Daily Archives: October 10, 2014

Remote Influencing for Fun and Profit – Try this experiment to prove it to yourself.



Remote Influencing for Fun and Profit


If you were told that you could use your mind to influence a slot machine or dice fall… would you find this beyond belief? If you were told that you could use your mind in a telepathic manner to influence the thinking pattern of another individual or group of people… would you believe it?

And if you were further told that you could instruct your subconscious mind to produce a specific dream to help you solve a problem… and use an unusual intuitional mechanism to decode this dream… would you find this a helpful ability?

But what if you were told that you could determine your luck cycle in advance so that you could use it for dollar windfall situations… would this give you a sense of personal satisfaction?

But even better still, what if you were informed that you could use an easy-to-learn mental trigger that will tell you which slot machine to play, which scratch-it ticket to buy, which color to bet on at roulette and which likely numbers to enter in the lotto… with a possible 70-80% chance of being correct? Then would you find all this “beyond belief?”

Well, you may be somewhat stunned to learn that all of this is now possible. A handful of individuals in Australia and New Zealand are using combinations of the above mind-power techniques to improve their personal lifestyle dramatically.

All that is required is the ability and willingness to look at personal mind-power in a different way and the dedication to practice these procedures, some of which can be learned in one night.

WARNING: If for any reason you are nervous about exploring the full capabilities of your mind potential, then put this report down and walk away… it is not for you.

My name is Jim Francis. I am about to explain the results of a research program that you might find astounding… or ridiculous… depending upon your own personal belief system.

What I would like to point out right at the start is that this project cost many hundreds of thousands of dollars and was funded by intelligent, serious business individuals. The only reason they kept the funds rolling for so many years was because the project was producing results.

As our research efforts evolved we presented our findings in the form of written reports which were sold to our subscriber base. We found that our members had a very high interest level in our discoveries and we were able to sell enough reports over the years to partially finance our mental exploration program. Investor funds from various business people kept our working capital topped up.

We ascertained that there appeared to be a direct subconscious mental connection at all times between individuals and this explained why a friend might call on the telephone just as you were thinking of them. Research at one overseas laboratory found that if you happen to start thinking intently about a distant individual, then under certain circumstances that individual’s blood pressure will change measurably. This can only occur if a mental connection exists between the two parties.

What I am saying here is that there is enough scattered evidence like this to indicate that not only are individuals in subconscious mental contact, but also under some circumstances they can establish conscious mental contact.

Under situations of dire need the signal appears to automatically break through this noise threshold so that it appears as a strong “knowing” in the person’s conscious mind. Knowing this inherent human ability to set up a conscious mental connection with another person… or group of people, it becomes easy to see how, under the right circumstances, an individual can project a strong focused thought which impinges upon the other person’s subconscious mind and can be easily designed to influence their behavior in a mild manner.

Are you up for it?

This to me is one of the most miraculous aspects of alpha mind technology.

It has been known for a long time under the heading of mental telepathy but it wasn’t until Jose Silva started seriously experimenting with it that its possibilities and limitations were identified.

Jose figured that if this mental contact actually existed then it could possibly be used between close family members, such as mother and child, to assist the child with problems such as bedwetting. Jose was also an amateur hypnotist and thought that maybe via this direct mental contact post-hypnotic suggestions could be planted in the child’s mind. After years of experimenting he found that this “subjective communication” could also be used between people who were total strangers and not only that, it could be used to affect the thinking of groups of people.

So Subjective Communication was born as a commercially trainable mind-mechanism. And the technique for using it is extraordinarily simple. All it requires is that you focus on the other person while they are in an alpha state! The best time to do this is while they are in a light sleep in the early hours of the morning.

The standard method of doing this, as taught by the commercial mind courses, is as you’re going to sleep at night, program your subconscious to wake you up when your mind is in contact with the other person’s mind.

It sounds too simple to be true, doesn’t it?

Try this experiment to prove it to yourself

Years of experimentation in our laboratory prove that the process not only works, but in some cases the results are almost beyond belief! The easiest way to explain all this is to give you an example:

Let us suppose that you are going for a job interview tomorrow and you’re somewhat apprehensive. You know that a Mr. Bloggs will be interviewing you. As you go to sleep you instruct your subconscious as follows:

I will wake up when I am in contact with Mr. Blogg’s mind and I will remember why I have woken up.

You repeat this statement 10-20 times to make sure your subconscious gets the message. When you wake up sit up in bed (so you don’t drop back to sleep) and relax so that you’re in that daydream alpha state. You repeat the following slowly and clearly in your mind:

Mr. Bloggs, you know I am the best person for the job. I have all the qualifications and by employing me you will make life easier for yourself…..etc.

