Daily Archives: September 5, 2013

Smile for a While





The Patel family in Gujarat was puzzled when the coffin of their dead

mother arrived from the USA.  It was sent by one of the daughters.   

The dead body was very tightly squeezed inside the coffin, with no space

left in it at all. When they opened the lid , they found a letter on the

top addressed to the entire family.


Dear Chandrakantbhai, Arvindbhai, Mohan and Varsha,    I am sending

Ma’s body to you, since it was her wish that she be cremated in the

compound of our ancestral home in GUJARAT.  Sorry, I could not come

along as all of my paid leave is consumed.    You will find inside the

coffin, under Ma’s body, 12 cans of cheese, 10 packets of Toblerone

chocolates and 8 packets of Badam.    Please divide these among all of

you.    On Ma’s feet you will find a new pair of Reebok shoes (size 10)

for Mohan.    There are also 2 pairs of shoes for Radha’s and Lakshmi’s

sons.    Hope the sizes are correct.    Ma is wearing 6 American

T-Shirts.  The large size is for Mohan. Just distribute the rest among

yourselves.    The 2 new Jeans that Ma is wearing are for the boys. The

Swiss watch that Reema wanted is on Ma’s left wrist.   Shanta masi,  Ma

is wearing the necklace, earrings and ring that you asked for.   Please

take them off her.    The 6 white cotton socks that Ma is wearing must

be divided among my nephews.  Please distribute all these fairly.


Love,   Smita Patel.


PS : And if anything more is required let me know soon, as Father is

also not feeling too well.

Thank you Anton for this Smile for a While!
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Posted by on September 5, 2013 in WISDOM


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Coveting/comparing. ” I got my sense of self-esteem/self-worth/self-identity by comparing myself with others.



As Christians, we easily come down on whatever sins have made our list of “unacceptable”— anything from getting drunk, sleeping around as a single, and cheating on one’s spouse to various addictions. Then there is another list that we turn the other way on and sweep under the carpet—gossip, anger, judgmentalism, and the one I want to address today: coveting.


Coveting starts with comparing. It’s been a problem and a temptation for me for as long as I can remember. In high school I was often guilty of it. I got my sense of self-esteem, self-worth, and self-identity by comparing myself with others. How was I looking, how was I doing, and how was I being viewed by others?


In the leadership realm, comparing/coveting is a huge issue. I have been to more leadership meetings than I care to remember where coveting was obvious, painful, and embarrassing to watch.


Comparing & Coveting


When pastors from the same denomination or leaders from the same organization have their periodic meetings, the “comparing/coveting games” begin in earnest. In most leadership meetings, it is not uncommon to have “Mr. Successful” become the poster child for what I should be like and be experiencing. It usually depresses me. We compare and then covet others’ buildings, budgets, attendance, worship, technology, influence, popularity, blog and web traffic, and on and on.


Read more at the link below…

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Posted by on September 5, 2013 in WISDOM


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Are you selling or marketing a product/service? Get into your prospect’s head!

Here’s a million-dollar secret I’ve never shared with anyone before. When you use it, you will get inside your prospects’ heads and manipulate their thinking to get them to do what you want—including sending you money right now for your product or service. Sound hard to believe? Keep reading and I’ll prove my point to you.


Right now, as you read these words, you are practicing the very thing I’m going to describe. Centuries ago people read books by moving their lips. Over time—and probably due to complaints from the family—people learned to close their mouths. But virtually all people still read the letters you send them by saying the words in their head, almost as if they were speaking them out loud, but in reality speaking only to themselves. You’re probably doing it right now.


You are, aren’t you? It doesn’t reflect anything about your intelligence. It’s how most of us read. I read more than most people and I still read the same way you do, “mouthing” the words in my head. It’s how most of us humans accept the written word. Relax. You’re normal.


Why is this important?


Because this is a way for you to plant hypnotic commands right into the skulls of people.


This is staggering power. When people read your sales letter, you are, in essence, right INSIDE the head of the very person you want to persuade. They are speaking your words—your commands, if you do this right—to themselves. You are in their “command center.”


Think of the power you have!


Unless you’ve taken a speed reading course—which teaches you to scan pages and avoid seeing single words—you are like everyone else: Hearing what I want you to hear right now, in your own mind. In reality, I’m in your head! What am I going to make you do?! Buy my books? Hire me to write copy for you? Make you go out with me and do my bidding?




You can imagine the kind of power this gives me, and can give you once you learn how to do it, too. And that’s what I am going to give you a quick-start lesson in:

How to control your prospect’s mind.


