that you are faced with daily. Your ego must always react to everything and everyone. Your ego is the one that drag you through an endless range of unpleasant emotions and experienced daily.


The question that you need to ask yourself is, “Do I want to win or do I want to be happy?” Allow yourself to float downstream. Stop swimming upstream in an attempt to pacify your ego’s desire to retain control or take control.


This does not mean that I expect you to become a bowl of jelly. I repeat that we must “accept what is and observe “what is” in an objective and relaxed manner without saying or doing the first thing that comes to mind. Only take action when you are composed and have solid and valid data to work with.





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Posted by on September 27, 2014 in WISDOM


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This is one of the most powerful principles you can ever master. You can have all the skills in the world, but if you need this extremely important ingredient in any area of your life you will fail. A lack of staying power is deadly and often at the root of many of the problems we face. Please read this wisdom file for a week. Read it first thing in the morning and again just before you go to bed at night. Use the POWER WORDS daily and you will report a huge difference by the end of the week. You can have all the other skills in the world, but will have to accept second best and mediocrity if you lack stamina and staying power until you one day master this key force that is waiting for you to push the go button.


Use the following method and power words when you feel that you are on the verge of giving up on something or someone. We have all been faced with situations where we came to the conclusion that we just cannot continue to sustain our effort. We know that it could be beneficial to hang in, but just seem to lack the physical and mental resolve to persist until we achieve a successful outcome.

One of the main reasons for failure is a lack of persistence. We live in a society where almost everything is “instant” and available on tap. This “instant” mentality robs many of us of lucrative advantages. Many of us are brilliant at starting activities, but poor at seeing them through.

The character of a person is displayed when he or she can grind something out until the desired outcome is achieved. We do not remember the fast starters in life. We recall those that finished the race. An iron will, will allow you to join a special group of people. They are the top two percent of the population of the planet. They are the leaders and trendsetters. They do not wait for things to happen, they make them happen. They love problems and challenges. Persistent people become legends while quitters become faded memories.

The foundation of quitters is made up of fear and doubt. They are the ones that can tell you endless stories of the “big one that got away.” They always blame something or someone for their poor track record.

Look around you at all the amazing innovations and technological marvels. You will discover that there are always individuals behind them that stuck to their dreams. A large percentage of students that start going to university never make the grade. A large percentage of relationships end up on the garbage heap because of poor persistence.

Many stores open their doors with massive hope and anticipation. The biggest percentage does not make it through their first two years. Would you like to go on an important trip if you knew that the engine of your vehicle tends to break down when least expected? You could end up in a desert with vultures circling overhead. It is a good thing that there are no vultures circling overhead when we fail or give up on some endeavour. I am obviously not including the lawyers that often feast on our failures.

Use the following method and power words the next time that you feel that you are ready to quit. Focus on the project or situation that is causing you to contemplate resignation and repeat the power word “rock”. You will soon feel that new energy is flowing into your system. You will change from the marshmallow man to the man of steel. You will mentally see how your “rock” grinds up the things that stand between you and ultimate success. Nothing can stop a person with a “rock” hard persistency. The “rock” people never consider quitting as one of the options available to them. They know that most people quit when the victory post is just around the next corner. They hammer opposing forces to a pulp.

Use this power word whenever you are faced with a situation where you feel that you are close to quitting. The moment that they begin to mentally or verbally repeat the power word “rock” they feel as if high-octane power fuel is rushing into their depleted fuel tanks. The key is to sustain a positive attitude and to repeat the power word “rock” as explained.

This tool can change your life. It can assist you in all areas of your life. Ad some “rock” to your foundation when it starts crumbling. Repeat the power word “rock” and begin to act and react like a person that knows where he is going. This power word can be used in all areas of your life. It can and will change your life and make you proud of that person that is looking back at you when you look in the mirror. The “rock” people do the stuff that the losers are either to afraid or to fragile to do.

Repeat this power word when you feel that you are running out of steam. Rock. Rock. Rock.

Possible other power words you can use: No guts no glory. No guts no glory. Crush proof. Crush proof. Lighthouse. Lighthouse.



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Posted by on September 27, 2014 in WISDOM


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Access control is often used in relationships as a tool to regulate/control partners.