Convey the entire message as if you were sitting there in front of him. Finally see him shaking your hand and congratulating you on getting the job. Then go back to sleep.

When you meet Mr. Bloggs the next day you will be somewhat amazed at the friendly reception you get providing you have subjectively communicated correctly.

A young student of mine got a job this way. There were 22 applicants and she was the least qualified. Not only that, they wanted someone around 10 years older with existing experience. Nevertheless she was offered the job… right after the end of the interview.

I used a lot of subjective communication when I was selling real estate years ago. This was during a property slump and nobody in the office was making sales… except me!

The method here is to program your mind (as you go to sleep) to wake you up when it is in contact with the largest group of likely buyers.

Then you mentally explain to them how great a particular property is and why they should buy it.

You repeat your address and who you are at least 3 times so that the message sinks in. Chances are, the next day potential buyers will contact you left, right and centre to view the house.

You then use subjective communication once again to help sell it to one of these people and you finish off by visualizing a sold sign on the property.

Please note that they will only buy this property if they are genuinely interested, but somewhat undecided. You help them make up their mind! You cannot use Subjective Communication to make an unwilling person buy the property. They have to be initially receptive to a purchase of this kind. What the subjective program does is to draw them out of the woodwork.

You can use exactly the same process to attract people to your advertisement in the Yellow Pages or in the newspaper. Individuals glancing through the newspaper or yellow Page ads suddenly notice your ad. It tends to leap out at them and they feel compelled to contact you. Without the subjective programming they would probably have ignored it.

I had a most extraordinary experience some years ago involving subjective programming. It left me absolutely flabbergasted. At that time I owned a small restaurant which I had purchased cheaply with the intention of building up the customer base. I had some success in doing this but concluded that the restaurant game was not for me. I placed the business on the market and by using subjective programming quickly found a potential buyer.

The problem I had was that another similar restaurant had recently opened nearby and my lunchtime trade had dropped right off.

These buyers were arriving from out of town and I had arranged to meet their flight at the local airport and drive them in to view the business. Unfortunately for me they would be viewing the operation during a Monday lunchtime which was our quietest day.

I had done some very heavy subjective work the night before to attract Monday lunch customers and I drove out to the airport with fingers crossed. We pulled up in front of my restaurant just after midday and I could not believe my eyes.
The small shop was totally packed! There were customers everywhere. My two waitresses were run off their feet. To say that I was stunned would be the understatement of the century. In the 12 months that I had owned the business I had never had more than a dozen of so diners in for a Monday lunch. Afterwards we found that we had served 58 meals!

The potential buyers were highly impressed and before the afternoon was over had signed an unconditional contract of purchase. Did subjective programming work in this case? It certainly did! I had the contract in hand to prove it.

For those of you reading this who are professional skeptics… please don’t tell me it doesn’t work -I’ve been using it for 20 years with spectacular results and I know dozens of people who are doing the same. On top of that, I spent 6 months doing A/B tests. Advertising the same product and doing a week on and a week off with Subjective Communication.

I roughly tabulated the results. The subjective work bought in between 50-80% more clients, depending upon the effort I put in over the preceding 2-3 days.
You can use Subjective Communication for virtually any situation where you need to attract the attention of another person or group of people.

The only actual downside is that if you do a lot of Subjective Communication it becomes mentally draining, waking up night after night. It basically means that you have to go to bed early so that when you wake up you have had enough sleep to be able to concentrate on the message, without dozing off. If I have any serious Subjective Communication to do I go to bed around 9pm which I personally find an inconvenient time to retire.

And it is very important that when you are doing your subconscious programming while going to sleep that you tell yourself you will remember why you have woken up. On many occasions I have come totally awake in the middle of the night and wondered what woke me up.


By Jim Francis,
Author of  
The 7 Real Mind Power Secrets


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Posted by on October 10, 2014 in WISDOM


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10 Proven Tactics to Gain Compliance from Others.





People are everywhere. That’s why being persuasive determines how effective we are. Where we live, what we do, and even who we love involves influence on one level or another. And by learning the art of “dealing with and convincing people to do what you want them to do”, we can instantly improve our lives.

Emotion vs. Logic

With so much information around us and so many decisions to make every single day, there isn’t enough time to evaluate everything rationally. And so we rely on subconscious shortcuts to make things easier. This is why, as irrational beings, we’re susceptible to mental triggers.


“People are definitely more likely to believe what you say, based on logic,” Paul Mascetta teaches, “but ultimately it is their emotion that will move them to take action.”

10 Proven Tactics to Gain Compliance from Others

So, how can we take advantage of this in order to be more persuasive?


