Daily Archives: September 7, 2013

Will Your Pet Go to Heaven?




Will Your Pet Go to Heaven?

You have just died and gone to heaven (literally). St. Peter waves you through the Pearly Gates and Rover, your faithful companion from earth life, comes bounding over to greet you.


Or does he?


While many animal lovers look forward to an afterlife with Fluffy, religious philosophies generally dispel those expectations.


According to the Roman Catholic Church, those hoping to frolic with Fido in the Elysian fields are barking up the wrong tree.


“We don’t believe that animals have immortal souls, and therefore they can’t share in eternal life. They won’t be in heaven,” said Father Mark Huber, pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Denton.


He was able to throw a bone to animal lovers, however.


When the Scriptures talk about a new heaven and a new earth, he said, “there’s a possibility of animal life in the new earth — but they wouldn’t live forever.


“But that’s speculative — we don’t know what the new earth is,” he said.


Islam agrees that animals will not exist eternally, but differs in other respects.


Yusuf Wells, president of the Islamic Foundation of Lincoln, said, “Our belief is that animals do have souls, but a soul which gives them animated life. But their souls are not those which are ultimately judged according to their deeds —they weren’t given the same responsibility or accountability that man has.”


On the Last Day of Judgment, Wells said, Allah establishes justice on everything, even among the animals. For example, “if an animal with horns hits an animal without horns, on the Day of Judgment Allah will raise them up, and the one that didn’t have horns in this life will be given horns to hit back the one who hit him.


“And then after that has been done, and justice has been established between the animals, the animals will turn to dust,” he said. “They’re not going to be rewarded with eternal life in paradise or punished with everlasting punishment.”


Judaism also teaches that animals have souls but will not be with people in paradise, said Rabbi Ilan Emanuel of South Street Temple.


“According to most traditional Jewish sources, animals do have a soul, (but) their souls don’t get reunited with their owners in heaven,” he said. The animal soul is at a lower level than the divine soul, which is what humans have, and it is that soul which is reunited with God in the afterlife.


“That doesn’t mean the animal soul does not survive death, but it’s probably not … with you in heaven,” he said.

Buddhism’s outlook on this issue is a horse of a somewhat different color.


“Life is an endless series of transformation and rebirth,” said the Rev. Nonin Chowaney, head priest at the Nebraska Zen Center/Heartland Temple. “Life doesn’t … end when the heart stops beating and the breath stops. Consciousness links up with another physical form and life continues. It’s true of human beings and all beings.


“When an animal dies, it will be transformed into another form of life, (but) no one knows what that form will be. That depends on what the animal’s present life has been like.”


The Rev. Stephen Griffith, minister to the community at Saint Paul United Methodist Church, said that although the United Methodist Church has not addressed the question, the general view would be that animals don’t have souls and so would not go to heaven as the result of having lived a good life.


But he thought they might still be there as part of the milieu for people to enjoy. It is hard to conceive of an ideal heaven without “the kinds of playfulness, joy, dignity and beauty that animals bring to our lives,” he said.


The Methodist church has a service for the blessing of animals, Griffith added. “One prayer refers to all sorts of places in the Bible where animals are part of the action,” he said, and the prayer also states that “animals share in Christ’s redemption of all God’s creation.”


The Rev. Robert Schlismann, senior warden at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church and a former Presbyterian minister, has performed pet blessing services. Schlismann also has a “Pet Pastor” ministry that includes grief counseling and various types of prayer regarding animals.


“I believe that animals have an afterlife,” he said. “I don’t claim to know how it works. Whatever may be defined as the life force in a living creature, I feel extends beyond the barrier that we call death, just as I believe that human beings have a similar quality. …


“I don’t know if it would be theologically precise to say animals have ‘souls,’ but from a Christian perspective, I feel that the same source of life that animates humans does the same for animals. And many Christians believe that we will be reunited with our loved ones in heaven, and I see no biblical reason why that should not apply to their animal companions.”


More people are having services for deceased pets, he noted, adding that he believes “that’s emotionally healthy and strengthens one spiritually. It acknowledges a crossroads and a milestone, and it provides respect to what has been a faithful companion. That can apply to dogs, cats, parakeets, gerbils, horses, whatever.”


