Daily Archives: September 6, 2013

There is nothing wrong with mistakes. We learn and gain experience when we make mistakes. This is how knowledge turns into wisdom.


Some of us one day wake up to the fact that we might have been travelling in the wrong direction away from our desired destiny. The solution would be to turn your vehicle of life around and re-adjust your course, but that is often easier set than done. They have a saying in sport when a player loose form or fail to play at his/her full potential. The trainer often tells the player to return to basics for a while. We are sometimes so busy making a living, fighting the good fight to be a good provider or mother that we go on auto pilot and speed along on the highway of life without noticing that we are travelling in the wrong direction. We sometimes only wake up to mistakes when we are many miles away from our desired course.


The biggest mistake we can make when we discover that we are speeding along in the wrong direction is to implode or start telling ourselves that we are some kind of idiot. There is nothing wrong with you now and there was never anything wrong with you in the past. We all make countless mistakes while we play the game of life. There is nothing wrong with mistakes. We learn and gain experience when we make mistakes. This is how knowledge turns into wisdom. The bigger the mistake the higher its educational value. You could slow down, park your vehicle of life and cry over the time, money and opportunities you have lost while you travelled in the wrong direction or you can learn from your mistake, point your vehicle of life’s nose in the right direction and push hard on the petrol pedal of your vehicle. You will soon feel the wind in your hair while you gather speed toward your destiny.


We need to see mistakes that we make as stepping stones. We must see them as valuable tools that teach us wonderful lessons. We usually recover faster when we learn from our mistakes and get back in the game of life quickly. We should not see our detours as disasters where we lost valuable time. We should see these detours as opportunities to uncover the stuff that is not working to our advantage. We might feel depleted and defeated after one of our setbacks or mistakes, but also soon discover that new fresh energy and enthusiasm soon fill the void left by our negative and destructive thought patterns.


The universe did not send you to earth dimension to fail. It sent you on your current mission to learn and to grow. The universe (God) is always watching your progress and rejoice when you learn from a mistake and start moving towards your destiny again. The universe do not always intervene when you make mistakes because you have free will and came to learn and to grow. The universe will never allow you to face obstacles that you are not equipped to overcome.



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Posted by on September 6, 2013 in WISDOM


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Many of us claim ………… “I’m a victim of my past,” – How about RE-CREATING Your Self

Your challenge is clear: To re-create your self, to become the person you want to be, living the life you desire, you must change the negative, contradictory, and outdated beliefs that are creating the unsatisfactory conditions of your life.


If you already believe in your ability to change, then this column will reaffirm and strengthen that positive belief. If you’re thinking, “People can’t really change,” this column will help you change your beliefsabout your ability to change.


Consider this: Your beliefs create your life; therefore, you, and only you, control your life, forming your experiences in line with your belief system. Because you can examine and evaluate each belief, and decide whether or not you want to keep it, then it follows that you, and only you, can make the changes you desire, by discarding those beliefs that do not produce the desired results.


You Control Your Life


You are the author of the “autobiography” known as your life. If you’re unhappy with some of the “chapters,” you must revise and rewrite them until you are satisfied, fulfilled. But first you must accept that you, and not some “ghost-writer in the sky,” are doing the writing.


Many people deny authorship of their life story. They begrudgingly accept some responsibility for their experiences – but only up to a point. Beyond that point, they tell them-selves and anyone who will listen, that their own life is out of their control. On the one hand, denying your role in creating the unsatisfactory conditions of your life is a convenient way to absolve yourself of responsibility for whatever you don’t like about your self. On the other hand, this behavior doesn’t reflect the truth of being, nor is it helpful in putting your life on a stronger footing.


Most commonly, the people who deny their part in creating the unfulfilling aspect of their lives claim that their life story is written largely by some “collaborator,” or “co-author.” Their “co-author” is called by many names. God, Fate, Luck, Karma, and the Stars, are among the most popular.


The truth is, you are the sole author of your life story. You see, we live in an orderly universe. The sun rises in the East every morning and sets in the West every night; gravity is a consistent, not whimsical, force. We are a part of – and not apart from – the universe’s natural order. In other words, either we control our lives, or we don’t. Either nothing is an accident, or everything is an accident.