1. Obligation/Reciprocity


“People generally feel obligated to return favours or good deeds that have been done to them by others.” Just look at how we smile at strangers who smile at us first! Make sure you know what to offer and ensure it will be on the same level of what you expect in return.

2. Contrast

“The perception of something changes when it is compared to something else.” This is why a pair of $100 jeans looks like a bargain if it was marked down from $500 or why a realtor might show you a really ugly house before showing you a better one.


Another approach here is to break something down to the minimum (“$2.50 per day” sounds better than “$75 per month”) or make concessions by starting at a much higher price and then working down to what you actually want.

3. Internal Conflict

“We must act in a way that is conducive to our morals and beliefs.” Behaving against what we feel is right is something we struggle with. It makes us feel unbalanced, which is why we’ll do whatever we can to restore our moral equilibrium.


We do this in many ways including rationalisation (justifying our behaviour to make ourselves feel better), denial (pretending the problem doesn’t exist or the source isn’t reliable), correction (finding evidence to support why the information we received is inaccurate), reframing (interpreting the meaning behind the message in a different way), and separation (distancing themselves from events or matters that are causing the internal conflict).

4. Connection

“The link that exists between others can be enough to create the emotional need to act.” When creating a connection, the four factors involved are:


  • Rapport – This is created primarily through body language techniques like subtly mirroring and matching what the other person does

  • Attraction – While physical aspects (including wardrobe and grooming) are noticed first and matter initially, nonphysical aspects like intelligence and warmth are more important in the long run.

  • People Skills – Humour (when used correctly) and respect

  • Similarity – We can think and act like people who share similarities (background, interests, values, etc) without worrying about internal conflicts


5. Proof

“We believed that if it worked before, it will probably work again.” Instead of investingtime and effort to determine if a decision is right, we simply turn to other people. This is why statistics (e.g. “over 1 million copies sold”) can be so powerful, especially when the group referred to is one with which we can identify. Just remember to stick to third party evidence (from someone with knowledge or expertise) and information that is up to date.

6. Scarcity

“The less available something becomes, the more people want it.” This is one of the most obvious and also one of the most powerful. Restricting freedom or placing limitations on availability (e.g. playing hard to get when dating) creates a sense of urgency. And as long as there’s a deadline (e.g. the Groupon countdown clock!), the more incentive there is to act right away.

7. Verbiage

“Sometimes it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” Reframe your words to use the best possible ones in a given situation. For example, “more activity” sounds better than “crowded” and “membership agreement” sounds better than “contract”. Other suggestions are to speak slowly, simply, and clearly with sentences that are short and to the point. Storytelling and analogies also help with understanding.

8. Expectations

“People generally act in a way that other people expect them to.” These expectations are usually based on our assumptions.

9. Association/References

“People make mental associations with everything they see.” Again, this is about saving time and effort by using mental shortcuts.

10. Commitment

“People usually follow through on commitments, especially when they are public.” Nobody wants to go against their values or be seen as flaky. This is why having people to commit to something publically (e.g. having friends hold them accountable to their goals or immediately making a purchase so they are mentally vested and reluctant to change) is powerful.


The idea is to start with smaller requests (more likely to be accepted) and then gradually build up to larger ones. Just make sure the commitments are voluntary because forcing people to do what you want will only introduce more conflict and make them revert to old behaviour. As Confucius said: “Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire.”


By Paul J. Mascetta / Creator of The Code of Influence


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Learn from your mistake, point your vehicle of life’s nose in the right direction and push hard on the petrol pedal of your vehicle.





Some of us one day wake up to the fact that we might have been travelling in the wrong direction away from our desired destiny. The solution would be to turn your vehicle of life around and readjust your course, but that is often easier set than done. They have a saying in sport when a player loose form or fail to play at his/her full potential. The trainer often tells the player to return to basics for a while. We are sometimes so busy making a living, fighting the good fight to be a good provider or mother that we go on auto pilot and speed along on the highway of life without noticing that we are travelling in the wrong direction. We sometimes only wake up to mistakes when we are many miles away from our desired course.


The biggest mistake we can make when we discover that we are speeding along in the wrong direction is to implode or start telling ourselves that we are some kind of idiot. There is nothing wrong with you now and there was never anything wrong with you in the past. We all make countless mistakes while we play the game of life. There is nothing wrong with mistakes. We learn and gain experience when we make mistakes. This is how knowledge turn into wisdom. The bigger the mistake the higher its educational value. You could slow down, park your vehicle of life and cry over the time, money and opportunities you have lost while you travelled in the wrong direction or you can learn from your mistake, point your vehicle of life’s nose in the right direction and push hard on the petrol pedal of your vehicle. You will soon feel the wind in your hair while you gather speed toward your destiny.


