Tag Archives: repeat

Self confidence in 15 minutes – Everybody can learn to be more confident!



Self confidence in 15 minutes


Some people have naturally high levels of confidence but everybody can learn to be more confident!


Firstly, it’s important to get a clear idea of what self confidence really means, otherwise you won’t know when you’ve got it! So, self confidence means:


1) Being calm. For every situation in life you need to run on the appropriate level of emotion. Too much emotional ‘leakage’ into a experience can spoil the experience. You make great strides towards confidence when you begin to relax in a greater range of situations.


2) Being cool. The second part of self confidence is about being able to relax with uncertainty. To be ‘cool’ in a situation really means relaxing with not knowing how things will pan out. If you truly tolerate uncertainty, you can do pretty much anything.


3) Not being too concerned with what others think of you. You know when you imagine what some place is going to be like before you go there but when you get there it is totally different to your imagination? That’s how reliable your imagination is! Stop trusting your imagination so much. I’ve long since stopped bothering to imagine what others think of me because so often I’ve turned out to be wrong.


4) Being specific – where do you want confidence?‘Confidence’ is meaningless until you tie it to something specific. You are already confident that you can read these words or can switch a light on and off. So you don’t need more confidence everywhere. To get what you want in life you have to establish exactly what you do want. Where do you want confidence in your life? Think about the specific situations now and write them down. You beginning to steer your brain towards confidence.


5) Understanding that what you expect is what you get. Your brain is an organ that needs clear goals to work towards. When a task has been set in your brain it will do everything it can do to bring about the completion of that task. If you’ve tried to recall someone’s name but can’t, hours later you’ll often find their name pops into your head.


The ‘trying to recall’ experience set the task or blueprint for your brain’s future subconscious behaviour which eventually produced the name for you – when you weren’t thinking about it consciously. You can use this natural mechanism to start feeling more confident. But, to ensure you set the right task for your subconscious mind, the next point is vital.


6) Don’t task your mind with negatives. Instead of: ‘I don’t want to screw up’ (which sets the task of ‘screwing up’ for your brain), set the blueprint for what you do want! Your brain doesn’t work towards what to do by being told what not to do. And nature has given you a wonderful natural tool to set the right task blueprints with.


7) Use nature’s goal-setter: Now you understand how vital it is to set the right task for your brain, you need to know how to do this reliably. Good hypnosis will strongly ‘program’ the right blueprint in your mind through the use of your imagination. If you powerfully imagine feeling confident and relaxed while in a relaxed state it will be hard for your unconscious mind to do anything else. The blueprint for relaxation has been set firmly into your subconscious mind.


3 simple strategies to get you feeling confident quickly:


1) Think specifically of the time/place/situation you want to feel confident in. Remember ‘confidence’ doesn’t mean anything until you attach it to something specific.


2) Focus on words in your mind right now that describe how you do want to be in that time and place. Maybe words such as ‘calm’, ‘relaxed’ or ‘focused’. Remember your brain works on clear positive instructions.


3) Close your eyes for as long as you like and think about how those words feel. Then, imagine the situation itself and rehearse it in your mind feeling confident and relaxed. This way you set the right blueprint or ‘task’ for your unconscious mind.


Author Unknown


You can repeat the above often to make it more effective and use it with as many areas of your life as you need to. So if you feel like you’d be blessed with less confidence than some other people you can start redressing the balance by using your mind in the right way right now.



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Posted by on February 10, 2015 in WISDOM


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Self-confidence in 15 minutes.




Self confidence in 15 minutes


Some people have naturally high levels of confidence but everybody can learn to be more confident!


Firstly, it’s important to get a clear idea of what self confidence really means, otherwise you won’t know when you’ve got it! So, self confidence means:


1) Being calm. For every situation in life you need to run on the appropriate level of emotion. Too much emotional ‘leakage’ into a experience can spoil the experience. You make great strides towards confidence when you begin to relax in a greater range of situations.


2) Being cool. The second part of self confidence is about being able to relax with uncertainty. To be ‘cool’ in a situation really means relaxing with not knowing how things will pan out. If you truly tolerate uncertainty, you can do pretty much anything.


3) Not being too concerned with what others think of you. You know when you imagine what some place is going to be like before you go there but when you get there it is totally different to your imagination? That’s how reliable your imagination is! Stop trusting your imagination so much. I’ve long since stopped bothering to imagine what others think of me because so often I’ve turned out to be wrong.


4) Being specific – where do you want confidence?‘Confidence’ is meaningless until you tie it to something specific. You are already confident that you can read these words or can switch a light on and off. So you don’t need more confidence everywhere. To get what you want in life you have to establish exactly what you do want. Where do you want confidence in your life? Think about the specific situations now and write them down. You beginning to steer your brain towards confidence.


5) Understanding that what you expect is what you get. Your brain is an organ that needs clear goals to work towards. When a task has been set in your brain it will do everything it can do to bring about the completion of that task. If you’ve tried to recall someone’s name but can’t, hours later you’ll often find their name pops into your head.


The ‘trying to recall’ experience set the task or blueprint for your brain’s future subconscious behaviour which eventually produced the name for you – when you weren’t thinking about it consciously. You can use this natural mechanism to start feeling more confident. But, to ensure you set the right task for your subconscious mind, the next point is vital.


6) Don’t task your mind with negatives. Instead of: ‘I don’t want to screw up’ (which sets the task of ‘screwing up’ for your brain), set the blueprint for what you do want! Your brain doesn’t work towards what to do by being told what not to do. And nature has given you a wonderful natural tool to set the right task blueprints with.


7) Use nature’s goal-setter: Now you understand how vital it is to set the right task for your brain, you need to know how to do this reliably. Good hypnosis will strongly ‘program’ the right blueprint in your mind through the use of your imagination. If you powerfully imagine feeling confident and relaxed while in a relaxed state it will be hard for your unconscious mind to do anything else. The blueprint for relaxation has been set firmly into your subconscious mind.


3 simple strategies to get you feeling confident quickly:


1) Think specifically of the time/place/situation you want to feel confident in. Remember ‘confidence’ doesn’t mean anything until you attach it to something specific.


