Daily Archives: September 18, 2013

Everything you do, you do it to get more pleasure and/or lessen pain. How to feel great every day for the rest of your life.

In this article, I’m going to reveal to you how to feel great every day for the rest of your life.


That might sound too good to be true so stick with me here. By the end of this article, you’ll completely understand and be able to feel great every single day from today onward…guaranteed.


Here’s what you must understand – We, as humans…in all of our sophistication…are really simple beings in one sense.


Here is the big idea – for everything we do, we do it to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Go ahead…I dare you…try in vain to find a counterexample. You won’t find one.


Everything you do, you do it to get more pleasure and/or lessen pain. This seems obvious enough, doesn’t it?


When have you felt the absolute best feelings in your life? I’m willing to bet dollars to donuts that you felt pretty sensational after you found yourself laughing hard…either at a funny movie…a friend’s joke…or while listening to a comedian. Maybe somebody played a practical joke on someone in the office and you laughed yourself to tears.


Have you ever laughed so hard that you were left rolling on the floor with uncontrollable laughter? I’m not talking about the kind of laughter where you chuckle or give a phony laugh at your boss telling you a lame joke. I’m talking about downright, pee-your-pants laughter where you’re doubled-over and your stomach hurts from laughing so hard. The kind of laughter where someone says something funny and you blow milk through your nose kind of laughter.


This is essential for you to understand in order for you to feel great every day for the rest of your life.


Ok, so you felt pretty great after laughing pretty hard, didn’t you? Very good, I can see you nodding your head now as you sit at the computer reading this article. Thank you.


Every day, people plunk down money to feel good. In a moment…I’m going to give you a surefire way to do this…plus my method is FREE. People buy a ticket to a comedy movie to go laugh and feel good. People purchase a ticket to a comedy club to laugh and feel good. People trade jokes in the office to laugh and feel good.


Are you seeing a pattern here yet? When people laugh, they feel good and get pleasure. Most people need some sort of external stimulus to tickle their funny bones and make them laugh. Well, I’m here to say that it isn’t so.


You can laugh anytime you want to, for as long as you want to, as hard as you want to, with self-hypnosis. Remember, self-hypnosis is simply the science of controlling your brain. It’s nothing magical or mysterious.


Here’s how.


The goal here is to allow yourself to laugh as hard as you possibly can for fifteen minutes. You can go for longer periods later on.


1. Be uninterrupted. First, find a place where you will not be disturbed. Take the phone off the hook. Tell the kids you’re “off-duty” for the next fifteen minutes.


2. Physically relax. Now, sit down with your arms and legs uncrossed. Or if you prefer, lie down on your back with your arms and legs lying flat on the bed. Make yourself as comfortable as humanly possible.


3. Give yourself permission to relax. Now close your eyes. Tell yourself internally, “In the next 15 minutes, I’m going to allow myself to remember all the times where I felt outrageous, side-splitting laughter. I’m going to laugh as hard to improve my health and well being. I give myself permission in these next 15 minutes to laugh myself silly so that I feel great for the rest of the day.” (Now mind you, you don’t need to have this word for word. Simply repeat the gist of what I’m saying here.)


4. Mentally Relax. Count backwards slowly from 10 to 1. With each passing number, give yourself suggestions that you’re becoming more relaxed, you’re sinking down deeper into self-hypnosis, and you’re about to feel great. With each passing number, suggest to yourself that you’re doubling your relaxation.


5. Relive Past Hilarious Experiences. As your sitting or lying there relaxed now, float back in time to a place and time where you see yourself laughing hard…even uncontrollably. See that picture clearly. As soon as you find that experience, step into it. Relive it through your own eyes. Hear what you and the other people are saying. Feel the good feelings in your body. And if you feel it, begin to laugh right now.


6. Relive More Past Hilarious Experiences. Continue to relive other past experiences where you laughed yourself silly by reliving them. See what you saw, hear what you heard, and feel what you felt. With each experience, amplify your laughter.