Joe Bad Moccasin, a Dakota-Lakota medicine person and spiritual leader, told of an experience that made him believe more than ever that animals survive into another life. At a time when he nearly died, he said, he saw in the next world not only his deceased relatives, but also all the dogs and a cat he had raised, as well as birds flying.


“They do go where the humans go,” he thought.


“I came to the conclusion that anything that has life, like the animals — they, too, have a place to go in the spirit world.

“I believe Tunkasila (Grandfather/God) gave all these four-legged animals, the feathered fowl, the fish that swim — he gave us all a spirit.”


Animal enthusiasts interviewed for this article said they looked forward to reconnecting with their critters in the Great Beyond.


Nanci Kyhn, a licensed veterinary technician with Nebraska Animal Medical Center, said, “I believe that God made animals for us to love, and they’ve become such a great part of our families that I just can’t imagine that they won’t be waiting for us.


“I believe that animals have souls,” she continued. “When I look into the eyes of these little animals that we care for, and they look back at me, I know that they have a soul.”


Kyhn, who with her husband also owns Whispering Pines pet cremation business, said she couldn’t believe that after this life, animals “would just disappear.”


She concedes, however, “Only God knows, and He’s not talking.”


Diane Anderson, former vice president of the Star City Bird Club, is “Mom” to nine birds and three dogs. She said she thinks animals will be in the world to come “because if God looks after the little birds and knows when they die, I’m sure that he’s going to care for them (after death).”


Anderson, whose birds include a blind 30-year-old Amazon parrot, added, “I just can’t imagine that animals wouldn’t be with us … I would be very cheerful and joyous if my pets joined me” in the next life.


Asked whether there would be pets in paradise, Bob Downey, executive director of the Capital Humane Society, said, “I sure hope so. I’d be delighted. So would my wife.” He said they had had about nine boxers they’d be reunited with.


“I don’t know whether dogs or pets in general would be included up there. It’d be a better place if they were,” he said.

Michelle Ashley, founder of Domesti-Pups, bristled at the notion of a houndless heaven.


“I totally believe” in the presence of animals in the afterworld, she said. “If it wasn’t true, I don’t want to go there.”


Ashley, whose organization provides therapy animals, classroom dogs and service animals for people with disabilities, added, “God is ‘dog’ spelled backwards for me.”


Another with strong feelings that pets are headed for the hereafter is Dorothy Bush, 87, who has long been active on animal welfare issues. Bush was co-founder of the now-defunct Mickle-Bush Neuter-Spay Foundation, and more recently was instrumental in forming Break the Link, which neuters, spays and helps animals from domestic violence situations.

“Whatever the higher power gives us, he’s not going to take it away,” she said in explaining her views.


Bush was adamant that she will see her furry friends again, no matter where. “Whether I go to heaven or hell, my pets are all going to be there to meet me — and I plan on going to heaven,” she said.


The expectations of many who enjoy animals are reflected in comments by Julia Sage, a member of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Tribe.


Sage said that according to the traditional way of life for Native Americans, “Everything was made by the same God, and we all go back to the same God when we pass.”


Therefore, she said, “I believe I’m going to see deer, bear, buffalo, eagles, dogs, cats, birds, even snakes” in the next life.


Wouldn’t that be heavenly?


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Posted by on September 7, 2013 in WISDOM


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You and I, Only Holograms – Is Reality Merely An Illusion?

Is Reality Merely An Illusion?

Every action and all matter that has developed in the universe conforms to what we know as reality. The idea that our universe passes like a giant’s dream, or like a product of a very complex virtual reality program, more closely resembles an ingenious science fiction script than the crude and imperfect world in which we move every day.

However, the reality that we perceive seems to be contrary to scientific logic, if we bear in mind that matter hardly exists. The construction blocks of visible matter are atoms, which are merely small nuclei lost in the middle of a great spacial emptiness, surrounded by nearly invisible particles (electrons) that orbit them at magnificent speeds. If our bodies were to be put under a powerful microscope, what would be seen would probably be a sea of sand grains in perpetual motion.