2) Focus on words in your mind right now that describe how you do want to be in that time and place. Maybe words such as ‘calm’, ‘relaxed’ or ‘focused’. Remember your brain works on clear positive instructions.


3) Close your eyes for as long as you like and think about how those words feel. Then, imagine the situation itself and rehearse it in your mind feeling confident and relaxed. This way you set the right blueprint or ‘task’ for your unconscious mind.


Author Unknown


You can repeat the above often to make it more effective and use it with as many areas of your life as you need to. So if you feel like you’d be blessed with less confidence than some other people you can start redressing the balance by using your mind in the right way right now.


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Posted by on October 26, 2014 in WISDOM


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Slowly repeat – FUCK FEAR – the next time you dodge something/someone that you need to confront in a so-called power position!




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Posted by on June 28, 2014 in WISDOM


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We always find fresh excuses to cover up our inability to rectify the real CAUSES behind the SYMPTOMS that rob us of our HAPPINESS and SUCCESS.



We make the same MISTAKES and REPEAT the same old RITUALS endlessly. We buy self-help books, attend seminars, listen to gurus, go to church, read the Bible and other holy books, but end up REPEATING the same old poor CHOICES and face the same old PAINFUL outcomes. The main reason why we get stuck in these deadly REPEAT PERFORMANCES can be traced to our laziness, ignorance or often stubbornness to CONFRONT the CORE CAUSES of our problems. We doctor the SYMPTOMS and IGNORE the CAUSES that provide the fuel to the FIRE that burn away our potential to be HAPPY, HEALTHY and SATISFIED. New hope flares up like a brush fire when we read something wise or when we listen to something motivational. This injection of ENTHUSIASM never last long and always fade away again like the mist in the rays of the morning sun. We always find fresh excuses to cover up our inability to rectify the real CAUSES behind the SYMPTOMS that rob us of our HAPPINESS and SUCCESS.


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Posted by on December 20, 2013 in WISDOM


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We always find fresh excuses to cover up our inability to rectify the real CAUSES behind the SYMPTOMS that rob us of our HAPPINESS and SUCCESS.

We make the same MISTAKES and REPEAT the same old RITUALS endlessly. We buy self-help books, attend seminars, listen to gurus, go to church, read the Bible and other holy books, but end up REPEATING the same old poor CHOICES and face the same old PAINFUL outcomes. The main reason why we get stuck in these deadly REPEAT PERFORMANCES can be traced to our laziness, ignorance or often stubbornness to CONFRONT the CORE CAUSES of our problems. We doctor the SYMPTOMS and IGNORE the CAUSES that provide the fuel to the FIRE that burn away our potential to be HAPPY, HEALTHY and SATISFIED. New hope flares up like a brush fire when we read something wise or when we listen to something motivational. This injection of ENTHUSIASM never last long and always fade away again like the mist in the rays of the morning sun. We always find fresh excuses to cover up our inability to rectify the real CAUSES behind the SYMPTOMS that rob us of our HAPPINESS and SUCCESS.


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Posted by on December 1, 2013 in WISDOM


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We always find fresh excuses to cover up our inability to rectify the real CAUSES behind the SYMPTOMS that rob us of our HAPPINESS and SUCCESS.

We make the same MISTAKES and REPEAT the same old RITUALS endlessly. We buy self-help books, attend seminars, listen to gurus, go to church, read the Bible and other holy books, but end up REPEATING the same old poor CHOICES and face the same old PAINFUL outcomes. The main reason why we get stuck in these deadly REPEAT PERFORMANCES can be traced to our laziness, ignorance or often stubbornness to CONFRONT the CORE CAUSES of our problems. We doctor the SYMPTOMS and IGNORE the CAUSES that provide the fuel to the FIRE that burn away our potential to be HAPPY, HEALTHY and SATISFIED. New hope flares up like a brush fire when we read something wise or when we listen to something motivational. This injection of ENTHUSIASM never last long and always fade away again like the mist in the rays of the morning sun. We always find fresh excuses to cover up our inability to rectify the real CAUSES behind the SYMPTOMS that rob us of our HAPPINESS and SUCCESS.


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Posted by on October 26, 2013 in WISDOM


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It’s important to get a clear idea of what self confidence really means!

Computer keyboard with two gesturing hands

Self confidence in 15 minutes


Some people have naturally high levels of confidence but everybody can learn to be more confident!


Firstly, it’s important to get a clear idea of what self confidence really means, otherwise you won’t know when you’ve got it! So, self confidence means:


1) Being calm. For every situation in life you need to run on the appropriate level of emotion. Too much emotional ‘leakage’ into a experience can spoil the experience. You make great strides towards confidence when you begin to relax in a greater range of situations.


2) Being cool. The second part of self confidence is about being able to relax with uncertainty. To be ‘cool’ in a situation really means relaxing with not knowing how things will pan out. If you truly tolerate uncertainty, you can do pretty much anything.


3) Not being too concerned with what others think of you. You know when you imagine what some place is going to be like before you go there but when you get there it is totally different to your imagination? That’s how reliable your imagination is! Stop trusting your imagination so much. I’ve long since stopped bothering to imagine what others think of me because so often I’ve turned out to be wrong.


4) Being specific – where do you want confidence?‘Confidence’ is meaningless until you tie it to something specific. You are already confident that you can read these words or can switch a light on and off. So you don’t need more confidence everywhere. To get what you want in life you have to establish exactly what you do want. Where do you want confidence in your life? Think about the specific situations now and write them down. You beginning to steer your brain towards confidence.


5) Understanding that what you expect is what you get. Your brain is an organ that needs clear goals to work towards. When a task has been set in your brain it will do everything it can do to bring about the completion of that task. If you’ve tried to recall someone’s name but can’t, hours later you’ll often find their name pops into your head.


The ‘trying to recall’ experience set the task or blueprint for your brain’s future subconscious behaviour which eventually produced the name for you – when you weren’t thinking about it consciously. You can use this natural mechanism to start feeling more confident. But, to ensure you set the right task for your subconscious mind, the next point is vital.