7. Intensify The Laughter. Now if you’re laughing pretty well and would like to ratchet up the intensity so you can laugh harder, you can give yourself what are called in hypnosis “deepening suggestions”. When you have a really good laughter going, you can give yourself the following suggestion, “In a moment, when I open and close my eyes, I’m going to remember some of the funniest jokes that I’ve ever heard and will laugh harder than I ever have.” Then open and close your eyes and let the suggestion kick in. Another suggestion is “When I touch my finger to my forehead, I will double my laughter.” Then ever so slowly…bring your finger toward your forehead…letting the anticipation build up as you’re still laughing. Then when you finger touches your forehead, you’ll burst out into even more intense laughter.


8. Jumpstarting The Laughter (If Necessary). If you have trouble getting started laughing, take heart. Sometimes people condition the laughter out of us. That’s ok. We’ll just recondition you to laugh freely and easily. That’s what we’re doing here. We’re retraining you to laugh and feel good. So here’s how to get started if the above process didn’t work as well for you. Do everything I suggested above except I want you to do it with a fake laugh at first. Hey, I know it is silly. But Bucko, I’m teaching you how to feel great every day for the rest of your life. It’s worth feeling a bit silly for. Anyway, start out with a fake laugh. (Fake) laugh out loud as you recall past experiences that you truly find humorous. Continue to fake laugh. Don’t fake chuckle. Fake laugh. Pretty soon, your brain will convert that fake laughter into real laughter. You might start laughing at the fake laughter or you might remember what it is like to really laugh.


9. Give Yourself Therapeutic Suggestions (Optional). Ok, work yourself into near hysterical laughter with the intensifying suggestions. Now, in the midst of the uproarious laughter, think about something that bothers you or a challenge you’re having in life. And then give yourself this suggestion; “If I can laugh about this, it has NO power over me whatsoever! I’m totally resourceful and will conquer this!” Through this laughter meditation, you’re really in a state of deep self-hypnosis right now and you’re conditioning your mind to link pleasure to solving your problem. But you’re so busy laughing, I swear this will be the most fun you’ll ever have improving yourself!


10. Give Yourself Positive Suggestions When you’re ready to end the laughter session, here’s what to do. Give yourself suggestions that, “Anytime something troubles me, I can have this laughter anytime I want and will laugh inside my heart and mind and it won’t bother me.” Say, “As I come out of this laughter meditation, I will feel absolutely wonderful with no side effects. I will feel fantastic, refreshed, and rejuvenated as if I had just woken up from a restful 2-hour nap.” Don’t get hung up on the exact words I’m giving you. Give yourself the basic message.


11. Come Out Of The Laughter Meditation Count yourself out of self-hypnosis. Tell yourself, “I’m going to count from 1 to 5 and by the time I reach 5 I will be fully aware and awake, feeling sensational. 1….feeling good…2…coming back here now…3…taking a deep breath…4…feeling even better…and 5…eyes open…wide awake…feel great now!” At this point, open your eyes and you’ll be done.


That, my friend, is how to feel great every day for the rest of your life. It looks long and a little drawn out as I describe it yet it’s alarmingly simple for you to do. And once you do it the first time, you’ll be hooked. It’s true. Who wouldn’t want to feel absolutely sensational with no side effects?


What you’re doing is tapping into your natural ability to laugh. The merchants who sell drugs and peddle alcohol should be quaking in their boots right now. The laughter meditation will squash the need for those side-effect-laden products.


Nobody can touch the laughter meditation. Nothing can beat it. It’s the ultimate experience. I know I might be crazy to release the laughter meditation to the general public. I’m putting my reputation on the line here to share this with you.


Some people who won’t think twice about chugging a six-pack of brew to get wasted (and feel “good”) will dismiss the laughter mediation as bizarre. It’s a shame. And it’s their loss. What a funny world we live in.


But I thought to myself, “Screw it.” The laughter meditation is truly too great to not share with you. If you like, I will create a product (an audio CD) that will lead you through this process and have you rolling on the floor with almost uncontrollable laughter and feeling on top of the world. Let me hear from you if you want this or what your results have been with doing your own laughter meditation.