Have you accepted responsibility for your life? Have you claimed the power and the privilege to control your destiny? If you haven’t, then you’re harboring a false belief about the way life works. You’re surrendering self-responsibility to whatever outside forces you believe are in control.


Take My Power….Please!




“Take my wife….please!” It’s an old joke.


People seem equally eager to give away the power to control their life, and that’s no joke. They find many ways to release personal responsibility. “I’m a victim of my past,” is a lament I frequently hear. When you accept this negative belief, you empower past experiences with an undeserved energy to create future havoc. And you miss a very important point: You are meant to learn from the past, not to allow yourself to be controlled by it.


One major purpose in life is to develop self-knowledge through experience, replacing the beliefs that limited past achievement with attitudes that will form a more perfect tomorrow. Your power to become the person you want to be, living the life you desire is in the present, and this power should be increased, not diminished, by what you’ve learned from past experiences – both good and bad. You aren’t a victim of your past, unless you believe you are.


“I must have been awful in a past life, because I’m sure paying for it now!” It’s amazing and distressing how often I hear this kind of self-indictment from people who consider themselves “spiritually aware.” Even more dangerous than surrendering control of your life to past experiences is accepting the false belief that past-life transgressions are causing your present challenges.


Karma represents the sum total of your experiences. It indicates fortuitous directions for personal growth and development. Karma doesn’t imply punishment, nor does it dictate current events. You aren’t a cosmic prisoner serving time for the crimes of some past life you probably don’t remember. The universe doesn’t judge and sentence anyone. Karma doesn’t unfringe upon your free will. Your life isn’t controlled by a karmic debt from this, or any, lifetime – unless you believe that it is.


A Re-Creating Your Self Thought: I was my first, and possibly, most difficult, student. Because I was capable of re-creating my self, I’m certain that you can re-create your self.


Far too many times, I hear something such as this from a Re-Creating Your Self reader or student: “I just can’t control my temper! `I’m always getting into arguments and fights, then, later, I feel terrible. But what can I do? I’m Aries, the Ram. Aries people are naturally angry, stubborn. We’re always ‘butting heads’ with others, especially with other Aries. So moaned a student who believed that his experiences were determined, now and forever, by a zodiacal sign. He was all too eager to absolve himself of control over his life.


A belief in astrology, as it is most commonly understood, can be just another way of saying, “Take my power…please!” But the belief that your life is charted by the positions and movements of heavenly bodies is jus that – a belief – and a false and self-limiting one at that. It’s not an irrevocable fact of life. Prove it for your self by opening a newspaper and reading your daily horoscope for a week, or by meeting one of the many Aries people who are peaceful and good-natured, not angry and quarrelsome. Your life is not controlled by the stars, unless you believe it is.


“My boyfriend’s negativity is creating bad experiences in my life,” confided a student. Five minutes earlier, she had laughed smugly, chiding people who blamed karma or the stars for the less than satisfactory conditions of their lives. Yet here she was blaming her bad experiences on her boyfriend’s perceived negativity. “He’s really powerful and strong-willed, like a Svengali,” she continued. “I just can’t resist doing whatever he asks.”


If someone is controlling you, it’s only because you have, on some level, willingly surrendered control. Either verbally or telepathically, you have told that person, “Take my power…please!” Your life is not controlled by others, unless you believe it is.


To whom, or to what, are you saying, “Take my power…please?!” Have you ever said something like this: “God willing, I’ll get that job,” or, “I’ll get well, if it’s God’s will.” Your life is no more controlled by God than by any other external force. If you believe in a Supreme Being, then understand: It’s God’s will for you to use the free will that S/He gave you. To do otherwise is to throw that precious gift back in God’s Face. Not recommended. When you believe that God manipulates and controls you, then you are diminishing the Supreme Being to little more than a Cosmic Buttinsky. Your life isn’t controlled by a controlling, punishing God unless you believe it is. And the same goes for the Devil: The simple truth is, He didn’t make you do it.


Once again, I’m here to tell you, you and you alone have the power, the privilege and the responsibility to control your life. Are you willing to accept this power, privilege and responsibility? Or do you feel the need to burden God, or some other external force, with a responsibility that is naturally your own?