6) Don’t task your mind with negatives. Instead of: ‘I don’t want to screw up’ (which sets the task of ‘screwing up’ for your brain), set the blueprint for what you do want! Your brain doesn’t work towards what to do by being told what not to do. And nature has given you a wonderful natural tool to set the right task blueprints with.


7) Use nature’s goal-setter: Now you understand how vital it is to set the right task for your brain, you need to know how to do this reliably. Good hypnosis will strongly ‘program’ the right blueprint in your mind through the use of your imagination. If you powerfully imagine feeling confident and relaxed while in a relaxed state it will be hard for your unconscious mind to do anything else. The blueprint for relaxation has been set firmly into your subconscious mind.


3 simple strategies to get you feeling confident quickly:


1) Think specifically of the time/place/situation you want to feel confident in. Remember ‘confidence’ doesn’t mean anything until you attach it to something specific.


2) Focus on words in your mind right now that describe how you do want to be in that time and place. Maybe words such as ‘calm’, ‘relaxed’ or ‘focused’. Remember your brain works on clear positive instructions.


3) Close your eyes for as long as you like and think about how those words feel. Then, imagine the situation itself and rehearse it in your mind feeling confident and relaxed. This way you set the right blueprint or ‘task’ for your unconscious mind.


You can repeat this often to make it more effective and use it with as many areas of your life as you need to. So if you feel like you’d be blessed with less confidence than some other people you can start redressing the balance by using your mind in the right way right now.


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Posted by on October 20, 2013 in WISDOM


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We always find fresh excuses to cover up our inability to rectify the real CAUSES of behind the SYMPTOMS that rob us of our HAPPINESS and SUCCESS.

We make the same MISTAKES and REPEAT the same old RITUALS endlessly. We buy self-help books, attend seminars, listen to gurus, go to church, read the Bible and other holy books, but end up REPEATING the same old poor CHOICES and face the same old PAINFUL outcomes. The main reason why we get stuck in these deadly REPEAT PERFORMANCES can be traced to our laziness, ignorance or often stubbornness to CONFRONT the CORE CAUSES of our problems. We doctor the SYMPTOMS and IGNORE the CAUSES that provide the fuel to the FIRE that burn away our potential to be HAPPY, HEALTHY and SATISFIED. New hope flares up like a brush fire when we read something wise or when we listen to something motivational. This injection of ENTHUSIASM never last long and always fade away again like the mist in the rays of the morning sun. We always find fresh excuses to cover up our inability to rectify the real CAUSES of behind the SYMPTOMS that rob us of our HAPPINESS and SUCCESS.


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Posted by on August 25, 2013 in WISDOM


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You formed perceptions about virtually everything early in life and faithfully, but mostly subconsciously repeat the same standard actions and reactions while at work or play.


Did you ever sit for a moment and contemplate how your life unfolded the way it did?


Did you ever sit for a moment and contemplate how your life unfolded the way it did? You ended up in a certain job, attended certain schools and a specific church while you socialised in a particular community. You formed perceptions about virtually everything early in life and faithfully, but mostly subconsciously repeat the same standard actions and reactions while at work or play. You felt more at home with certain people that came from a specific ethnic or social group or language. You opened up to those that you felt safe with while you ignored, avoided or even shunned individuals that failed to make the grade according to your entrenched value system. The point that I am making is that you formed specific perceptions and belief systems early in life and diligently stuck to the blueprints that you fixed in your head. The only times you possibly questioned your belief system was when something happened that caused you serous discomfort. The pain and doubt that a specific incident or event caused you may have stopped you in your tracks for a while, but you more often than not returned to the “tried and tested” when the scars healed or when the problem faded.

What we often forget is that each person on this planet including those on our playing field of life (friends, family, strangers etc.) went through the same “programming” cycle. A person for example that grew up in China, Egypt or for that matter any other country on this planet formed their own set of perceptions and belief systems as well. They for example went to a different church or temple and prayed to a God with a different name. They dress differently and see life from a totally different perspective. They eat different food and dance to different music. There is a tendency in all of us to cluster together with those that seem to have the same value and belief systems than us. We thus end up with societies, tribes and nations that come together in united groups that work, play, go to war and pray together.

A person that for example grew up in a certain religion tends to support such religion for the duration of his lifetime.


A person that for example grew up in a certain religion tends to support such religion for the duration of his lifetime. The values, rituals and dogma that they were taught from early childhood usually remain their fixed guide until they at the end of their life put their heads down for a final time. It is thus surprising that many of us are under the impression that we have some moral duty to recruit or convert individuals that don’t have the same religious convictions than us. We feel that we must “save” these individuals with their different perceived Devil inspired ideas and ideologies. We in all sincerity feel obligated to attempt to convince these “lost souls” that our specific saviour and God is the only way that can ensure a safe passage to a peaceful afterlife. Some of us even have the audacity to warn these “lost sheep” that hesitate to dump their entrenched religion and their current saviour or God that they are setting themselves up for a horrific afterlife where they will be toasted forever. We might be zealous in our attempt to rescue those that sit with a totally different set of religious convictions, but forget that they have been indoctrinated just like us that their deity is the way to a successful afterlife. I hope you can see how silly this mode of thinking is when you keep in mind how all of us come though different childhood indoctrinations. It is thus arrogant to the extreme to expect anyone to simply abandon his deeply entrenched religious convictions and follow you like a sheep to your chapel or temple.

The more he read, study and researches the various superstitions and rituals the less sense they make to him.


I want you to keep the above in mind when we look at individuals that start waking up from their historically indoctrinated hypnotic sleep. This person starts questioning the many superstitions and dogma that he has been programmed with since childhood. The more he read, study and researches the various superstitions and rituals the less sense they make to him.  This person might think that there must be a religion somewhere that might have answers to his many questions, but he soon realise that most religions have the same superstition based foundations. They might have a different God perception, deity or style, but turn out to be the same dogma and rituals wrapped in a different package. The discovery that you cannot make the confusion go away by simply joining a new religious group often fill such individual with lots of pain, anxiety and doubt. Some that experience doubt about the God perception that he grew up with or that he read about in his Holy book become atheists. Waking up is a real test for those that develop a desire to make sense of life, death and the reason why we visit this plane.