As an aside, did you of the untold health benefits to laughing? Norman Cousins, in his book “Anatomy Of An Illness” explained how he laughed himself back from death’s door (after suffering from a “terminal” illness) just by watching funny movies, laughing hard, and taking vitamin C.


By Kent Sayre

Author of Unstoppable Confidence

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Posted by on September 18, 2013 in WISDOM


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The actions we take from the decisions we make can be distorted by our own assumptions.


We know parts of truths or events that happen in our life, we know this as PERCEPTION or POINT OF VIEW. Much like having two sides of a story, but we need that third line to have closure. But when we don’t have the rest of the information, we tend to fill in the space with stories and reasons of why, when, where, who, what, how, that we create on our own. But this third line is solely created in our mind, we take the information that we have, truths and facts, and from them we create the missing part of the information out of our own imagination. But it isn’t a fact. The danger of creating assumptions is that we believe them and we take action based on them. Depending on our tendency, we can fill in the third line or the missing piece of information with a optimistic point of view or a pessimistic one. This is where our tendency to believe our own stories, that fill our psyche with a negative or up lifting point of view, can determine how we perceive life. We can see that the actions we take from the decision we make can be distorted by our own assumptions.


Don Miguel Ruiz Jr

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Posted by on September 18, 2013 in WISDOM


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Most people, yes even family are often takers and can be labelled as “something for nothing” players.



When you look around you today after you read this thought you might see things in people that you never detected before. I am going to remove a misconception that has been blinding you for the best part of your life. If you want to remain in your previous hypnotic state I suggest that you stop reading right now.


Most people, yes even family are often takers and can be labelled as “something for nothing” players. The next time a person turn on the charm or laughs for an old stale joke told by you, you should ask yourself the following. “What benefit does this person want to extract from me?” Most people today are not really interested in you or your well being. They tolerate you, befriend you, visit you not to enjoy your company, but rather for what they can extract from you.

They often first try to get whatever you have on offer for free. If all the charm, sulking or even faked friendship fail to do the trick they often revert to subtle or not so subtle emotional blackmail. I have seen these rituals many times in my life.

Some people call it a “deal” I simply call it greed. Most people want instant success, wealth, growth and careers today. Very few people are prepared to pay the price in full for their hopes and dreams. They feel they achieved some kind of victory if they can get you to pay for their dreams and aspirations.

Their friendships are often an empty and worthless network of members that parasite on each other. Their fake smiles and role played compassion is just as devoid of true feelings than the hart of a prostitute. Look around you and see if you can detect the good weather friends that sip your whisky and frequent your parties. If you blindly take people at face value you are setting yourself up for failure. See people for what they are and stop hoping for true relationships that are built on trust and integrity.



People that exert a positive influence are usually deeply interested in people. They always strive for a win-win deal with everybody they meet. They do not fake their way to success or manipulate people and set them up for a clever sting operation later. They love it when everybody gets a fair deal and share equally in what is on offer.

They speak their mind. If they feel upset by something you said or did, they tell you and not your neighbour. If they give you their hand in friendship, you can actually bargain on their loyalty. Many people do not like them because they feel threatened by them. They know they can see through their games and tricks. They do not like their direct approach and hate their honesty.

They may not sit in the front row in church on Sundays, but they often have more spirituality in their little finger than the “something for nothing” fakes in their whole body. Simplify your life and play the game of life straight down the line. You might not be selected as “Actor of the year”, but you will at least keep your dignity and self-esteem in tact. People with honest intentions and integrity are as rare as virgins in a brothel.



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The bravest thing you can do when you are not brave is to profess courage and act accordingly.


The bravest thing you can do when you are not brave is to profess courage and act accordingly

 Corra May White Haris

It may be difficult to accept that some singers, sport stars or public speakers suffer with fear and anxiety before they start their performances. Many of the most popular artists and sport stars still feel ill and shake with fear when they bounce onto the stage or into the arena to perform. They often hide their anxiety behind a brave smile and the artificially bolstered image that they project to their audiences. A friend told me that many of a newsreader’s heartbeats goes as high as two hundred beats a minute the moment when they cross over for the news. I have been giving motivational and educational speeches for half a lifetime and still feel tension when I walk to the podium.


