Daily Archives: September 11, 2013

The Language of the Soul – Telling the Absolute Truth

Shavasti explores how liberation and the opening of our hearts comes through the Language of the Soul – Telling the Absolute Truth.

What happens to the love we once had for another? Why do we choose long term suffering? How do we love despite being surrounded by hatred?

This video was produced with love by Ori Latter and Sam Hoogenboom.

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Posted by on September 11, 2013 in WISDOM


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Keep a watchful eye out for the following list of women, and you’ll be one step closer to curing yourself of habitual bitch-dating

Every single one of us has made mistakes with women. We’ve been conned, duped and dazed by physical attraction. We’ve made fools of ourselves by kissing the feet of females who treated us like dirt. We’ve wasted countless hours and spent small fortunes chasing after women who lied to us and used us, and turned out to be rotten.

But do we learn from our experiences? No. Every time we think it’s going to be different. We think if we just try harder, or do one little thing differently, the result will change.

Well, it’s not going to change. If you keep pursuing the same kind of woman, you’ll just get your heart broken over and over again.

Keep a watchful eye out for the following list of women, and you’ll be one step closer to curing yourself of habitual bitch-dating:

1- Miss Feminist

This woman postulates that all the ills of society are orchestrated by men and the best thing a man can do to improve himself is cut off his testicles and grow a pair of ovaries. She believes that women are angelic creatures who would make the world a utopia if only the male “patriarchy” would allow them to. Any woman who promotes these absurdities lives in a fantasy world and will have no problem at all treating a man in a way that she would never herself abide by. You can easily identify her by her incessant mantra, “All men think with their penises.” Avoid her at all costs.

2- Miss Take

She’s out for your money — pure and simple. Miss Take is the ultimate in high maintenance. She expects a man to finance her entire life just because she is biologically female. To her, a man should pay for drinks, dinners, trips, flowers, and jewelry, while she feels absolutely no guilt or compulsion to reciprocate. She is nothing but a whitewashed prostitute. Miss Take thinks her vagina is plated with gold and is worth a million dollars. She is greed personified. Since she has no concept of someone else’s feelings, her only interest is in getting what she wants. And don’t be fooled — some apparently very “nice” girls are the greediest of them all.

3- Miss Romance

This type of woman lives in a fantasy world of Lifetime Channel movies and romance novels. Every night she goes home alone to spend hours flipping through her bride magazines, imagining that, at any moment, Prince Charming will ride up on his white horse, sweep her off her feet, and offer her a problem-free existence for the rest of her life. The Miss Romances of the world have been coddled by parents and family, told they are “princesses,” and have absolutely no idea that real life consists of paying bills and cleaning toilets. Miss Romance will expect to be taken care of, will be a dud in bed, and will, almost overnight, turn into a shrieking nag. Run.

4- Miss Elusive

This woman is closely allied to Miss Romance, but with a dark side. She is usually one of the “walking wounded” — someone who has been hurt in past relationships and so subconsciously avoids or sabotages new relationships in the present. Your association with her will be one of utter frustration, as first she shows great interest in you, but very quickly runs away — then repeats this cycle over and over again. Miss Elusive is the queen of mixed messages. She will flirt with you and date you, but you’ll never get past “friend” status. What you will get is a million excuses for her unavailability, all calculated to deceive herself that she just doesn’t have time for a relationship. Save yourself some heartache — don’t get involved with her.

5- Miss Angry

Like Miss Feminists, Miss Angrys really don’t like men. They scorn the male gender and can rattle off all the wrongs and misdeeds of every man they’ve ever encountered. To Miss Angry, there’s no such thing as a nice guy — they’re all “jerks,” “creeps” and “pigs.” Many of them have lots of simmering anger at men, which can explode at any moment like an erupting volcano. Unless you’re into lots of drama and screaming, stay away.

6- Miss Insecure

This woman seems great at the start because she’s very nice, accommodating and treats men well. But her inner insecurities don’t take long to surface. Pretty soon she’s calling you 10 times a day, asking to see “where the relationship is going,” or because she “just wants to hear your voice.” She needs constant reassurance that she’s attractive, and worries incessantly about her makeup, hair and the alignment of her clothes. She’s clingy, needy and compulsively agonizes that you’re going to leave her at any moment for “someone better.” This kind of thing can get really creepy really fast.

7- Miss Bitch 

Miss Bitches are the sulkers, pouters and ball-busters of the female world. They are very unpleasant people who treat their fellow humans poorly, care only about themselves, and aren’t concerned at all if they hurt you or anybody else. Most Miss Bitches qualify as Miss Takes, too. Miss Bitches are usually good-looking and well dressed, and you can easily identify them by the scowls on their faces as they imperiously strut through the world.