A person that woke up and begin to question the validity of his belief system is usually treated with disdain by his previous “brothers and sisters”. He is often driven out of his church by a zealous pastor and some of his previous fellow believers. There is no place in conventional religion for those that ask questions and require clarity to the many so-called “truths” written down by God inspired authors. This person soon reaches a stage where he can no longer listen to the same old dogma and finally stop attending these indoctrination sessions. He is usually soon stripped of his old friends and even family. Waking up is a lonely path for “free thinkers”.

Stripping off the fear that you might offend God or that you might have made a terrible mistake gradually fade and is replaced with wisdom and insight.


I believe that all of us come to earth to learn and experience. I also believe that we come to this dimension to wake up to our true identity and to set ourselves free from indoctrination. It might initially be a painful experience, but nothing can provide you with more joy than the knowledge you gain when you begin to grow spiritually. Stripping off the fear that you might offend God or that you might have made a terrible mistake gradually fade and is replaced with wisdom and insight. Each person wake up in his own unique way and will find it difficult to join a spiritual group that provide all the answers to his many questions. Our original yearning to be part of a group can lead us from one religious trap into a fresh spiritual trap that might turn out to be even worse than the one we escaped from. I mentioned above that we come to this zone to learn. Each one of us is at a different level in our spiritual evolution. It will thus be silly to join a single group that boast with their own in-house guru. Many spiritual seekers end up getting sidetracked by the endless range of cults that prowl the streets looking for the vulnerable and confused. I suggest you become still and allow the perfect self at your centre to guide you in your quest for growth and understanding. Knowledge set you free. Breaking away from the sustained influence of a specific religious dogma or one of the many cults can be the best thing that ever happened to you.



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Posted by on May 31, 2013 in WISDOM


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There has never been anyone ever in the history of man that only experienced UP (high) periods in his or her life.



It is NATURAL to experience UPS AND DOWNS in life. There has never been anyone ever in the history of man that only experienced UP (high) periods in his or her life. Look around you and you will notice that everything presents unique CYCLES. Everyone goes through GROWTH and REDUCTION cycles. It will be crazy to feel like a victim when you experience a DOWN period in any area of your life. You are not in a DOWN period because some kind of punishment is metered out to you. You are not in a DOWNWARD phase because you are a SINNER or because you are INFERIOR in any way. Repeat as often as you can today. It is NATURAL to experience LOW periods in any area of my life. It is NATURAL to experience a general DOWN period as well. See the following image in your head while you repeat these words of wisdom.




Posted by on April 15, 2013 in WISDOM


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We buy self-help books/attend seminars/listen to gurus/go to church/read the Bible/other holy books, but end up REPEATING the same old poor CHOICES and face/same old PAINFUL outcomes.



We make the same MISTAKES and REPEAT the same old RITUALS endlessly. We buy self-help books, attend seminars, listen to gurus, go to church, read the Bible and other holy books, but end up REPEATING the same old poor CHOICES and face the same old PAINFUL outcomes. The main reason why we get stuck in these deadly REPEAT PERFORMANCES can be traced to our laziness, ignorance or often stubbornness to CONFRONT the CORE CAUSES of our problems. We doctor the SYMPTOMS and IGNORE the CAUSES that provide the fuel to the FIRE that burn away our potential to be HAPPY, HEALTHY and SATISFIED. New hope flares up like a brush fire when we read something wise or when we listen to something motivational. This injection of ENTHUSIASM never last long and always fade away again like the mist in the rays of the morning sun. We always find fresh excuses to cover up our inability to rectify the real CAUSES of behind the SYMPTOMS that rob us of our HAPPINESS and SUCCESS.


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Posted by on March 27, 2013 in WISDOM


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A lack of staying power is deadly and often at the root of many of the problems we face.

How to Exercise Enormous Power Over the Events of Your Life!


This is one of the most powerful principles you can ever master. You can have all the skills in the world, but if you need this extremely important ingredient in any area of your life you will fail. A lack of staying power is deadly and often at the root of many of the problems we face. Please read this wisdom file for a week. Read it first thing in the morning and again just before you go to bed at night. Use the POWER WORDS daily and you will report a huge difference by the end of the week. You can have all the other skills in the world, but will have to accept second best and mediocrity if you lack stamina and staying power until you one day master this key force that is waiting for you to push the go button.


Use the following method and power words when you feel that you are on the verge of giving up on something or someone. We have all been faced with situations where we came to the conclusion that we just cannot continue to sustain our effort. We know that it could be beneficial to hang in, but just seem to lack the physical and mental resolve to persist until we achieve a successful outcome.

One of the main reasons for failure is a lack of persistence. We live in a society where almost everything is “instant” and available on tap. This “instant” mentality robs many of us of lucrative advantages. Many of us are brilliant at starting activities, but poor at seeing them through.

The character of a person is displayed when he or she can grind something out until the desired outcome is achieved. We do not remember the fast starters in life. We recall those that finished the race. An iron will, will allow you to join a special group of people. They are the top two percent of the population of the planet. They are the leaders and trend setters.  They do not wait for things to happen, they make them happen. They love problems and challenges. Persistent people become legends while quitters become faded memories.

The foundation of quitters is made up of fear and doubt. They are the ones that can tell you endless stories of the “big one that got away.” They always blame something or someone for their poor track record.

Look around you at all the amazing innovations and technological marvels. You will discover that there are always individuals behind them that stuck to their dreams. A large percentage of students that start going to university never make the grade. A large percentage of relationships end up on the garbage heap because of poor persistence.

Many stores open their doors with massive hope and anticipation. The biggest percentage does not make it through their first two years. Would you like to go on an important trip if you knew that the engine of your vehicle tends to break down when least expected? You could end up in a desert with vultures circling overhead. It is a good thing that there are no vultures circling overhead when we fail or give up on some endeavour. I am obviously not including the lawyers that often feast on our failures.