A Re-Creating Your Self Thought: To whom, or to what, are you saying, “Take my power…please?!” More importantly, why do you want to hand over the responsibility for your life and all of its conditions to someone, or to some thing, other than your self? These are critical questions and I hope you will take time to meditate upon the answers within your self.


When I ask students, or readers of the book, to ponder these questions, I most frequently hear something such as this in response to the question, “Why do you want to hand over the responsibility for your life to someone, or to some thing, else?”


“It’s too much responsibility for me to admit that I’m controlling my life and all of its conditions. When things go wrong, it’s good to tell family and friends, ‘Well, “this” or “that” was out of my control.’”


Re-Creating Your Self By Christopher Stone

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Smile for a While – Where do we come from?

A little girl asked her mother: ‘How did the human race appear?’The mother answered, ‘God made Adam and Eve; they had children; and so was all mankind made. ‘Two days later the girl asked her father the same question. The father answered, ‘Many years ago there were monkeys from which the human race evolved. ‘The confused girl returned to her mother and said, ‘Mum, how is it possible that you told me the human race was created by God, and Dad said they developed from monkeys? ‘The mother answered, ‘Well, Dear, it is very simple.I told you about my side of the family, and your father told you about his.’

Thank you Annalise for this Smile for a while.

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Posted by on September 6, 2013 in WISDOM


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The One-Minute Cure for Virtually Any Disease!

Did you know … that the Centers for Disease Control(CDC) estimates that one in five adults in the U.S. does not have any health insurance?


This adds up to almost 45 million Americans with no insurance! Of those that do have health insurance, 20 million do not have adequate coverage and still can’t afford to receive care or even cover the cost of their prescription drugs.


So why should you care about this?


Even if you happen to be one of the fortunate ones who have adequate health insurance, that doesn’t guarantee that you’ll have peace of mind. Why? Because having adequate health insurance only means that the cost of your medical care will be covered in the event that you get sick.


Wouldn’t it be infinitely better if you didn’t get sick at all?


Why, of course!


And if you think it’s not possible to avoid disease altogether, think again.


Preventing and curing disease is just a matter of identifying the cause of disease — and getting rid of it. It’s really that simple!


What complicates the process of curing disease is that everybody has a different opinion as to what the cause of disease is.


1. Some say viruses are the culprit [e.g., the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) causes AIDS; the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) causes cervical cancer; the Influenza virus causes the flu, and so on].

2. Some insist that it’s microbes, germs or harmful bacteria that cause disease.

3. Some say it’s the toxins in the food we eat, the air we breathe and the substances we consume that cause disease (e.g., carcinogens, neurotoxins, heavy metals and toxic chemicals).

4. Still others say it’s our genes that make us susceptible to acquiring one disease or another.

5. And then, of course, there are those that believe that the “mother” of all diseases is stress.


Which of the above do you think is the correct answer? If you picked one or more of the 5 causes of disease listed above, your answer is incorrect. While all of the above do characterize most diseases, or might be precursors of disease, they do not cause disease.


For example, viruses, microbes, germs and harmful bacteria do not cause disease. They do “seek their natural habitat — diseased tissue — rather than being the cause of the diseased tissue; e.g., mosquitoes seek the stagnant water, but do not cause the pool to become stagnant.” This is according to the famed “Father of Pathology,” Dr. Rudolf Virchow.


Likewise, germs, bacteria, viruses and pathogens do not cause disease, but rather seek out environments where they can thrive best — and that is in oxygen-deprived bodies.


Neither do toxins, genes and stress cause disease. Rather, they bring about a condition in the body (oxygen deficiency) that, in turn, causes disease.


The One-Minute Cure is the first book that provides solid proof that the primary physical cause of all diseases is linked in one way or another to oxygen deficiency. In fact, many of the elaborate (and expensive) therapies offered by organized medicine take advantage of oxygen’s effect on diseased cells. Most conventional cancer therapies, for instance, including chemotherapy and radiation therapy, produce oxygen-activated events that kill cancer cells. Another new cancer drug, verteporfin, increases the amount of oxygen within cancerous tumors, and this kills tumors more effectively than radiation alone. Interferon drugs, which are vastly prescribed for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, owe their efficacy to the fact that they raise the body’s oxygen level.