According to recent research in the field of quantum physics, all of what we know as matter — the solid cement of what appears to be what our reality is composed of — could be nothing more than quantum fluctuations in the middle of the empty universe.

A group of physicists led by Dr. Stephen Durr from the John Von Neumann Institute in Germany confirmed that the sum of the three subatomic particles that make up protons and neutrons (called quarks) barely represent 1 percent of their total mass.

Such evidence suggests that the rest of the nuclear mass would consist of gluons, ephemeral particles that bubble in the middle of the emptiness, which function to maintain the unity among the trio of quarks inside protons and neutrons. This fact suggests the hypothesis that our tangible reality might be mere fluctuations of emptiness or purely nothing.

The Other Truth

What we see with our physical eyes is greatly reduced to a convenient scope. Possessing a pair of eyes that could see only microscopic particles would make it impossible for us to move in a world with objects so large, as the objects with which we generally interact are composed of billions and billions of microscopic particles.

According to biologist Richard Dawkins, rocks only feel hard and impenetrable to our hands because they can’t penetrate each other. For us, it is useful to have notions of hardness and solidity as it helps us navigate our world.

Navigating in an illusory reality, we have to accept that somewhere in the universe another reality can be found. There could be a gigantic slumber, a crazy bubble, or God, if you will.

Since the reality of particles cannot be more than smoke and shadows, it could be that the real existence of all objects in the cosmos resides in one or more parallel spaces. Many scientists speculate that, just like a three-dimensional object can project a two-dimensional shadow over the ground, a multidimensional universe (like the case of the String Theory) could cast a shadow in three-dimensional space.

If this theory is correct, every object and organism in this world would not be more than a gross representation of objects and organisms in a more “real” universe. Coinciding with this theory, the existence of an extracorporeal mind in another dimension might be the ideal explanation for why we have memory, as the atoms in our brains are replaced hundreds of time throughout the course of our lives. According to Steve Grand, author of “Creation: Life and How to Make It,” none of the atoms that make up our bodies today would have been in our bodies during an event in our childhood that we remember.

Grand suggests that matter moves from one place to another and reunites momentarily so that you can be you. Therefore, you aren’t the matter of which you are made. This would imply that our real bodies are in the space that we cannot comprehend — while a virtual body, a mere container, would be what is in what we call reality.

Shadows and colors of light are crude projections of a “more real” reality. The universe that we live in presents itself as something even more illusory, where bodies, minds, and planets are parts of a great magic trick without a magician or an audience.

Scientists in Hanover, Germany, working on the GEO 600, which is an instrument that detects gravitational waves, believe they have discovered a “granulation” in space-time that indicates that our universe is nothing more than a giant hologram.

Those responsible for the GEO 600 believe that, in the same way a digital image loses resolution with significant increase in its size, the captured interference in the detector could be interpreted as the universe’s limited resolution of what it’s capable of providing to human eyes. There’s an exact point where the hologram of reality begins to “pixelize” itself.

The scientists suspect that the precision of the GEO 600, capable of detecting variations in longitudinal waves at the subatomic scale, served to discover the tiniest grains that compose the three-dimensional holographic universe, projected from the bidimensional confines of its interior.

You and I, Only Holograms

The idea of a holographic universe isn’t new. In the 1990s, scientists Leonard Susskind and Gerard Hooft suggested that the same principal that makes a two-dimensional image on a flat surface look three-dimensional could be applied to the entire universe.

Then, why do our senses perceive reality in such a distinct and “voluminous” way if we appear to be no more than shadows on a flat screen? The problem could be that our human eyes and our powerful telescope lenses conform to the reality of such a hologram of the rest of the universe.

The second point to consider is that our organic brain can also be found in the illusion, never being able to interpret a universe with a greater or fewer number of dimensions than can be perceived.

Neurophysiologist Karl Pribram, founder of the Center of Cerebral Research at the University of Radford in Virginia, thinks that our brains are holograms interpreting the hologram universe, mathematically constructing a reality interpreting frequencies that come from another dimension — a domain of significant reality that transcends time and space.