Use the following method and power words the next time that you feel that you are ready to quit. Focus on the project or situation that is causing you to contemplate resignation and repeat the power word “rock”. You will soon feel that new energy is flowing into your system. You will change from the marshmallow man to the man of steel. You will mentally see how your “rock” grinds up the things that stand between you and ultimate success. Nothing can stop a person with a “rock” hard persistence.  The “rock” people never consider quitting as one of the options available to them. They know that most people quit when the victory post is just around the next corner. They hammer opposing forces to a pulp.

Use this power word whenever you are faced with a situation where you feel that you are close to quitting. The moment that they begin to mentally or verbally repeat the power word “rock” they feel as if high-octane power fuel is rushing into their depleted fuel tanks. The key is to sustain a positive attitude and to repeat the power word “rock” as explained.

This tool can change your life. It can assist you in all areas of your life. Ad some “rock” to your foundation when it starts crumbling. Repeat the power word “rock” and begin to act and react like a person that knows where he is going. This power word can be used in all areas of your life. It can and will change your life and make you proud of that person that is looking back at you when you look in the mirror. The “rock” people do the stuff that the losers are either to afraid or to fragile to do.

Repeat this power word when you feel that you are running out of steam. Rock. Rock. Rock.

Possible other power words you can use: No guts no glory. No guts no glory. Crush proof. Crush proof. Lighthouse. Lighthouse.


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Posted by on March 19, 2013 in WISDOM


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Do the following the next time that you feel impatient and frustrated.

 Use the following method and power words when you become impatient about something. We sometimes become impatient and frustrated when things that we need or want is delayed. Most of us want everything yesterday. We have been spending a lot of time mentally in the future. Most of us have not yet mastered the art of living life one moment at a time.

We allow our thoughts to rush ahead. We are almost never satisfied with what we currently have or with what we are currently busy with. We hope that our lives will be better if certain things happen or if we acquire a certain something that we currently deem important. The problem with this way of running your life is that you become so busy looking ahead that you completely miss the blessings that are right in front of your eyes.

You will one day discover that impatience never speed up the process of taking possession. Impatience burns bridges and creates massive voids between people. Impatience creates an ideal climate for runaway disputes. Impatience also causes you to make poor choices. Most disputes between partners are created by impatience.

Do the following the next time that you feel impatient and frustrated. Slowly, but deliberately repeat the word “adjust” mentally. Repeat this word in a relaxed, but passionate and deliberate manner. You can do it mentally or verbally if at all possible. You will find that this word will trigger a feeling of positive control. It will help you to remain focused on the now. You will discover that your mind will stop darting forward to an event or expectation that you can do nothing about this current moment. It will help you to adjust your current mind-set to a realistic level.

Use these words while at work, participating in sport or in any situation where you feel anxious or uncomfortable about something. Remember the word “adjust” will not only send a message to your brain to release the right chemicals to tone down your expectation, but will also activate positive pictures on the screen of your mind. You will see and feel how you enjoy the current moment. You will decide to deal with the future when it becomes necessary.

Repeat your selected power word until you feel your impatience is busy subsiding. Adjust. Adjust. Adjust.

Possible other power words you can use: Let go. Let go. Now is the only reality. Now is the only reality. Detach. Detach


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Posted by on March 18, 2013 in WISDOM


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Self-confidence in 15 minutes – Focus on words/images in your mind that will describe how you want to be/feel right now.




Self confidence in 15 minutes


Some people have naturally high levels of confidence but everybody can learn to be more confident!

Firstly, it’s important to get a clear idea of what self confidence really means, otherwise you won’t know when you’ve got it! So, self confidence means:

1) Being calm. For every situation in life you need to run on the appropriate level of emotion. Too much emotional ‘leakage’ into a experience can spoil the experience. You make great strides towards confidence when you begin to relax in a greater range of situations.

2) Being cool. The second part of self confidence is about being able to relax with uncertainty. To be ‘cool’ in a situation really means relaxing with not knowing how things will pan out. If you truly tolerate uncertainty, you can do pretty much anything.

3) Not being too concerned with what others think of you. You know when you imagine what some place is going to be like before you go there but when you get there it is totally different to your imagination? That’s how reliable your imagination is! Stop trusting your imagination so much. I’ve long since stopped bothering to imagine what others think of me because so often I’ve turned out to be wrong.

4) Being specific – where do you want confidence?‘Confidence’ is meaningless until you tie it to something specific. You are already confident that you can read these words or can switch a light on and off. So you don’t need more confidence everywhere. To get what you want in life you have to establish exactly what you do want. Where do you want confidence in your life? Think about the specific situations now and write them down. You beginning to steer your brain towards confidence.

5) Understanding that what you expect is what you get. Your brain is an organ that needs clear goals to work towards. When a task has been set in your brain it will do everything it can do to bring about the completion of that task. If you’ve tried to recall someone’s name but can’t, hours later you’ll often find their name pops into your head.

The ‘trying to recall’ experience set the task or blueprint for your brain’s future subconscious behaviour which eventually produced the name for you – when you weren’t thinking about it consciously. You can use this natural mechanism to start feeling more confident. But, to ensure you set the right task for your subconscious mind, the next point is vital.

6) Don’t task your mind with negatives. Instead of: ‘I don’t want to screw up’ (which sets the task of ‘screwing up’ for your brain), set the blueprint for what you do want! Your brain doesn’t work towards what to do by being told what not to do. And nature has given you a wonderful natural tool to set the right task blueprints with.

7) Use nature’s goal-setter: Now you understand how vital it is to set the right task for your brain, you need to know how to do this reliably. Good hypnosis will strongly ‘program’ the right blueprint in your mind through the use of your imagination. If you powerfully imagine feeling confident and relaxed while in a relaxed state it will be hard for your unconscious mind to do anything else. The blueprint for relaxation has been set firmly into your subconscious mind.


3 simple strategies to get you feeling confident quickly:


1) Think specifically of the time/place/situation you want to feel confident in. Remember ‘confidence’ doesn’t mean anything until you attach it to something specific.