8- Miss Me

A close relative of Miss Bitch, Miss Me is entirely focused on herself. Miss Me needs to be the constant center of attention no matter what she does or where she goes. She is a selfish, self-indulgent, self-serving narcissist who was raised as “daddy’s little girl,” and expects the same from you. Unless you enjoy the company of spoiled brats, stay far, far away.

9- Miss Desperate 

Whether it’s her baby clock ticking or she’s the last of her girlfriends to trap a man, Miss Desperate wants to get married — now. She doesn’t care who the guy is or what he does — as long as he’s got a penis she can drag him to the altar. Watch out for this one!

10- Miss Turncoat 

She’s a conniving little piece of work who’s an expert at conning men. Miss Turncoat will tell you exactly what you want to hear until you’re hooked deep into the relationship (or married) and then the truth comes out. Overnight, your sweet little girl turns into a demanding, greedy, mercenary harpy who will browbeat you into submission if she doesn’t get her way.

11- Miss Tease

Usually, you can spot Miss Teases a mile away because she flirts with anything in pants and flaunt her sexuality at every opportunity. Sometimes she sponges off older men; sometimes she’s a ball-buster who enjoys getting men sexually excited and then walking away; and sometimes she just basks in her sexual power by attracting men like bees to honey. No matter how she operates, you can’t trust her because she craves male attention and if somebody better comes along, she’ll dump you in a heartbeat.

12- Miss Controlling

She is a subtly nasty one who will wind up directing every phase of your life. She will tell you what to wear, where to go, who to talk to, what friends you can have, what you can eat — everything. And if you try to stand up for yourself, she will cut off sex, cry, scream, pout, or use any other deceptive female tactic until you give in and succumb to her demands.

you’ve been warned!

These are some of the worst of them. Obviously, there are some good women out there who share only portions of these negative qualities. But it’s always best to be on the lookout for the Misses listed above.

And now that you know better, if you hook up with one of these women, you have only yourself to blame.

Matthew Fitzgerald is the author of Sex-Ploytation. He has appeared on radio shows from coast-to-coast in the United States and in Canada, and has been featured on the Montel show and The Other Half.

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Fixed mindsets are responsible for the deadly similar experiences that seem to follow you around like a stray dog.

 Nothing can change if we are not prepared to be flexible and adaptable like a tree in a storm.

 When you change your point of view or alter your perception you also alter you frame of mind. Nothing can change if we are not prepared to be flexible and adaptable like a tree in a storm. We attract new options and answers the moment we modify the anchors (perceptions) that we deem non-negotiable  How can we grow and evolve if we are not prepared to adjust our anchor ideas when new and updated information comes to hand? Our lives become sterile and stagnant when we go around with fixed ideas. This is how you bring about dramatic change in your relationships and your life. Many of us are not prepared to make any adjustments until something happens or get modified in our outer world that we deem advantageous. Waiting for something or someone to change, give in or up can become a painful experience. You can speed up your progress many times when you make your own adjustments and stop waiting and hoping for a miracle from your outside world. Fixed mindsets are responsible for the deadly similar experiences that seem to follow you around like a stray dog.



Fixed mindsets are responsible for the deadly similar experiences that seem to follow you around like a stray dog.



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It is silly to expect happiness and success when you go around with a grumpy, faulty finding attitude.

We only attempt change when we become painfully aware that certain of our actions and reactions are just not working for us.


It is imperative to wake up and face it that most of us are as blind as a bat when it comes to noticing our own flaws and mistakes. We thus only attempt change when we become painfully aware that certain of our actions and reactions are just not working for us. We usually remain in a trance like state until something, usually something accompanied by pain cross our path. A negative and passive mindset slows your vibration down. You manifest people and events that match your vibration. It is thus silly to expect happiness and success when you go around with a grumpy, faulty finding attitude. Some of us hibernate and do nothing, but expect wonderful people to break down our door to offer us wonderful opportunities or to shower us with their support. Our lives work on a simple, but effective CAUSE and EFFECT system. What we think, do or fail to do materialize and set up camp in our world. It will be silly to cause pain, discomfort and confusion and to then expect brilliant relationships or success in our business.



Our lives work on a simple, but effective CAUSE and EFFECT system. 


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“The Talk” with your daughter – Smile for a while!

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You are the creator of your life. You created what you deem your world, one “perception” and “belief system” at a time.

