Daily Archives: September 1, 2013

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Posted by on September 1, 2013 in WISDOM


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The key to the successful de-bugging of your defective perceptions is to become aware that your reactions when painful or unpleasant are always rooted in fear and lies.

Are you a WRITER who does not write a PAINTER who does not paint, an ENTREPRENEUR who never starts a venture? Do you feel that SOMETHING prevents you from ACHIEVING your full potential? Then it might be an appropriate moment to take a hard look at how your RESISTENCE arrested your ability to take decisive and sustained action. New Series – No. 17

I am convinced that you many times in your life tried your level best to be the best you can be and possibly failed miserably. The reason why it is so difficult to modify defective behaviour can be traced to defective belief systems you hold about yourself. You can only modify your behaviour when you replace the defective perception with an updated and more accurate version. You can read as much as you like and listen to lectures until you are blue in the face and achieve little on no success. A new replacement file is only uploaded in your archives when you believe that the improved version is superior. New information goes directly into the garbage bin in your head without the important “belief” element. The key that provide new and fresh perspectives access to the archives in your head is the element of “belief”. You have a reticular activating system in your head that prevent you to see, feel and experience anything that fail to match your current belief system. Guess who is in control of this system? Your ego is the controller of this system. Your ego will not switch off this system until you convince him that you believe that the replacement data is now more appropriate.


Do you know why your ego is in control of your life? It is in control because you handed this silly software compiler in your head the power. You need to take your power back and pull the plug on your ego. How do you do this? You stop believing all the lies that they ego and the ego of other tell you. You start living your life one moment at a time and treat each and every moment on merit. You become objective and realistic. It is impossible for the ego to survive when you operate from the current moment. The ego can only operate when it process historical data or project perceived outcomes. I can guarantee you that you life will improve overnight when you start living your life in the “now”.


There is no need to defend or debate the truth. Lies in turn need constant defensive actions and activities. Lies only survive because we believe them. The truth will always remain the truth whether you believe it or not. You give yourself the best opportunity to disconnect from the lies stored in your archives if you take control back from the ego. This can be done if you as indicated above live your life one moment at a time. Learn to ignore the voice in your head and remain focused on the absolute reality that you have in front of you. This is easier said that done, but you can do it. The rewards that you receive when you start living without the constant ramblings of the voice in your head are unbelievable. Your life and relationships will take on a brand new meaning. Life becomes less complicated and much more productive and pleasant. You will in a relative short period of time discover that all the lies and half-truths that you used historically made no constructive contribution to any aspect of your life. Do not allow your fear to let go of the defective historical lies rob you of the brand new life that is awaiting you.



There is no doubt in my mind that what you feel is real and a projection of your authentic self. Every emotion that you experience has its source in your soul and spirit. You might attempt to hide and repress what you experience or fake that you are not feeling a thing, but the fact of the matter is that it is real and authentic.


The voice in your head often succeeds in making you feel miserable, guilty, ashamed or angry. There is absolutely nothing wrong when you experience feelings that bubble to the surface. There are no acceptable or unacceptable or good or bad feelings. All feelings and emotions bubble up from your authentic self. You may experience feelings of rage, hate, anger or jealousy, but need to understand that there is a good reason why these feelings are showing up in your space.


Absolutely everything you perceive or think activates an emotional reaction in you. Your own thoughts, perceptions, judgements and beliefs trigger a reaction in your heart and mind. Every time you judge yourself you experience an unpleasant range of feelings that rush through your system. Your task is to clean up these unpleasant feelings until they loose their grip on you. Repressing what you feel will not benefit you. You are in actual fact busy lying to yourself when you play-act that you are made of stone and that nothing can penetrate your shield. The lies programmed into you is the cause and your emotions is the feedback system (effect) that warn you that you are using defective data stored in your mental filing system that must still be checked. I want to repeat that your emotions and feelings are real, but the triggers are not real and rooted in your data bank.


When we suffer and experience pain, discomfort and distress it is always an honest reaction. Nobody ever took the time to explain to you that the reason for your suffering is always based in your defective perceptions. Where did all the perceptions that you currently hold come from? All your perceptions became real the moment you believed the defective information downloaded into your head by those that were responsible for your preparation for life. Emotions are just a symptom of how you have been abused by others with their defective input. You sustained this abuse on yourself because you perceived that you are just not good enough. Your emotions and feelings play a vital role as a “feed back” system. Your emotions tell you how what progress you are making in your “de-bugging” attempt to rid your sub-conscious mind of the lies and half-truths downloaded into your head when you were still a child. You can thus use your emotional reactions as a guide. When you experience anger it indicates to you that there are still warped perceptions that need purification. The same goes for all your other negative and destructive emotions. The key to the successful de-bugging of your defective perceptions is to become aware that your reactions when painful or unpleasant are always rooted in fear and lies.


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When you question your beliefs – you question your limitations.

Hi Rene!

Did you know that if you move a goldfish from a small fish bowl in your home and take it to a lake – he will continue to swim in the same small circle? Why? Because he has accepted the belief that if he swims farther, he’s going to bump his nose. He’s always done it this way. Any other way is “impossible.”

When you question your beliefs – you question your limitations. If your beliefs serve you – they can withstand the scrutiny. If they don’t survive the questioning – it is time to drop them and replace them with beliefs that serve you.

Examples: You may have the belief that you need money to make money. It’s hard to succeed in a recession. That you will never get out of debt. That there are too many obstacles in your way to succeed at…(you fill in the blank)

Like the goldfish that has been freed to swim in the lake, you still think you are limited. Your limitation is set by your beliefs.

The question people ask me the most is “How can I tell for sure what I believe is true or not?” This is actually quite easy. The question to ask is simply…

“Does this belief serve me?”