2) Focus on words in your mind right now that describe how you do want to be in that time and place. Maybe words such as ‘calm’, ‘relaxed’ or ‘focused’. Remember your brain works on clear positive instructions.


3) Close your eyes for as long as you like and think about how those words feel. Then, imagine the situation itself and rehearse it in your mind feeling confident and relaxed. This way you set the right blueprint or ‘task’ for your unconscious mind.

Author Unknown


You can repeat the above often to make it more effective and use it with as many areas of your life as you need to. So if you feel like you’d be blessed with less confidence than some other people you can start redressing the balance by using your mind in the right way right now.



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Posted by on March 14, 2013 in WISDOM


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Will you add something, take something away, build something or break something down today?


Will you add something, take something away, build something or break something down today? Our days, weeks, months and years casually slip by while the sands of time silently make their way to bottom of the hourglass of life. What happened to your dreams, aspirations and unbridled enthusiasm my friend? Will today be a deadly repeat of too many yesterdays? You can add love, compassion or a friendly smile to the versatile brew of life today. You can hold someone, set someone free with your forgiveness today. You can listen with an open mind to the stories that everyone secretly wrote in his or her book of life to date. Put away your filters, judgements and perceptions today. Notice the reality reflected in the eyes of those that will enter your space today. You can make a difference and repair, promote or fulfil someone’s dream today. You can open a door, fix a roof, provide a meal or solve a problem for someone today. Get yourself out of the way my dear friend and you will see the world and your fellow travellers on spaceship earth with new vision.



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Posted by on January 29, 2013 in WISDOM


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Do not be discouraged when you periodically fall short of your goals. You are a student at earth school. No student gets an A+ every time he writes an examination.




You will not jump into your vehicle and drive off with no destination in mind. Individuals that start pursuing the spiritual path often think that they will magically cross the bridge from the false external self to the perfect internal self in the blink of an eye the moment they wake up to the fact that they are and has always been the perfect self. This is a fallacy my friends. You have been acting and responding to the people and events in your life in a habitual way for as long as your dare to remember. You “spontaneously” reacted and responded to triggers from people and events without giving it much thought. Your whole life became a stimulus and response series of activities. It will thus be foolish to think that you will overnight overcome this entrenched mode of operation. Many new travellers on the spiritual path become despondent when they slip up and revert back to their old and unacceptable reaction patterns. These inherent tendencies are remnants of the ego driven external self that were conditioned to feel guilty and minimized when they fall short of their expectations (sinned). This is the gap that many religions exploited over the years. You were first conditioned to try and live a spiritual life via your false external self with little or no success.

You need a new mode of operation now that you know that you are not this impostor or false self. The first thing you need to do is to take a careful look at the characteristics that you will attempt to master. It is beneficial to identify these principles if you want to speed up the process and in time spend more and more time working from your perfect internal self. You get out of life what you put into it. You need to start sowing new seeds if you want to reap a rich spiritual and prosperous crop. You are going to strive to present a loving, caring, compassionate, understanding, productive, non-judgemental and persistent image under all conditions. You are not going to only allow these attributes to surface when it suits you or when people do or act as your ego based false self expected. You are going to display these attributes in the face of adversity, when people let you down, when you fail and even when someone you love deceived you.

It might seem like a tall order, but it is achievable because you are working from a new vantage point. Individuals on the spiritual path act in this manner not because they are afraid that they might be judged, condemned or minimized. They do what need to be done because they have had enough of the unstable and unrewarding life they led while they followed the instructions of the false outer self. They know that each adversity that they overcome and each trigger that they refrain from acting on will speed up their vibration ratio and assist them to evolve and grow.

I want to repeat that it might be testing initially, but you will if you continue to work on your goal of living the attributes depicted above soon find that you spend more and more time in the spiritual real self zone. Do not be discouraged when you periodically fall short of your goals. You are a student at earth school. No student gets an A+ every time he writes an examination. Learn from your mistakes and get back into the spiritual mode as soon as possible. There is no need to grovel or feel like a loser. You can never be a looser my friend. You are here to learn and to evolve.

The key and most important tool if you want to make fast and effective progress is the art of detachment. You need to master this art as soon as possible. You need to learn to detach when anyone that is working from his ego based outer self say or do something that is unacceptable to you. You historically duplicated such a person’s low frequency actions and reactions. You will not simply mentally detach when enticed by the ego outer self of anyone, but respond in an appropriate manner. Detachment also provides you with enough time to compose yourself if you for some reason allowed this person to trigger a negative and destructive reaction that your ego outer self historically used under such circumstances. Detach and let go my friend. Become like water. Become soft and flexible and most of all grasp that you are faced by this person’s ego outer self and not his inner self that are still asleep. You will soon discover that events and individuals that historically brought the worst out in you find it impossible to get you to respond in kind. You will experience compassion where you historically experience anger and rage. You will experience love and find it easy to forgive where you historically walked around with grudges and a bitter heart.

Things in your life will change for the better in all areas of your life. You will begin to notice things in people that you never noticed before. You will see that the anger and vindictiveness of a person has its foundation in a cesspool of fear. You will observe nature in a new light and begin to feel and experience the essence of God that is embedded in everything. You will gradually alter your view of God as some kind of super human with human characteristics. The thought that God is a vengeful, angry and judgmental entity that judge, condemn and punish people will be replaced with a new understanding of this force that permeates everything. It will astound you how the God perceptions of primitive man made its way through the ages until today. Your most important discover is will be that God is not up there somewhere billions of light years away while you, an invisible spec on planet earth are watched like a hawk to see if you manage your life in a manner that will earn you an entry pass into a place called heaven when you die.