First: You need to accept that people are reading your sales letters (or ads, memos, email, web copy, etc.) by pronouncing your words in their heads. This means you are in the “forbidden zone” and ready to re-wire their brains.


Second: Keep in mind that as people read, they think. You are doing it right now and you have been doing it throughout this article. You are talking to yourself as you read. You are thinking.


People read your words and also ask questions, as if you were there to answer them. Your job as a Hypnotic Writer is to anticipate those questions and answer them. Do so and people will follow your commands.


Are you with me? As I mentioned earlier, I’ve never discussed this concept before because I felt it was too damn powerful to release. But when Mark Joyner asked me to expand on the material in my best-selling “Hypnotic Writing” series of books, I figured I owed the man my ace in the hole.


Here it is!


And here’s how it works:


You write your sales letter with all the hypnotic writing skills you learned from my books. You use every trick you’ve learned to grab and hold attention, build desire, and lead to a strong close, because you know that’s how you create truly hypnotic writing.


And AS you write, you are also asking yourself, “What is my reader thinking right now?” This is much like trying to handle objections in a traditional sales call. The difference is, you are doing this in writing. Your customer isn’t standing in front of you. He or she may be thousands of miles away.


But that person is reading your words—voicing those words of yours in their head—and that person is asking him or herself questions. Anticipate them and answer them and you will up the odds in creating a sales letter that easily persuades.


Let me explain this another way: Hypnotists know that you will obey their commands as long as you don’t already have a counter-suggestion in you to the contrary. They can tell you to “Go open the window,” and you will do just that UNLESS you have a counter-thought, such as, “But it’s cold outside” or “I don’t have a good reason to open the window.”


This same dynamic goes on inside your readers. You can tell them to “Send me money now for my new gizmo,” and they will do exactly that UNLESS they have counter-thoughts (read objections) in them. As you probably know, most of your readers will have counter-thoughts. Your job is to anticipate them and answer them and THEN give your command.

I use this little known hypnotic skill in all my sales letters.


I work hard to create a headline that relays a benefit in a curious way. I sweat to write an opening that yanks attention from wherever it was, to my words. And then I use this “hypnotic dialogue process” to write the letter.


In other words, I write my letter while pretending to talk to one person about my product or service. In a real way, I’m talking to myself. As I “talk” on the page, I imagine what my prospect will ask next. It’s a dialogue in my mind. But the truth is, that same dialogue will end up in my prospect’s mind if I do this right. You’ve been doing it throughout this article. You’ve been reading my words and asking yourself questions. Right?


Throughout the writing of this article, I kept asking myself, “What will he ask?” By anticipating your questions, I could handle them in a persuasive way. I could, in short, lead you to my way of thinking and to doing what I want.


For example, right after my opening paragraph, I wrote, “Sound hard to believe?” I placed the question there because that’s probably exactly where you ASKED the question in your own mind. You read my opening lines—about my big promise to show you how to get people to send you money—and inside yourself you said something like, “That’s pretty hard to believe. Prove it.”


And right there, right on cue, comes my question. I anticipated your thoughts and answered them by using the dialogue process. And what did I install in your mind while you were reading?


Go back through this article and see if you can find this “dialogue process” at work. And then notice what you do next, because that action will reflect the command I secretly embedded in you. And now that your objections are handled, you have little choice but to act on it, or not.

By Joe Vitale / Source: The Code of Influence

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Posted by on September 5, 2013 in WISDOM


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Please remember that you cannot think/act in a positive manner with an image that remind you of a helpless child.




Very few people understand the powerful role their composure plays in everything they do and how they feel. You can never act in a positive manner if you go around with a troubled look on your face, slumped shoulders and whine in your voice. How can you think and act in a positive manner if your whole demeanour is that of a loser or fader? What you think is displayed in the image you project to the people around you. I have never seen a person with a negative attitude and poor self-image go up to any rostrum to receive first prize. I have never seen any person with the image of a bird with a broken wing sell like a champion. I have never seen a parent with the image of a bull terrier win the love and respect of his own children. What you project activates chemicals in your brain that will either fuel your passion or dowse the fire in your heart.

How can you expect to feel, act and be positive if you project an image of a dog that got one too many hiding? The point I am making here is that you have the power within you to turn you negative feelings around by simply adjusting your composure. When you feel down and defeated, pull back your shoulders, lift your head and take a few deep breaths. Look life and people straight in the eye. This will immediately trigger positive chemicals in your brain. The dark clouds will lift from your brain and stop smothering your creativity and passion.