Most of us are aware that we have a “space” around us that we don’t like penetrated. Our subconscious perimeter warning and defence system guide our physical body away from anyone that don’t have a perimeter pass that attempt to bridge into our “comfort zone”. We only allow a relative few individuals to come within the inner sanctuary of our comfort zone. Our comfort zone perimeter extends about a meter away from our body. Every person developed a unique technique to block penetration of their comfort zone. This technique sometimes include strong verbal messages that warn the perpetrator to retreat. Some of us that experienced forced entry into our comfort zone (abuse etc.) may experience strong discomfort long before a person come in contact with the outer limits of our comfort perimeter. It is amazing how two individuals in love, especially during the initial stage of courtship gradually manage to turn their alarm systems off when they desire physical contact. It is a known fact that access, especially by the female often becomes a tool to regulate and control their partner. The male is then expected to toe the line and go through a specified range of courtship rituals before he is allowed to bridge his partner’s comfort zone. In short the original spontaneity early in the courtship is now replaced by a deal making and negotiation process. This strategy when overcooked can gradually lead to a range of problems in a relationship and also promote infidelity. The man is a hunter by nature and could sooner or later reach a point where he had enough of the howling alarms and often unrealistic demands of his partner before he is allowed access to his partner’s inner domain. Many infidelity cases that shattered relationships and ripped families apart came about because of the poor management of this access system. Use this powerful tool with great circumspection. There are an endless range of remedies that can be applied to repair relationship problems. Overzealous application of access requirements is not one of them.






RELATIONSHIPS – Uncovering other people’s underlying beliefs.

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Posted by on September 27, 2014 in WISDOM


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The Psychology of Control.





State Of Mind: The Psychology Of Control, contends that much of what we believe to be truth is actually deliberate deception. The global elites are systematically implanting lies into our consciousness to erect a “tyranny over the minds of men.” This film exposes the mind control methods being used to turn our once vibrant society into a land of obedient sheeple. Are we controlled? To what extent and by whom? What does it mean for humanity’s future?

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Posted by on September 26, 2014 in WISDOM


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Your thoughts are the tools with which you carve your life story on the substance of the universe.









You are given the gifts of Gods. You create your reality. Yours is the creative energy that makes your world. There are no limitations to the self except those you believe in.


Think you are well and that all is well with you and nature will read your thoughts and make them true.


Your thoughts are the tools with which you carve your life story on the substance of the universe. When you choose your thoughts, you choose results.


Life allows you to think as you please, but it always produces for you what you think.


Author Unknown


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Posted by on September 26, 2014 in WISDOM


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Most people are also living hopeless lives of quiet desperation.





Think about your life for a moment. Are you exactly where you want to be? Are you doing work that you love? Are you free to travel when and where you wish? Are your relationships fulfilling? Are you financially free or are you tied to a job you hate?


Now answer this question for me: Do you want to know exactly why you are not living a life of ease, comfort, and happiness? Yes, of course you do. Pay close attention:


“The only reason you are not living the life of your dreams is because unconstructive beliefs were programmed into your mind as a child.”


Let me say it in a way that might be easier to understand: “The only reason you don’t have enough money is because you still believe the bullshit they taught you as a kid.”


That’s it… When you were young, you learned certain “facts” about life that became a part of your subconscious operating system. This system now automatically creates the life you are living. If you are not living exactly the life that you desire, then these beliefs need to be changed… it’s as simple as that.


Do you realize that you have been brainwashed?


Most people don’t want to hear this “inconvenient truth.” But most people are also living hopeless lives of quiet desperation. Not that there’s anything wrong with that… but I know that you are not like that. I doubt you would still be reading if you didn’t realize that you are capable of much, much more.


In fact, you HAVE been brainwashed. Of course, we are all brainwashed. Every single person on the planet is brainwashed with a certain set of beliefs which automatically operates his or her life.


Your parents, your teachers, your leaders, your culture, and your friends and family have all had a hand in creating exactly the set of beliefs you use to operate in your world.


Is this bad? Only if the beliefs you accepted as a child are not helping you now. Of course, if you are happy, healthy and successful then you have a subconscious operating system that works. Count your blessings and enjoy your life.


However, if there is some area of your life which you would like to change, then it is vital that you learn how to.


Let’s go back to the beginning. The REAL reason you don’t have enough money is because you believe something you learned as a child which is keeping you from having enough money. Perhaps your father told you that rich people are crooks. Well, of course you don’t want to be considered a crook in your father’s eyes, so you will never be rich. Your subconscious programming will make sure that you are never able to make money.


Or perhaps your parents always fought about money. What did your young mind learn? You learned that money causes trouble. You don’t want trouble, so you avoid money.


Or maybe you are spiritually inclined. But you were probably taught that “money is the root of all evil.” And you don’t want to be evil, do you? So what happens in your inner programming? It will automatically sabotage your attempts to get money, in order to “protect” you from being evil.


By Ilya Alexi, Author of Mind Over Money: How to Program Your Mind for Wealth


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The rain of forgiveness washes away the hurt and pain of yesteryear.



The rain of forgiveness washes away the hurt and pain of yesteryear. No healing can take place while you cling to your historical letdowns and painful experiences of the past. Great purity of thinking and the miraculous healing of wounds usually take place after unconditional forgiveness. Remember that forgiveness does not mean that you approve what was done to you




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Posted by on September 26, 2014 in WISDOM


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Awareness is the key to success.