Nevertheless, the theory of a holographic universe of only two special dimensions conflicts with multidimensional theories arising from the roots of the superchord theory. Before this mark of a disparate hypothesis, many scientists already suspected that the universe is a hologram or illusion created by particles in the emptiness. However, all of the scientific efforts to comprehend the truth amid the mirage have become trapped in a frustrating array of unprovable theories.

Many vanguard theorists think that the disturbing breach in the field of quantum physics and relativity could explain historically argued phenomena in the scientific field, like those in which the mind doesn’t seem to be associated to the brain — such as near-death experiences, remote vision, and precognition.

In whatever case, Plato’s allegory of the cave would seem to be the most rational option now for explaining these vivid daily experiences that our brains interpret as being real appearances of the world.

By Leonardo Vintiñi / Source: Epoch Times – Reproduced with the permission of Mind Power News

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Posted by on September 7, 2013 in WISDOM


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Sexy facts and other data that you may have speculated about!


1. 15 years ago, the average bra size in the USA was 34B. Today it is 36C. ~Playboy


2. British women have the biggest breasts in Europe, 57% have a D cup or larger. ~The Sun


3. C-cup breast together only add up to three quarters of a pound.


4. Wyoming’s Grand Tetons mountain range literally means “Big Tits”



5. A new study published in the journal Behaviourfound that to reel in the boys, the ideal amount of flesh a woman should reveal is 40%.


6. The 9th most popular sex question on is “where is the G-spot?”


7. Last year 21% of dates were arranged via e-mail and 5% of relationships were ended by texting. ~Playboy


8. 65% of women polled said they consider tattoos on a guy to be a turn-on, while 21% said it was a turn-off and 14% said they were undecided about their appeal. ~Playboy


9. The average lovemaking session lasts around 7.3 minutes. Actually, for most men, it’s difficult for sex to last much longer.


10. 48% of women have faked an orgasm at least once in the bedroom.


11. Canadian women are the most likely group to fake orgasm. ~Durex study


12. Australian women have sex on the first date more than women the same age in the USA and Canada.


13. Women with a Ph.D. are twice as likely to be interested in a one-night stand than those with only a Bachelor’s degree.



14. More women talk dirty during sex than men. ~Playboy


15. Everyday, 200 million couples around the world have sex, which is about over 2000 couples at any given moment.


16. 30% of women over the age of 80 still have sexual intercourse either with their spouse or boyfriends.


17. Fellatio ranks as the number one sexual act desired by heterosexual men.


18. Women who went to college are more likely to enjoy both the giving and receiving of oral sex than high school dropouts.





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Posted by on September 7, 2013 in 21 AND OLDER, WISDOM


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Ask a lucky person why they are so lucky and the most popular answers will be either that they don’t know or that it’s because they expect good things to happen to them.

The biggest reason you don’t have the life you want is because you are focused on what you aren’t getting. You see only your lack of luck.


Successful people live life as they desire because they focus on what they are getting. These people see all their options, and when they receive the benefits from wisely acting on the options, everyone else calls them lucky.


It was Machiavelli who told us that success is 50% luck, and the rest is how we respond to that luck through cunning and bravura.


Personally I believe that life is only 10% what happens to me and 90% how I respond to it, but this goes way beyond seeing the glass half empty or half full. This is the difference between seeing the glass or dying of thirst.


Most people hold the belief that some are just born lucky and others are not. They believe somehow that “fate” decides the lucky.


The most interesting thing to me about the concept of luck is that the world’s biggest experts on the subject seem to be the ones who do not have it. The day I came to this realization was the day I realized the concept of luck was flawed.


Think of it like this. What if the biggest experts on financial investing were all bankrupt and the people with the most money had no idea how they did it? It would tell you that something else is going on that no one is seeing. This is how it is with luck.


Ask a lucky person why they are so lucky and the most popular answers will be either that they don’t know or that it’s because they expect good things to happen to them. The flaw in the logic of the second statement is simple. If you had been unusually lucky your entire life, would you not also start to expect it?


Ask a person who considers themselves unlucky about luck and expect everything from an emotional rant to a lengthy pseudo-scientific explanation based on something completely irrelevant like the day they were born on.