We need to see mistakes that we make as stepping stones. We must see them as valuable tools that teach us wonderful lessons. We usually recover faster when we learn from our mistakes and get back in the game of life quickly. We should not see our detours as disasters where we lost valuable time. We should see these detours as opportunities to uncover the stuff that is not working to our advantage. We might feel depleted and defeated after one of our setbacks or mistakes, but also soon discover that new fresh energy and enthusiasm soon fill the void left by our negative and destructive thought patterns.


The universe did not send you to earth dimension to fail. It sent you on your current mission to learn and to grow. The universe (God) is always watching your progress and rejoice when you learn from a mistake and start moving towards your destiny again. The universe do not always intervene when you make mistakes because you have free will and came to learn and to grow. The universe will never allow you to face obstacles that you are not equipped to overcome.




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Posted by on October 10, 2014 in WISDOM


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The “kill or be killed” and the “eat or be eaten” style of living.



Very few people understand that the “personality” that they live reflects the progress that they made spiritually at any given moment in time. Their outer and inner worlds are mirrors that reflect back to them the quality of the outcomes that they created for themselves. The maturity displayed when you are at work or play advertise who you are and how far you evolved from the barbaric survival orientated being that you were many lifetimes ago. We started manipulating this dimension (earth zone) a long, long time ago. We soon forgot our heritage and started acting out the same survival instincts of the other creations (animals etc.) that we encountered here. We become survival orientated in all our actions and reactions. We collectively and individually soon displayed the “survival” personality styles that we learned by studying nature. The “kill or be killed” and the “eat or be eaten” style of living soon forced us to attempt to out think, out run and out fight everything that could threaten our survival. I am not going to labour this point. I should one day write a book where I expand extensively on this introduction. The fact of the matter is that many of us gradually evolved into more sophisticated beings that began to display more mature personality styles. We evolved into clusters and finally into societies where each one of us began to develop specific personality styles that are unique to us. Our personality and coping mechanism reflects our history. Some of us are still over the top combative today. The reason for this aggressive and combative style is our failure to overcome the original “fight for survival” instincts that we used originally when we arrived in this dimension. We still view everything and everyone with suspicion. We act and react in a manner that reflects all the characteristics that can be linked to a person in survival mode. Our current actions and choices might be far removed from reality, but we act as if the treats are real and experience the same fears that we experienced many lifetimes ago.


I am sure you can see from the introduction above that our current personality style and coping mechanisms might be a reflection of our ability to overcome the negative and destructive residue left behind in our DNA. We cannot act and react outside our built in coping style until we discover that many of our actions and reactions are destructive and not conducive to our own well being  We might have a strong desire to act with compassion, love, understanding and joy, but fail to achieve these goals because of our more primitive coping style that is active. This is the reason why we have the best intentions in the world, but find that we often fall short of the outcomes we desire.


We will return to this dimension until we improved our overall vibration to a level where we can move out of the trap that we currently find ourselves in. We all know that the space shuttle can only escape the awesome law of gravity when it moves at a fast enough speed. We are the same. We are not in this dimension because we pissed off God or because we are up against a Satan character. We got stuck in this dimension because we got so involved in the silly games played in the matrix that we finally believed that we are our bodies and histories. Our vibration levels lost so much momentum that we got stuck in this dimension.


The only way we can escape this zone is to get our vibration levels up again. This can only be achieved when we become pure again. We were blessed with a control panel that shows us the progress we are making. Our progress is mirrored back to us from holographic world that we created for ourselves. Each one of us contributed to the collective hologram called earth. Each one of us experiences this holographic world in our own unique way according to our perceptions and beliefs. We filter everything and everyone through our belief filter system. Your world that you experience is different to the one I live in. The world that we see today is nothing more than the collective beliefs held by society.


Close your eye and first observe how you currently act and react. Do this in the role of an observer. See what you do or fail to do and what implication it produces in your, relationships etc. This is not done to generate guilt or fear. You need to know where you are if you want to get where you want to be. When you finished this cycle open your eyes for a moment. Wait for about ten minutes and then repeat this cycle. You will this time close your eyes and see how you act and react in a more appropriate and effective manner. You can now experience the joy and feeling of satisfaction that this new mindset will bring into your life. My friends it is just as simple as that. Invest ten to twenty minutes daily and rebuild your life. What you see you receive. Don’t view this as some kind of religious cycle. You have been using this method all your life. Everything you currently do or fail to do was registered in your retrieval system in a similar manner. Notice next time you at act or react in a negative and destructive manner how you call in pictures and feelings as well. All we are doing now is overwriting some of the defect data that you have been using since early childhood.




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