Your discovery that you are already like everything else part of the collective quantum sea that everything else is made of will change your perception of God forever. The idea that you are already immortal (perfect inner self) will fill you with feelings of love and wisdom. You are not in a race against time to find the right church and doctrine notwithstanding the endless interference of your own and other’s ego driven false selves and all the other survival requirements that you are faced with daily. You no longer search for God because you suddenly grasp that you are already one with this God force. You see your current body as a vehicle that you are using while at earth school and not an entity with a history that might get you into warm water or even worse when you die. It will excite you when you grasp that you like everything else within this force are continually evolving and growing. It will bring tears to your eyes when you grasp that this planet is also alive and an integral part of this force that fills the uncountable number of universes. You and mother earth is one. You can possibly now see that every tree, rock, blade of grass and living entity anywhere in the cosmos is one. Can you notice how this truth sets you free?

I am sure you can see that the benefits of this new lifestyle are endless. You will face each day with joy in your heart. You will look forward to the opportunities that each day will provide you to practice your newly found mode of operation. You will have ample opportunities at home or at work to practice detachment and wisdom. There will always be individuals that will test you to see if you are making progress. See individuals and events that historically upset or worried you as opportunities to apply your newly found life style. You will be amazed in a relative short period of time what progress you made and how much more peace of mind and happiness fill your days here at earth school.





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Posted by on December 20, 2012 in WISDOM


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We make the same MISTAKES and REPEAT the same old RITUALS endlessly.



We make the same MISTAKES and REPEAT the same old RITUALS endlessly. We buy self-help books, attend seminars, listen to gurus, go to church, read the Bible and other holy books, but end up REPEATING the same old poor CHOICES and face the same old PAINFUL outcomes. The main reason why we get stuck in these deadly REPEAT PERFORMANCES can be traced to our laziness, ignorance or often stubbornness to CONFRONT the CORE CAUSES of our problems. We doctor the SYMPTOMS and IGNORE the CAUSES that provide the fuel to the FIRE that burn away our potential to be HAPPY, HEALTHY and SATISFIED. New hope flares up like a brush fire when we read something wise or when we listen to something motivational. This injection of ENTHUSIASM never last long and always fade away again like the mist in the rays of the morning sun. We always find fresh excuses to cover up our inability to rectify the real CAUSES of behind the SYMPTOMS that rob us of our HAPPINESS and SUCCESS.



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Posted by on December 17, 2012 in WISDOM


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“This too shall pass”. Repeating this often to yourself will have a soothing and healing effect and boost your resilience.


Fall down seven times. Stand up eight. (Japanese proverb.)

Resilience is one of the greatest survival skills. It helps you both psychologically and physically in the long-run. While it can’t make your problems go away, it can help you endure any sort of hardship –  like traumatic events, loss, illness, disaster, the death of a loved one, or any other setback or challenge.

Resilience is about enlisting your inner strengths, and harnessing your healthy coping mechanisms, so that you keep functioning without getting over-anxious, depressed, overwhelmed or apathetic.

Here are 8 tips to help you learn how to bounce back when some misfortune strikes, or when you are faced with a challenge:

Maintain your hopefulness. Even though the picture may look grim for now, think back to all the challenges that you have encountered and overcome in your life so far, to gain hope and optimism that a solution will be found and remember that any wound, no matter how big it seems right now, will heal in time.

Learn to be more stoical about life. Accept that unwanted events, sudden changes in circumstances are a part of life, and instead of clinging to your belief of how things “ought to be” learn to adapt, tolerate and even welcome your problems. Sometimes, problems are teachers and help us grow and become hardier and wiser.

Take some distance from the event, misfortune or challenge and try to view it as happening to someone else. How would you help that person cope? What would you advise him/her to do? Follow your own advice. There are many angles from which you can view a situation. Taking some distance, becoming an observer rather than a participant may give you the strength but also the problem-solving resources to overcome your challenge. Resilience requires flexibility, not holding onto rigidly to only one point of view.

Reach out to your friends or other support groups. You don’t have to go it alone. A friend’s advice, help or even willing ear or shoulder to cry on may help you re-organize better your inner resources. Feeling connected helps empower people in times of hardship. Offering help to others does the same. Help others in need, you will get empowered as much as they!

Take appropriate action.You don’t have to know the whole solution, you don’t have to examine all the parameters before you take some action in a positive direction. Small steps can help you greatly to feel that you are gaining control of the situation. Play it by ear for a while, test what works and what doesn’t.

Remember to laugh. Every challenge, every misfortune has its comical side. Use humor to lighten up. Think of how comedians can describe a tragic situation in ways that make you laugh. It’s a great coping mechanism, a relaxing break from serious thinking, worrying or grieving.

Don’t neglect yourself. Take good care of your nutrition, sleep, and home environment. Create relaxation time, see friends, do things that please you, like relaxing hobbies, or going to the gym.

Maintain your vision and sense of purpose. Setbacks create havoc, sometimes, emotional upheaval and tend to require all of our attention. We tend to obsess about our problem, as if it’s the only thing going on in our lives. It’s good to continue to keep in mind  your  long-term personal goals, visions, the things that make your life meaningful and focus back on all these areas that provided joy, hope and a sense of accomplishment before the upsetting event. It will help create a sense of balance in your life.

Finally, remember that “this too shall pass”. Repeating this often to yourself will have a soothing and healing  effect and boost your resilience.

Ismini Apostoli

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Posted by on September 17, 2012 in WISDOM


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We make the same MISTAKES and REPEAT the same old RITUALS endlessly.

We make the same MISTAKES and REPEAT the same old RITUALS endlessly. We buy self-help books, attend seminars, listen to gurus, go to church, read the Bible and other holy books, but end up REPEATING the same old poor CHOICES and face the same old PAINFUL outcomes. The main reason why we get stuck in these deadly REPEAT PERFORMANCES can be traced to our laziness, ignorance or often stubbornness to CONFRONT the CORE CAUSES of our problems. We doctor the SYMPTOMS and IGNORE the CAUSES that provide the fuel to the FIRE that burn away our potential to be HAPPY, HEALTHY and SATISFIED. New hope flares up like a brush fire when we read something wise or when we listen to something motivational. This injection of ENTHUSIASM never last long and always fade away again like the mist in the rays of the morning sun. We always find fresh excuses to cover up our inability to rectify the real CAUSES of behind the SYMPTOMS that rob us of our HAPPINESS and SUCCESS.



