Daily Archives: September 29, 2013

“A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.”

Attitude quotes

“Happiness is not by chance, but by choice.” Jim Rohn 

“Live with passion.” Anthony Robbins 

“A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.” Chinese Proverb

“Whether zeal or moderation be the point we aim at, let us keep the fire out of the one, and the frost out of the other.”Joseph Addison

“A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.” Herm Albright

“It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect it’s successful outcome.”–William James

 “I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.” Martha Washington

“To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If you’re not, pretend you are.” Muhammad Ali

“Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” Lou Holtz

“The optimist sees opportunity in every danger; the pessimist sees danger in every opportunity.” Winston Churchill

“Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force.” Tom Blandi

“Positive thinking won’t let you do anything but it will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.” Zig Ziglar

“Minds are like parachutes – they only function when open.” Thomas Dewar

“A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change.” Earl Nightingale

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Posted by on September 29, 2013 in WISDOM


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People of all ages sometimes do the most amazing things in an attempt to get recognition/acceptance.




Most of us have an inherent need to feel accepted and recognized by others. Even the most introvert and unassuming person want to feel that he or she is someone special for somebody. Go to any playground and watch toddlers in action. Observe what they do to get the attention of their fellow toddlers. They often, bribe, sulk and fight for the attention of other toddlers. They sometimes try and kiss, smile or talk their way into the heart of a fellow toddler. It sometimes happens that they feel that more dramatic and drastic attention arousal methods would have the desired results. A swift shot on the ear with a heavy toy often does the trick when more subtle methods failed.


People of all ages also do the most amazing things in an attempt to get recognition and acceptance. Just like the toddler example above they also often sulk, fight or cry for attention. I have seen men the size of mountains that become like marshmallows when they fall in love or when they want someone close to their heart to tell them that they mean something special to them. Most of us need to feel that we are someone special to the people that are linked to us in the game of life. We all still have a child in our heart that begs for recognition and attention. We often play-act that we are totally independent, but deep inside we yearn for recognition, acceptance and a feeling that we are special. Even the homeless people on the street want dignity and respect from society. They might be down on their luck, but deep inside under the layers of dirt they still yearn to be someone special.


If you want to exert strong influence on others you will have to keep this in mind. Treat people as if they are someone special and you will be amazed how you will make their day.




All of us need some form of recognition and acceptance. We might have a history of failures and disasters, but deep inside the flame of being special to someone continues to flicker in the dark recesses of our minds. If you can understand this inherent need of people, you will select your words with much more care. You will take your own priorities out of the way for a while and rather focus on the dreams and aspirations of the people that share your journey on spaceship earth. Acceptance costs nothing and can be passed on with unbridled abundance. I have seen people that are seriously overweight that yearn for acceptance. They feel that they are a person with similar feelings like everybody else under the layers of fat. They cry for acceptance notwithstanding their problem, but are usually shunned by most people. They also want to feel special to others, but often bear the brunt of people with a warped sense of morality. I have seen the elderly treated like dirt by even their own family members. Because they have reached an advanced age does not mean that they are useless and stripped of their self-worth. You can become a motivator and exert a strong influence if you can learn to look underneath the surface and see if you can discover the real person hidden by his or her own history of fear and rejection. The old and the young seem to have one thing in common and that is the desire to feel that they are special to someone.



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Posted by on September 29, 2013 in WISDOM


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Will you add something, take something away, build something or break something down today?

Will you add something, take something away, build something or break something down today? Our days, weeks, months and years casually slip by while the sands of time silently make their way to bottom of the hourglass of life. What happened to your dreams, aspirations and unbridled enthusiasm my friend? Will today be a deadly repeat of too many yesterdays? You can add love, compassion or a friendly smile to the versatile brew of life today. You can hold someone, set someone free with your forgiveness today. You can listen with an open mind to the stories that everyone secretly wrote in his or her book of life to date. Put away your filters, judgements and perceptions today. Notice the reality reflected in the eyes of those that will enter your space today. You can make a difference and repair, promote or fulfil someone’s dream today. You can open a door, fix a roof, provide a meal or solve a problem for someone today. Get yourself out of the way my dear friend and you will see the world and your fellow travellers on spaceship earth with new vision.