It is a known fact that most people are afraid of public speaking. I can still remember a nightmare I had before I gave my first paid public speech. In this dream I saw how I made a complete fool of myself. I saw how I stuttered fumbled my way through the whole speech. I could see the shock on the audience’s faces. I even save a few at the back of the hall rolling with laughter. It took an iron will and a serious self-talk to prepare myself for my virgin paid performance.


The key to courage is to proceed and do what needs to be done notwithstanding the uncontrollable feelings that rush through your body and brain. The most difficult thing in overcoming fear is to activate action. Once you passed this hurdle the rest is usually much easier. I found when I play in an important rugby match that all the nervousness disappeared the moment I crossed the outside perimeter of the field.

Most champions feel just as much fear, anxiety and tension than we do, but they learned how to manage their fear. Courage is not something that you are born with. Courage is simply to do what needs to be done regardless of the panic feelings. You must take a firm step forward when your name is called. The key is to master the fear during the first critical moments. Once you get going nothing will ever stop you.




George Farquhar said, “Courage – an independent spark by which the soul stands raised. When you stand up against a bully and survive your moment of perceived madness, you feel proud of your achievement. When you tell you boss in no uncertain terms that you will no longer be his slave or allow his manipulation, you usually go home and feel proud of your fortitude. You might buy the evening newspaper on your way home so you can find a new job, but usually feel proud that you for once stood up for your rights.

Courage is not something that only some people are blessed with. Courage is simply as stated above an emotion that you need to overcome. I have seen how brave woman lay down their lives for their children. I have seen a wounded buffalo cow stand up to a lion to protect her calf. We all have courage that is stored deep inside our souls. It is there, waiting for you to discover and use it to your advantage.


You will not make much progress in the game of life if you lack courage and will power. The courageous always walk away with the best jobs, opportunities and benefits. They earn the biggest incomes. They are paid well because they mastered the enemy called fear. I am sharing their secret with you today. They are just as frightened as you are. They also taste the fear, but walk forward and face the fear until it loses its hold over them. It is a fallacy that they feel no fear. People that feel no fear in the face of adversity are usually idiots with a short lifespan.



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Old Age is in the eye of the beholder

Truth is in the eye of the beholder

All religious are based on traditional knowledge, philosophies, beliefs and rituals, carrier forward from generation to generation. These stories and often myths have been adapted according to changing circumstances over the ages. Further inspiration and teachings were periodically brought to mankind by certain Sages, Teachers or Profits. The Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna and Christ represent some of the better know of these divine teachers. It is a real pity that the relatively straightforward and simple messages which these Profits produced have so often clouded and distorted by dogma. Out of these original teaching countless religious and sects have been born. The regrettable part of all this, however is that each religion is regarded by its protagonists as the ONLY custodian of the real TRUTH and SALVATION can only be attained by strictly adhering to their specific version of the TRUTH as expressed through their dogma. As a rule they are therefore characterized by intolerance. What misery and distress these attitudes have caused!

The above words was expressed by Aart Jurriaanse in his book “OF LIFE AND OTHER WORLDS”.

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Give yourself and others break and embrace real happiness today!

HAPPINESS IS ALL ABOUT BEING WILLING TO BE INNOCENT AGAIN: The fear that something is wrong with you is your greatest obstruction to experience joy. As long as you judge there is something wrong or bad about you, you will see it reflected in the mirror of life. You might feel that others are rejecting you, fate is against you or that God is punishing you, but will soon discover that it is actually you who is condemning and sabotaging yourself.

With this mindset everything in life becomes a struggle. You are constantly putting yourself under severe pressure and feel that you must struggle, strive and fight to prove to others that you are acceptable and worthy. In your mind you feel convinced that others immediately see through you with their x-ray vision and detect all your bad thoughts and serious mistakes that you have made since the day you started playing the game of life.