It doesn’t matter whether your beliefs are “true” or “false”. What matters is, are they moving you TOWARD or AWAY from what you want?

If they don’t serve you, now is the time to replace them with beliefs that do.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation that you are making progress – IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

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Posted by on September 1, 2013 in WISDOM


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We’re all essentially mind readers! – The doorway to mastering this powerful tool!

Empathy allows us to feel the emotions of others, to identify and understand their feelings and motives and see things from their perspective. How we generate empathy remains a subject of intense debate in cognitive science.


Some scientists now believe they may have finally discovered its root. We’re all essentially mind readers, they say.


The idea has been slow to gain acceptance, but evidence is mounting.


Mirror neurons


In 1996, three neuroscientists were probing the brain of a macaque monkey when they stumbled across a curious cluster of cells in the premotor cortex, an area of the brain responsible for planning movements. The cluster of cells fired not only when the monkey performed an action, but likewise when the monkey saw the same action performed by someone else. The cells responded the same way whether the monkey reached out to grasp a peanut, or merely watched in envy as another monkey or a human did.


Because the cells reflected the actions that the monkey observed in others, the neuroscientists named them “mirror neurons.”


Later experiments confirmed the existence of mirror neurons in humans and revealed another surprise. In addition to mirroring actions, the cells reflected sensations and emotions.


“Mirror neurons suggest that we pretend to be in another person’s mental shoes,” says Marco Iacoboni, a neuroscientist at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine. “In fact, with mirror neurons we do not have to pretend, we practically are in another person’s mind.”


Since their discovery, mirror neurons have been implicated in a broad range of phenomena, including certain mental disorders. Mirror neurons may help cognitive scientists explain how children develop a theory of mind (ToM), which is a child’s understanding that others have minds similar to their own. Doing so may help shed light on autism, in which this type of understanding is often missing.


Theory theory


Over the years, cognitive scientists have come up with a number of theories to explain how ToM develops. The “theory theory” and “simulation theory” are currently two of the most popular.


Theory theory describes children as budding social scientists. The idea is that children collect evidence — in the form of gestures and expressions — and use their everyday understanding of people to develop theories that explain and predict the mental state of people they come in contact with.


Vittorio Gallese, a neuroscientist at the University of Parma in Italy and one of original discovers of mirror neurons, has another name for this theory: he calls it the “Vulcan Approach,” in honor of the Star Trek protagonist Spock, who belonged to an alien race called the Vulcans who suppressed their emotions in favor of logic. Spock was often unable to understand the emotions that underlie human behavior.


Gallese himself prefers simulation theory over this Vulcan approach.


Natural mind readers


Simulation theory states that we are natural mind readers. We place ourselves in another person’s “mental shoes,” and use our own mind as a model for theirs.


Gallese contends that when we interact with someone, we do more than just observe the other person’s behavior. He believes we create internal representations of their actions, sensations and emotions within ourselves, as if we are the ones that are moving, sensing and feeling.


Many scientists believe that mirror neurons embody the predictions of simulation theory. “We share with others not only the way they normally act or subjectively experience emotions and sensations, but also the neural circuits enabling those same actions, emotions and sensations: the mirror neuron systems,” Gallese told LiveScience.


Gallese points out, however, that the two theories are not mutually exclusive. If the mirror neuron system is defective or damaged, and our ability to empathize is lost, the observe-and-guess method of theory theory may be the only option left. Some scientists suspect this is what happens in autistic people, whose mental disorder prevents them from understanding the intentions and motives of others.


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Posted by on September 1, 2013 in WISDOM


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FREE E-BOOK – ‘There’s a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path.’




True religion, being the means of reconnecting to a higher power, or true reality, is the very essence of every matrix warrior’s and sorcerer’s purpose. And yet, since matrix warriors know that the only way to reconnect to reality is by first unplugging from the matrix, they may appear to the average humaton to be profoundly anti-religious, even sacrilegious. For humatons, religion is not a means for connecting to the truth but a means of not having to think about it too much. Humaton religion provides answers to ready-made questions, and forbids any questions for which it has no answers. It is that part of the matrix program designed to sublimate and divert the spiritual instinct of humatons, the drive in them to seek higher meaning. By providing a low-grade imitation of this meaning in the various world religions, it serves to placate any humatons undiscerning enough to accept such second-rate explanations. At the same time, it likewise misleads the remainder of humatons, who dismiss the whole question of ‘higher meaning’ on the paltry and rigged evidence of these quasi-religions. New Ageism is the latest and most lacklustre example of this process. When human potential movements began to tap into the power of the will, there was a danger that, through such ideas, the collective would start to awaken, and to reject the program. All the matrix values would be supplanted, by the search for true values within. Since AI depends above all on a consensus belief system by which to enslave humatons, this would spell the end of the matrix. New Age philosophies quickly reduced this danger by once again denigrating the message in order to appeal to the lowest common denominator, thereby stripping it of any truths that might in any way empower humatons, and leaving only the soft, sticky bits, of no real use to anyone.


To the matrix warrior and sorcerer both, belief is belief in the self, and above all in the power of the creative imagination. Matrix sorcerers know that the world is a figment of their own mind and that they are dreaming it all, that they are creating it with their attention. Without this attention, it will all disappear in a flash. They know that all beliefs besides this one belong to the matrix, be they belief in democracy, science, soul, or God Himself. They are all but components of the big lie. Nothing is real save perception. The only ‘God’ matrix sorcerers recognize is in themselves, that is, in their potential to become Lucid and to mould reality as they see fit. Thus, to the sorcerer religion is not a matter of faith but of works. The matrix sorcerer knows that the only way to know God is to become God. Or, as Morpheus puts it to Neo, ‘There’s a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path.’



 EN MATRIX WARRIOR: BEING THE ONE (complete book) 4.2 MB

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