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Posted by on September 29, 2013 in WISDOM


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The cunning slanted system that we live in secured you in a slave like state.

We all fall into a deep hypnotic sleep early in life. The noise, problems, pain and broken promises that we experience fail to resurrect us from our sleep like state. We dream that we are our history, body, successes and failures. We dream that we are measure by God while we bounce around in this machine called life that give us false hope only to knock us down again. The cunning slanted system that we live in secured you in a slave like state. You are daily confronted with survival issues. The only way to escape from this trap is to wake up and notice the deadly web that snared you in its ruthless claws. You must wake up to the reality of the religious dogma and the political rhetoric that encased your mind with lies and deceit. Cunning operators kept you mentally, physically and emotionally paralysed in a state of fear. You were forced to swallow their deadly poison made up with ingredients like guilt and sin. It is only when you wake up and grasp that you are not your body, history or story that you break the chains that kept you under their hypnotic trance. You are only using your body as a vehicle while you attend earth school. You are in this dimension to experience and learn. Your spiritual self have been waiting for your awakening my friend. View all painful experiences today as lessons. Be gentle with yourself. View life through the eyes of a student and not through the tarnished filter of sin.


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Posted by on September 29, 2013 in WISDOM


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We have been conditioned with the perception of “mine” and “yours” from soon after our birth.

I looked at two toddlers playing in a sand-pit. I could not help smiling when I noticed how the one boy with carrot red hair and freckle face was doing his level best to gather all the plastic toys around him. A little guy with the white hair was not happy with this turn of events. He got hold of a fairly bulky toy truck and in a thin high pitched voice cried, “Mine”. I notice the frustration on the red haired little guy’s face. He puffed up his cheeks and attempted to wrestle the truck away from what he now perceived his enemy. Then things started happening rapidly. Before anyone could intervene the white haired little guy swung the truck like a golf pro and hit the red haired boy on the side of the head. The red haired little guy immediately dropped to his knees and started hollering for help and his mother. Both “fighters” mothers arrive on the scene with blistering speed. You could see that the red haired little guy’s mother was seriously pissed off. I think you get the picture. The wonderful play experience turned into a total disaster. 

Have you noticed how most of us start accumulating things from a very young age. We have been conditioned with a perception of “mine” and “yours” from soon after our birth. This perception of separation is taken to extreme levels by us. You will when you become aware of this separation syndrome notice this everywhere. We were domesticated to stay in our box and look after the stuff that we accumulated. Others also subscribe to this recipe.

This trend of separation continue in marriages as well. You have “His” and “Hers” everything from towels to bank accounts. We have my car and your car, my house, my dog and my everything else. How many times don’t we talk about my doctor, my plumber, my bank, my gynaecologist etc.

Look in the community where you live and you will suddenly notice all the compartments that we carefully constructed to bolster the separation mentality. This is one of the reasons why a man and a women can live in the same home for decades and still know virtually nothing about each other. We now and then venture outside our little box to come and play with our partner or some friends, but rush back to our box and its safety the moment we notice any potential adversity on the horizon.


I noticed that things are very different in Eastern societies. You get a feeling that it is much easier to share in these communities. There is a much more intimate feeling of oneness here. It is much easier to share shelter, food, protection in these societies. You for example will find that a whole family will work together in the family business for the collective good of everyone.

We in the west find it virtually impossible to keep our families together. Children leave the nest and might periodically call or drop in for short visits, but do their own thing regardless of the collective status of such family. Please do not get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with flying solo or with building a future away from home. The point that I am making is that there is no need to disconnect mentally and emotionally when you have your own little box with its tiny garden and white picket fence.


How can we show real compassion when we live in a fog of entitlement? How can we become one family, community or one nation while everyone is adamant protecting and promoting his/her own importance? We will never work for the collective good of society while we rather beautify our own little box, lawn or garden while the community live in sub-standard conditions. Can you see how the divide and rule mentality that we hammer into our children from an early age weaken the structure that we try and survive in? How can we feel the plight of others while our own family, for example an aging mother or father live and die in his/her little retirement box. They only see their family on old faded photos of a time now just a faded memory?



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Posted by on September 29, 2013 in WISDOM


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