It’s safe to conclude that many drugs basically work on the same principle of oxygenation described in The One-Minute Cure — but those drugs cost tens of thousands of times more than the one-minute, pennies-a-day, self-administered therapy presented in the book.


Furthermore, the one-minute cure does not come with any of the adverse effects typically associated with toxic drugs and other radical medical therapies.


There are numerous oxygen-based natural therapies being offered for the prevention and so-called “cure” of disease, such as oxygenated water, oxygen-rich foods or supplements, or treatments that release oxygen into the bloodstream. But they are not always effective in treating disease. While they may deliver oxygen to the blood, they don’t have an efficient mechanism for breaking the oxygen free from the hemoglobin molecules in the blood, which means the oxygen is not delivered to the cells and tissues. Only when oxygen is delivered to the body’s cells and tissues can it eradicate disease.


The simple therapy described in The One-Minute Cure is the only one that uses a natural oxygenating substance which stimulates the movement of oxygen atoms from the BLOODSTREAM to the CELLS to a dramatically greater degree than is usually reached by all other means.


It does this by increasing oxygen and hemoglobin disassociation, thereby maximizing the delivery of oxygen from the blood to the cells, according to a prominent doctor best known for treating AIDS patients with a holistic protocol which includes oxygen therapy. Therefore, the one-minute cure is — hands down — the best health insurance anyone can have because although it doesn’t provide coverage in the event you get sick, it does something better — it prevents you from getting sick in the first place. If you already have a disease, the one-minute cure brings your body to an oxygen-rich state where disease can neither survive or thrive.


Thus, when you eliminate the CAUSE of virtually all diseases, it is literally impossible to get sick!


The one-minute cure is the only healing modality that effectively eliminates the REAL cause of disease — and the best part is that it can be self-administered at home, is safe to use, costs only 1-1/2 cents per day, and has no adverse effects when used properly.


Wouldn’t you want to give yourself this kind of health insurance, and give it as a gift to everyone you care about?


By Madison Cavanaugh / Author of The One-Minute Cure

Please note I posted this article as something that can be debated. Make up your own mind and feel free to share your ideas with other readers.



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Many cultures around the world have myths and legends based on the idea that the Earth is hollow.

Many cultures around the world have myths and legends based on the idea that the Earth is hollow. From the ancient Greeks believing in the Underworld and some cultures even believing that hell itself really is a fiery place beneath the Earth’s surface.


To modern beliefs that great kingdoms exist down below, there has always been speculation about hollow Earth theories. supposedly, there are subterranean cities beneath the Earth’s surface, wherein many strange races of people live. Some, of course, believe that UFO’s come from these cities, where they were built by engineers with advanced technology.


Agartha is believed by some to be the name of an underground city. Many of the inhabitants are descended from humans who once lived on the Earth’s surface. According to legend, ancient Atlanteans and Lemurians fled underground during times of war and built great cities. Today, their descendants still exist underground. Some even say that another legendary city, Shamballa, is the capital city of Agartha.


How did the ancients manage to make it underground? And how do the UFO’s find their way out? Some legends suggest that there are entrances all around the Earth. These places are all famous landmarks or monuments: Kentucky Mommoth Cave in KY, Himalayan Mountains in Tibet (which is also allegedly the location of the long lost Shamballa), Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, North Pole, South Pole, King Solomon’s Mines, Rama in India, and many other places.


Speaking of India, there are still some people who believe in a subterranean race of snake-like people who dwell in other underground cities, and who often wage war on Agartha. These snake-like beings, who are known as “Nagas”, supposedly despise humans a great deal and kidnap, torture, and eat us.


Many psychics and mediums over the years claim to have channeled information from hollow Earth dwellers. Conspiracy theorists believe that even politicians are well aware of these underground cities. It’s even been rumored that Hitler once planned on sending researchers to Antarctica to find the entrance!


While most scientists and archaeologists find hollow Earth ideas to be absurd and silly, there are still many who believe that there may be something behind all the legends and myths. After all, gravity and the Earth’s mass themselves wouldn’t be as they are if the Earth was really hollow. If the Earth really is mainly hollow, it would have a much lower mass and gravity would be much less than it currently is.




The Inner Earth & Realm of







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