Because you are always striving to prove that you are acceptable you create ongoing problems for yourself and for the individuals that must share the stage of life with you. The key is to understand that there is nothing wrong with you other than your “perception” that you have of yourself that might be sick. The real “unconditioned self” is still pure and uncontaminated. Your core will always remain pure and worthy.

If you wear a coat or a shirt that is soiled it does not mean that you are penetrated to the bone by this soil. The moment you discard the shirt or jacket you also get rid of the soil. It is your self-perception that is causing the warped self-image that you have of yourself. If you can adjust your perception of yourself you can remove all the soils that you have been trying so hard to hide or justify since your early childhood. It is your perception that you are the soil and unworthy that creates this impression that there is something wrong with you.

Only when you understand that you are not the soils and that all the mistakes that you have made since your birth is not who you really are that you can muster up enough courage to give yourself a break. When you do something wrong and get sentenced by a judge you are given a specific fine. Once you served your time you have paid your dues to society. We for some reason find it difficult to grasp this concept and tend to punish others and ourselves for an eternity for mistakes (sins) made.

A shift in your perception will only come after you have learned to walk away from mistakes and problems once you paid your dues. Do what you can to remedy a mistake you have made and then let go of it. If you open your newspaper and see that a judge sentenced a man that parked illegally to fifty years of imprisonment without the option of a fine it will surely get your attention. You will feel that the punishment is just too harsh for the offence perpetrated. Why then are you doing the same when it comes to your own mistakes and shortcomings? You cannot punish yourself indefinitely for a mistake that you made. A time must come when you say, “This is enough now” and when you are prepared to cease your self-sabotage.

Most of the mistakes that you made in your life were made because you acted to the best of your ability at that given moment in time. It is always easy to use hindsight and to look back at what could or should have been done under perfect conditions. Even if you made a real big deliberate mistake you must still reach a stage where you have “punished” yourself enough. You must forgive yourself unconditionally or your progress and life will grind to a halt at that station in life. Your “train” of life will leave you destitute on a station in the middle of nowhere if you continue to relentlessly punish yourself or others for a mistake that you or they have made.

The show must go on and you must learn to move on and past the soils in your life. You cannot sit and stare at the soils forever and in this way arrest your own happiness and peace of mind. Remember you are not the soil. The soil is on the jacket and not tattooed on your soul forever. Your inner self remain pure and untarnished. If any person attempts to sell you on the idea that your inner self is soiled and that they will clean it for you send such a person on his or her way. This person might seem so pure in his or her desire to help you to become untainted like they claim theyr are, but if you look carefully he or she is keeping his or her one eye on your wallet.


You have a choice how long you want to hold on to your soils (mistakes and sins) in life. You can punish yourself forever or you can take the jacket off before you go to bed at night and make sure that you start with a crispy clean jacket the following day.

Some people enjoy playing the role of a martyr and will continue to live their lives with their soiled jacket. They will later go around with their soil-drenched jacket and feel that life and people in general are against them. The people are not against you my friend, but cannot help to see and sometimes smell your poor attitude you have about yourself. People treat you the way you allow them to treat you. When you arrive with your stinking jacket you might as well wear a sign that reads, “Kick me please”.


Remember it is not God that must forgive you, but you that must forgive yourself. Your inner God core is still in tact and do not need to be sent to the cleaners. Once you have learned this very important principle a lot of other self-defeating perceptions will also become clear to you. You can be your own worse enemy or understand that you are a mistake maker and will remain one for the rest of your life. You also have the authority to forgive yourself and stop seeing yourself as a jacket or the soil. Give yourself and others break and embrace real happiness today!



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Most of our reactions are silly, a waste of time and meaningless. How will massive feeling a guilt, fear and anxiety make this problem go away?

When we detect something via one or more of our five senses “it is what it is” until we make up our mind what we are going to make of it and what we are going to do about it. Its status remains neutral until we “respond” to the event detected of that we possibly thought of.