This might sound too simple to be worth much, but just try it the next time you feel down and defeated. You will be amazed what power is locked up in your brain that will be unleashed when you use this method. You will discover that the sun will push away the dark clouds of despair and the feelings of gloom that kept you imprisoned in a mental torture chamber will dissipate. You will begin to act in a manner conducive to winning again. Please remember that you cannot think or act in a positive manner with an image that remind you of a helpless child.



If you want to exert influence, you will have to look at the image that you project while at work and play. People treat you the way you project yourself. People, will use and abuse you if you go around with the image of a defeated man. You will feel exactly what you project. People do not follow losers and cry babies. They latch onto winners and people that make them feel safe and protected.

Will you put your life in the hands of a doctor that project an image of insecurity and hesitation? Will you invest money with a person that presents you with an image of an illiterate person? You must never forget that life is a jungle out there. If you show any sign of weakness or vulnerability, the vultures, and scavengers of life will appear like magic.

In nature the weak always becomes the victim of the strong. When a kudu feels ill or appear injured, the scavengers will target and devour him. In life, it is the same. When your head and shoulder go down you lose your zest for life. Your tone of voice drops to a whisper or whine and your feel drained and tired. Remember the trigger to get you out of this frame of mind is to reverse the process. 

Lift your head and shoulders. Take a few deep breaths and walk like a person with a mission. You will be pleasantly surprised how quickly you feel in control again and how much fresh new energy will begin to pump through your body and mind.



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Posted by on September 5, 2013 in WISDOM


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Ladies – Master this tool and you will live a life filled with joy and happiness

dolce gabbana makeup swatch dazzling

These lips can whisper about love, compassion, forgiveness and care, they can kiss and caress or they can become an instrument that cause untold pain for her owner and everyone that is attached to her or that come into contact with her. Use this tool well and you will live in joy and happiness – allow them to say the first thing that comes to mind and you will create ongoing problems and disasters in all areas of your life and the lives of those that you touch during your journey through life.



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Posted by on September 5, 2013 in WISDOM


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Life Changer – Appreciation – A single flower or a one-minute phone call can often do more for a worn out mother/father than the medication they are taking for their depression/insomnia.

“Smile – I will pay for the stitches”.




I am often astounded when I see how unappreciative people have become. I am not talking about buying someone a vehicle or sending him or her on a boat trip around the world in appreciation here. I am talking about something much more simple. What I have in mind is the simple and low energy activity of moving your lips and forming the words, “Thank you.” Society has become sour, critical and self-centred and takes far too much for granted. I will start with children. Children today begin at a very young age to become takers and usually sustain this parasite behaviour habit into adulthood. I have seen many parents go without to ensure a good education for their children. I have seen how parents worked two jobs and forfeit their health and best years of their life to ensure that their ungrateful offspring can go around with “designer or brand name” clothing. I can feel the veins in my neck popping when I see how ill mannered children treat their parents as if they are brain dead morons. Appreciation usually only enters the picture when the spoiled child needs to lay his hands of the wallet of their “well worn” parents.


The inability to express appreciation is rife in society today. Not only children go around taking things for granted. When last did you catch someone expressing honest out of the heart unsolicited appreciation? People are starved of this vital ingredient in all levels of society today. People blush and become embarrassed when you thank them or express your honest appreciation. You can detect that they are out of practice receiving appreciation. The sudden rush of “good chemicals” from their brains that are released when you feel appreciated makes them dizzy and tend to stun them.



If you want to exert serious influence on people, learn about the power of honest appreciation. Express and show your appreciation more often and see what enormous difference it can make in the lives of people. The rumour that has been around that appreciation cannot be experienced when you become older or when your hair turns grey is just an urban legend. You never grow too old, rich, or fat to enjoy appreciation. It is something that you obtain free of charge and that will not bankrupt you if you hand it out in generous proportions. You can freely use this powerful tool on parents, gardeners, strangers, and even intimate friends.


Invite people to tell you more about themselves, their hopes, their fears, and dreams. Show real interest in what they have to say. Learn to take the focus off your own needs, fears, and ego driven aspirations for a while. Most people are so ego driven that they find it very difficult to listen. Do not try and top every story they tell with one of your own that makes their achievement bleak in comparison. Send people “thank you“ notes. I have seen mothers treasure a thank you note for decades that a son or daughter wrote them in a moment of weakness. You also do not need to wait for special occasions to show your appreciation. A single flower or a one-minute phone call can often do more for a worn out mother or father than the medication they are taking for their depression or insomnia. Become a strong source of influence today by giving your appreciation freely to everybody you meet. The amazing thing about giving appreciation and recognition is that it also makes you feel good and worthy.



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