The most powerful way to develop your self-confidence is to stop looking at life through a “pink” filter system. You must see people, family, friends, strangers, business and religion in a realistic and stripped down manner. The first thing you need to do is to answer a very simple question. The question is – what is the real intention (agenda) of this person or institution? You need to dig deeper and uncover the real agendas and intentions, not the often bullshit masks and camouflage presented as bait. They for example might not really care as much as you think they do about saving your soul. Their real intention might be your money or the free hours you will spend “selling” their cause (books or ideologies etc.). That friendly politician might not care a fuck about you, your future or your family, but will tell you whatever you will be prepared to swallow to get your vote. I don’t want you to become paranoid and see a conspiracy in every shadow. All I am suggesting is that you make it your business to find the source reasons why a person, company etc. is attempting to connect with you or sustain their connection with you. You might think that this guy is buying you flowers and sending you romantic message on your phone because of your wonderful personality and blue eye. His only goal might be to get you into bed and chalk up one more victory in the pecker department. Awareness is the key to success. Ask questions and probe until you fully understand what or who you are dealing with. We need to become realistic if we want to uncover why we often end up the victim. The following might sound cynical, but you do not really have a massive supply of true friends that will die for you. Most friendships and for that matter even relationships are built on a parasitic* foundation. People feed from each other emotionally, physically and socially. You will often be dropped like a hot potato once you are depleted of whatever a person was feeding on. Set yourself free by expecting nothing from nobody. Appreciate life and your relationships on a moment to moment basis.





Usually, although parasites harm their hosts, it is in the parasite’s best interest not to kill the host, because it relies on the host’s body and body functions, such as digestion or blood circulation, to live.




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Posted by on September 26, 2014 in WISDOM


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25 Motivational Quotes – “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”




Great quotes help motivate me to keep learning on my journey of self-improvement. One of my favorite sources of quotes to turn to is from self-made billionaires, as they have spent their lives working through failure, and have come out on top. They often have wisdom to impart.

For those days when you need an extra pick-me-up, here are the best motivational quotes from some of the greatest entrepreneurs in history.

1. “People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents.” — Andrew Carnegie

2. “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” — Walt Disney

3. “It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” — J. K. Rowling

4. “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” — Henry Ford

5. “You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and falling over.” — Richard Branson

6. “When you grow up, you tend to get told that the world is the way it is and your life is just to live your life inside the world, try not to bash into the walls too much, try to have a nice family, have fun, save a little money. That’s a very limited life. Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact, and that is that everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use. Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.” — Steve Jobs

7. “You can do so much in 10 minutes time. Ten minutes, once gone, are gone for good. Divide your life into 10-minute units and sacrifice as few of them as possible in meaningless activity.” — Ingvar Kamprad

8. “The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you’re willing to work.” — Oprah Winfrey

9. “I knew that if I failed I wouldn’t regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying.” — Jeff Bezos

10. “If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should still do it.” — Elon Musk

11. “The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” — Mark Zuckerberg

12. “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” — John D. Rockefeller

13. “Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.” — Coco Chanel

14. “You can learn from everybody.” — Sam Walton

15. “When I saw that screen light up that day in the Merrill Lynch offices, I lost any residual doubt that Bloomberg could make it. We had picked just the right project. It was big enough to be useful, small enough to be possible. Start with a small piece, fulfill one goal at a time, on time. Do it with all things in life. Sit down and learn to read one-syllable words. If you try to read Chaucer in elementary school, you’ll never accomplish anything. You can’t jump to the end game right away, in computers, politics, love, or any other aspect of life.” — Mike Bloomberg

16. “You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.” — Henry Ford

17. “All my life people have said that I wasn’t going to make it… You can never quit. Winners never quit, and quitters never win.” — Ted Turner

18. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” — Steve Jobs

19. “Making mistakes is the privilege of the active — of those who can correct their mistakes and put them right.” — Ingvar Kamprad

20. “Risk more than others think safe. Dream more than others think practical. Expect more than others think possible. Care more than others think wise.” — Howard Schultz

21. “High expectations are the key to everything.” — Sam Walton

22. “I’m always afraid of failing. It’s great motivation to work harder.” — Mark Cuban

23. “Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you’ll be able to see farther.” — J.P. Morgan

24. “What I know for sure is that if you want to have success, you can’t make success your goal. The key is not to worry about being successful, but to instead work toward being significant – and the success will naturally follow.” — Oprah Winfrey

25. “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” — Henry Ford


By Dan Dzombak 

Source: The Motley Fool


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Posted by on September 25, 2014 in WISDOM


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