Example – someone said something that and we proceed to lodge it in the “process pending” file in our subconscious computer. No rational and objective reaction can take place until we hit the process button. At this stage we only have unqualified raw data in our mental “in box”. We are most probably composed and don’t feel sad, angry, upset or rejected. We continue to sustain our “current” mood. It is only after we begin to process the input received that we detect a change in our mood. It is only after we filtered and judged the “input” that our brains release the appropriate chemical cocktail into our blood that it deem appropriate to the task at hand. This is when we begin to experience elation, anger, joy, sadness or frustration. We also then received a “spontaneously” action plan as part of the reaction protocol. Can you see that nothing happened until we pushed the process button? Let us look at a few examples of input that most of us experience often.


We are late for work. We think suddenly conclude that there is a conspiracy against us. We woke up to the fact that most robots are either out of commission or red.


Our partner makes a negative comment about a mistake that he/she perceived we made.


We receive a final request for payment of something we bought in a moment of possible “insanity”.


We read that there is a child dying of poor water quality in Africa every minute.


We hear on the news that our crime rate achieved new horrific record levels.


We see on the news that Malema outperformed himself at a political meeting with a new harebrain idea how even more funds can be extracted from those that he deem financially affluent.




ONE – Accept “what is”. Do not send the input for processing to the processing part of the mind.


TWO – Ensure that you fully understand the INPUT that you are confronted with. Ask question, and do proper research.


THREE – Now send this data to your conscious mind for processing.




What many of us fail to grasp is that there is no rule or valid reason to respond or react until you feel ready to deal with a task at hand. The best responds is often to not to do or say anything and remain detached emotionally. A series of out of order robots must be accepted as something that we can do absolutely nothing about. It will be silly and a total waste of energy to react like a mad man every time you are confronted with a red or defective robot. The outcome of such behaviour could produce a totally unacceptable outcome and can result in your getting arrested for road-rage. The same holds true with most of the examples that I provided earlier. Most of our reactions are silly, a waste of time and meaningless. We in a moment of insanity bought something that now put us under serious pressure. How will massive feeling a guilt, fear and anxiety make this problem go away?




Most of us have a tendency to write a whole script around everything unacceptable that we are faced with. We become the main actor on the stage in our heads. We to top it all also play the role of a victim in these dramas. Most problems that we are faced with can be resolved if we learn to cut out the drama part of our processing.




Accept what is – Don’t go into a “why me” mode. Don’t moan and fret while you think what could or should have been. Accept the current situations and deal with in when you are composed and have valid data to work with.


Accept that most of the stuff that we perceive as a crisis is silly and should not even be processed. Malema said something that you deem a threat. Understand that there is nothing you can do to modify or change what he said. All you are going to achieve is to mess up your blood pleasure and flirt with a heart attack.


Just observe what was said in a detached manner. Don’t make what was said good or bad or right or wrong. Become a dethatched observer and look at the whole silly game the same way you will observe a tree that you pass on your way home. All you see is a tree. You have no specific opinions about the tree. You allow the tree to enter your field of vision and allow it to leave your field of vision without thinking or making up stories about this tree. It is our reactions that provide the power to most of the stuff that we are faced with.


The earth will remain stable on it axis and the sky will not fall if you OBSERVE all input in a detached manner. Refrain from attaching any emotions good or bad to any input. You take back your power when you accept “what is” and stop processing every event as if your life depended on it. It is your ego that is causing most of the shit that you are faced with daily. Your ego must always react to everything and everyone. Your ego is the one that drag you through an endless range of unpleasant emotions and experienced daily.


The question that you need to ask yourself is, “Do I want to win or do I want to be happy?” Allow yourself to float downstream. Stop swimming upstream in an attempt to pacify your ego’s desire to retain control or take control.


This does not mean that I expect you to become a bowl of jelly. I repeat that we must “accept what is and observe “what is” in an objective and relaxed manner without saying or doing the first thing that comes to mind. Only take action when you are composed and have solid and valid data to work with.




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