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Posted by on July 28, 2012 in WISDOM


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I played rugby from a very early age. I can still remember the tension and nervousness that reverberated through the cloakroom just before very important games. You felt anxious, excited and very motivated while waiting to go onto the playing field. Experienced players knew that uncontrolled nervous tension could drain your energy stamina at an alarming rate. You begin to feel weak and washed out early in a game if you fail to manage your mental preparation.

I developed a method that helped me to become highly focused. I conditioned myself to let a focused, but relaxed frame of mind kick in the moment that I cross the outside white line when we ran onto the field. I could actually feel the anxiety and tension become replaced by a strong, calm and in control feeling. Most athletes develop some kind of anchoring method. They use these anchors to help them to click into a higher emotional state of preparedness. They often call it the “zone”.


I have done thousands of public lectures on self-management and development. I used the same method to get myself strongly focused just before I went up to a podium to do my thing. The moment I touched the podium with my right hand I could feel confidence and energy rush through my body. I only later learned that these triggers were called anchoring.

When you are a well-paid public speaker you need to perform at your best every time. In my case an outstanding performance was vital or I forfeited my fee. I give an unconditional money back guarantee to the people that hired me. I unconditionally guaranteed my customers satisfaction. They could withhold my fee if they were less than one hundred percent satisfied with my performance. There were days when I felt less motivated, tired or ill, but the moment that I touched the podium my mind clicked in and the energy began to flush out the pain or exhaustion from my body and mind.


You can develop the same type of triggers to assist you. You will discover that it works like magic. Once you developed a trigger it will kick in every time that it is called on. Let us take a look how you can develop such triggers. Things you can do to anchor or trigger you mind for peak performance.




Most people think that their moods and performance levels are predominantly regulated by outside sources. They do not understand that they are in full control of their thought processes. You can feel deflated, gloomy or lazy, but will switch on instantaneously if the potential reward is big enough.

You can be as tired as a dog and ready to slip into bed and change into a macho sex machine if the right person phones you and invites your over.

How do these dramatic changes happen? Where does all the energy suddenly come from? The phone call trigger activated chemicals in your brain that pumps you full of energy and high expectation.

You can develop your own triggers. You can for example make a fist and shout an emotional “yes” when you need such a trigger. You might feel stupid, but try it five or ten times. Allow the right emotions and feelings to come to you.

Repeat this action until you have successfully activated this trigger. Feel the energy and power that begin to pump through your body and mind. Try it right now!

Develop your own triggers. Use it when you need to study, give a presentation to an important client or for any situation where you need to be at your best.

Remember you do not need to wait for inspiration. You can use these triggers at any time. It might sound simple, but remember that all champions and winners in life use this trigger method to achieve a mindset that will allow them to perform at their utmost best!



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Posted by on June 6, 2012 in WISDOM


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We make the same MISTAKES and REPEAT the same old RITUALS endlessly.

We make the same MISTAKES and REPEAT the same old RITUALS endlessly. We buy self-help books, attend seminars, listen to gurus, go to church, read the Bible and other holy books, but end up REPEATING the same old poor CHOICES and face the same old PAINFUL outcomes. The main reason why we get stuck in these deadly REPEAT PERFORMANCES can be traced to our laziness, ignorance or often stubbornness to CONFRONT the CORE CAUSES of our problems. We doctor the SYMPTOMS and IGNORE the CAUSES that provide the fuel to the FIRE that burn away our potential to be HAPPY, HEALTHY and SATISFIED. New hope flares up like a brush fire when we read something wise or when we listen to something motivational. This injection of ENTHUSIASM never last long and always fade away again like the mist in the rays of the morning sun. We always find fresh excuses to cover up our inability to rectify the real CAUSES of behind the SYMPTOMS that rob us of our HAPPINESS and SUCCESS.


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Posted by on May 14, 2012 in WISDOM


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Children who do depend on the approval of a group tend to be afflicted with a sense of low self-esteem.

Many experimental psychologists and sociologist have shown that the effects of environment play a major role in shaping our behavior and values. If constructive behavior is appropriately rewarded during early childhood, the child becomes motivated to repeat the rewarded behavior, provided that the reinforcement meets the individual needs of the child. For example, if a football were given to a child who is interested in botany, this would not be a reward from the child’s point of view. It is very unfortunate that so many individuals in our society today are not appropriately rewarded for their creative efforts. In some instances individuals are seemingly able to overcome the shortcomings of their environment in spite of an apparent lack of positive reinforcements. This is due to their own “self-reinforcement” in which they can see an improvement in whatever activity they are engaged in, and achieve an intrinsic sense of accomplishment; their reinforcement does not depend on the approval of others, nor on monetary reward. Those children who do depend on the approval of a group tend to be afflicted with a sense of low self-esteem, while children who do not depend on group approval usually acquire a sense of self-approval by improving upon their own performance.

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Posted by on March 17, 2012 in WISDOM


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The main reason why we get stuck in REPEAT PERFORMANCES can be traced to our laziness, ignorance or often stubbornness to CONFRONT the CORE CAUSES of our problems.



We make the same MISTAKES and REPEAT the same old RITUALS endlessly. We buy self-help books, attend seminars, listen to gurus, go to church, read the Bible and other holy books, but end up REPEATING the same old poor CHOICES and face the same old PAINFUL outcomes. The main reason why we get stuck in these deadly REPEAT PERFORMANCES can be traced to our laziness, ignorance or often stubbornness to CONFRONT the CORE CAUSES of our problems. We doctor the SYMPTOMS and IGNORE the CAUSES that provide the fuel to the FIRE that burn away our potential to be HAPPY, HEALTHY and SATISFIED. New hope flares up like a brush fire when we read something wise or when we listen to something motivational. This injection of ENTHUSIASM never last long and always fade away again like the mist in the rays of the morning sun. We always find fresh excuses to cover up our inability to rectify the real CAUSES of behind the SYMPTOMS that rob us of our HAPPINESS and SUCCESS.



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Posted by on March 8, 2012 in WISDOM


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