They will include that the “fact” (as they see it) that because their luck has been so bad for so long, it means that their luck has to be about to change for the better. Ask them about a person who is lucky and they will tell you that because they have been so lucky for so long, they should be careful because their luck is about to run out. None of this is necessarily true. I have known people who spend their entire lives falling on their face and I have known people who always land on their feet, no matter what happens. The key to what I am about to show you is in the last part of that sentence, “…no matter what happens.” This has nothing to do with luck. It’s pure science.


There was a very interesting study done on luck by Richard Wiseman, a psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire. He gave a newspaper to both a group of “lucky” and a group of “unlucky” people. Both groups were asked to look through the newspaper and tell him how many photographs it contained. On average, the unlucky people took about two minutes to count the photographs, whereas the lucky people took just seconds.


Why? Because the second page of the newspaper contained the message: “Stop counting. There are 43 photographs in this newspaper.” This message took up half of the page and was written in type that was more than 2 inches high. It was staring everyone straight in the face, but the unlucky people tended to miss it and the lucky people tended to spot it followed by adjusting their actions based on what they found.


It’s not about luck. It’s about keeping your eyes open.

I am the type of person who is considered lucky. I learned how to be lucky. I interact with as many people as possible to create as many opportunities as I can for myself. I separate from the negative and pursue the positive in very creative ways. I know when to hold on to value that others don’t see and when to let go for something better that I usually find hiding right in front of my face. It’s not that I have better luck than other people; it’s that I can see things that others can’t.

By Drawk Kwast, Creator of The Alpha Male Lifestyle

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Posted by on September 7, 2013 in WISDOM


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The separation that splintered mankind like a broken mirror. Lie drenched programmes downloaded into our heads since early childhood.

The “knowledge” (data) programmed in your head become your launching platform and evaluation system that you use in all areas of your life. The truth that is stored in your soul has been suppressed by the many layers of “knowledge” that you so liberally uploaded via the “programmers” (parents, teachers, priests, etc.) that played a role in your life since your arrival on this plane. Discomfort is caused by the conflicting data stored in your soul and the lies and speculations of those that lay the foundation that you “think” with. Your soul is still connected to your perfect self and the wisdom of the God force.


It becomes more and more isolated with the layers of predominant lies and defective laws that continue flooding your mental storing devise. You could clearly hear and feel the energy and love transmitted to you via your soul early after your arrival on this plane, but the transmissions became fainter and fainter as time slipped by. Soon all you were aware of was this booming voice in your head that command and direct everything you do or say. The voice in your head totally drowned out the truth and feelings of joy and union that you experienced earlier. You became like a machine and took on a personality that allowed you to merge with society. There is no need to defend the truth stored in your soul. You are however forced to continually defend the lies and warped perceptions that your programmers downloaded in your head.


The reason for this is that each soul is exposed to his/her own set of programmers soon after arrival. They have different perceptions and agendas on many aspects of life. They may for example believe in a different God or a different political party. Their “truths” on everything, including their God perception is downloaded into the sub-conscious computer of the newly arrived soul and will in turn become the voice that they hear in their heads. This is where conflict and misunderstandings come from. Individuals believe that the voice in their heads will never lie to them, but forget that the voice in their heads can only repeat the garbage and lies that is stored in its archives. Each person thus moves around with his own unique perceptions, ideas and philosophies. This is the main reason why we have so much conflict in this dimension. Individuals attempt to force their own take of things onto their partners, friends or anyone that they come in contact with.


The same happen to groups (churches and political parties) as well as nations. This is how wars are started and also the main reason why many millions died in the religious and political wars fought historically and currently. Individuals and groups feel so convinced about their version of the “truth” that they are prepared to kill and maim in their perception’s name. What we fail to grasp is that we actually have two software programmes that declare war on each other. We have groups that support a specific version of “truth” that will stop at nothing to enforce their ideologies on others. The collective downloaded ideologies and perceptions polarize individuals, groups and nations. I cringe when I think of the huge volumes of blood spilled and the pain inflicted on many millions over the years because of the inability of mankind to grasp that they are from the same source and one with the Creator of this universe. The separation that splintered mankind like a broken mirror is the defective, deceitful lie drenched programmes downloaded into the heads of those that will later become cannon fodder for the political and religious aspirations of those in power



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