Daily Archives: September 3, 2013


What you resist – persists. Your sustained negative attention to anything or anyone allows such thing or person to remain firmly fixed in your mind. It is your sustained attention that provides it with POWER. Do not resist what you don’t want in your life and it will go away. Simply detach mentally and stop fighting the source of your aggravation and it will fold like a house of cards.



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Posted by on September 3, 2013 in WISDOM


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Your FEELINGS are your barometer that displays the quality of your current THOUGHTS, ACTION and REACTIONS.


Many of us live our lives on a “RESIST” mode. We allow ourselves to be pulled into an endless range of energy sapping mental and physical “FIGHTS” against hundreds of things, events, people and perceptions daily. 99% of our resistance can be traced to events (news, politics etc.) that we have no control over. When you RESIST you sustain and feed. When you LET GO you remove the POWER source that fuel your UNHAPPINESS.


Very people know that they are a POWERFUL MAGNET that is day and night ATTRACTING events, people, pain, pleasure, love, problems or solution into their SPACE. How you FEEL at any given moment indicates and reveals the QUALITY of the stuff you are currently ATTRACTING. Your FEELINGS are your barometer that displays the quality of your current THOUGHTS, ACTION and REACTIONS.


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Posted by on September 3, 2013 in WISDOM


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Tom Campbell MBT workshop Asheville 2/16 (Listen daily to this life changing series)

Part 1 of this series

Tom Campbell MBT workshop Asheville 1/16 (Listen daily to this life changing series)

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Posted by on September 3, 2013 in WISDOM



Being patient, detached, objective, compassionate or forgiving is not mastered in one go.



The world around you is a mirror of your inner world. You will

 discover when you become still and look carefully that the

 teacher within is projecting activities and lessons that you

 need to learn if you want to evolve. You will discover that your

current soul’s journey is mapped out for you. Most of us think

that wisdom, knowledge and insight must come from distant

countries or far off dimensions. You have advanced software

embedded in your gene structure. Your gene helix is part of

your perfect self that extends to the outer bounds of the

universe. All your experiences and history of your previous

trips through this and other dimensions is recorded here.

There is a fog or vale that blocks you from freely accessing

this data base. The main reason why this information is

gradually filtered through to you is because you will learn less

if you had full access to this source of knowledge.

There is many ways of solving problems. You might have

mastered specific problems or challenges historically in a

specific way, but need to learn the wide range of other

methods that can be used to obtain a successful outcome if

your really want to evolve. Being patient, detached, objective,

compassionate or forgiving is not mastered in one go. It is

like all other disciplines. You need to repeat the same action

many times before you become unconsciously competent.

You have ongoing opportunities to work on your evolvement.

Your teacher within will set up situations and events where

you can practice the attributes that form part of your spiritual

armour. You can read all you like in books and listen as often

as you can to lectures and still fail to master any of the

spiritual attribute goals you have set for yourself. The masters

from other dimensions send us holographic messages that

are stored in our perfect self software. You already have an

amazing source of knowledge stored in your perfect self’s

archives. These archives are continually updated by masters

that work from other dimensions.

It is a crying shame that many of us find it impossible to

become still or to disconnect long enough from our

delusional perception that the world is real. We are like a

person that is dying of thirst with an unlimited source of water

in our backyard. It might come as a surprise to you if I

mention that you are a master in your own right. You become

a master and in turn look after other entities while they are on

a mission in another dimension. You are wise and competent

in your original spiritual form. You are a master in your own

right when you are in your “home” dimension. You have not

lost this wisdom and knowledge when you visit earth plane.

You can access your vast archives when you become still and

remove the layers of ignorance that form over your perfect

self during your visits to earth plane.

Your perfect self that is also the real you becomes your

teacher during your stints in other dimensions. Become still

so that you can hear, feel and experience the messages that

your perfect self and teacher is sharing with you. You are not

that person facing your in the mirror. You are not part of the

illusionary holographic world. The barrier that prevents you

from accessing your perfect data base is judgement. You

have been conditioned to judge everything and everyone. The

moment you judge a person or perception it becomes fixed

and inflexible.

Learn to detach. Learn to let go of judgement. You will see a

rapid evolvement cycle when you master these two vital

components. Become an observer. Become a spectator and

understand that what you are looking at is nothing more than

movies projected on the collective screen of the earth

dimension. Learn to trust your inner teacher. Your perfect self

is your inner teacher and will never expose you to a lesson

that are too advanced or difficult to master at your current

level of evolvement.


From my book – The Hidden Treasure Within

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Posted by on September 3, 2013 in WISDOM


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We do not know the story of the person that we are often so ready to judge. Stop expecting others to live their lives according to your perceptions.

You decide what anything means to you. You then make choices according to what matter to you. What matter to you or what you deem “good” or “bad” and what is “acceptable “or “unacceptable” may not come close to the perceptions held by others. It will be wrong if you approach life or your relationships with a mindset that other must match your point of view. Each person live his/her life from his/her own perceptions. We cannot see other individuals “inner world”, but should take note that an individual’s outer world is usually a good indicator of what is going on in his/her heart and mind. Compassion is to put yourself in a person’s shoes. We do not know the story of the person that we are often so ready to judge. Stop expecting others to live their lives according to your perceptions of “right and wrong”. 


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Posted by on September 3, 2013 in WISDOM


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We spoil many wonderful potential moments with our adamant habit of projecting our FEARS into the FUTURE.

We often overlay our current moment with our expectations rooted in fear. We anticipate the future by filtering it through our past experiences. Decide today that you will from now on manage your life ONE MOMENT at a time. Most of the things we fear never come to pass. We spoil many wonderful potential moments with our adamant habit of projecting our FEARS into the FUTURE. All that is real is this current moment. This moment is all you have!



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Posted by on September 3, 2013 in WISDOM


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