You are the creator of your life. You created what you deem your world, one “perception” and “belief system” at a time. It is the collective pool of your perceptions that later took on a life of its own. 


It took me the best part of my life to grasp that we all have the power to create happy and successful lives if we give up our tendency to play silly games with other people and ourselves. We tend to automatically go on the defensive when anyone dares to request us to stop playing games. Our often bloated egos react like a bull when a red rag is waved in front on him. You are the creator of your life. You created what you deem your world, one “perception” and “belief system” at a time. It is the collective pool of your perceptions that later took on a life of its own. You were convinced by your programmers that your “belief systems” (implanted dogma) reflects who you are. You have been led astray by these clever operators even more when they convinced you that you are your history. Your programmers, some with good intentions made you into the rat on a treadmill that you turned out to be. Guilt and fear became your prison guards. All your efforts to become a productive, loving and caring individual as prescribed failed. You failed because you can never work fast enough to clean up behind your ego. Your daily good intentions faded into nothingness as soon as you made your first mistake for the day. The only way to escape the treadmill of life is to accept that you are not your ego, mistakes or history. You can make a fresh start today and create a wonderful life for yourself. You need to take back the creation function from your ego. Your ego (defective program) is responsible for the mess your thought you made to date. The real you have been waiting patiently for you to wake up and discover this powerful, life changing truth that you are not the defective soft-ware that ran your show to date.



The only way to escape the treadmill of life is to accept that you are not your ego, mistakes or history. You can make a fresh start today and create a wonderful life for yourself. 



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Beginning in infancy/early childhood two main processes are responsible for the way we view ourselves/our world/our place in it/our relationship to it

How Core Beliefs are Built in Childhood

What are core beliefs? How do they end up playing such an important role in who we are and in our lives? How do we get them? Do we have access to them? Are we aware of them? Is it within our power to discard the ones that do not serve us?

This topic is really inexhaustible, but, in this article, I will touch upon some basic processes. Beginning in infancy, and early childhood two main processes are responsible for the way we view ourselves, our world, our place in it and our relationship to it: our personal observations, through our senses and autonomous thinking processes, and the influence of others.

As far as our sense of self is concerned, initially, we develop and build up our “I” through a mirroring process of what others tell us about us. “You are so pretty!” “You are a bad boy.” “You are stupid.” “You are lazy”. “You are just like your father”. “You’re like me, hopeless in math”. In conversations among grownups which we happen to eavesdrop on we hear: “Oh I don’t know what to do with her she is such a jealous child”. “He is my nightmare, I can’t wait for his bedtime so I can rest a bit”. “She’s chubby, but it runs in the family”. The “you are’s” and “he/she is’s” that we have heard in our childhood alone are countless. Some, to be sure, were circumstantial, although that says nothing about how one comment, one word spoken only once, one glance may have branded us for life. Others were repeatedly hurled at us. Some were not even necessarily “bad”, for instance: “she is so sweet and well-mannered”. “He always does what I tell him to do, he is so obedient.” These are “good” things, from a grown-ups point of view, right?

So, you may ask, does what we are told really determine who we are? The answer is no. It does not determine who we are, but it determines who we think we are. If the influences are strong, persistent, repetitive, we may grow without having even an inkling of who we really are. We have become a conglomerate of our parents’ most exacting expectations and worst fears. What’s worse is that we believe in this conglomerate as being our own true self.

You become hopeless in math. You become an overweight person. You become lazy. You become too obedient and compliant for your own good. You become so sweet and well-mannered that you do not react when people step all over you. You become what you repeatedly heard others say about you. All the countless “you are’s” and “he/she is’s” comprise what you call your Self. Isn’t there just a tiny bit of some authentic stuff in me, you may ask, is all of it conditioned in, drilled in, has not something of the realer me been retained? And you are right, there is, and bits and parts of you have indeed been retained. Those are the parts that eventually may urge you to seek some form of therapy, those are the parts that may erupt in unruly behaviour  those are the parts that are extremely sensitive to criticism, to labelling  even to praise, because “praise” can be another victimizing behaviour by shrewd adults and it is very widely used: “oh, I count on you to be mature and not hit your little sister when she ruins your school project you have been working on all week”.

Later on, more autonomous processes are at play, to be sure. Our own personal observations, our own identifications, choices and modelling of others, and various events that may leave a positive or negative mark – these are all ways of how the “I am” of each one of us is formed, influenced, empowered or dis-empowered. As we grow up, go to school, we develop our own “I am’s and am nots”. But by the time we are able to form our own opinions about our self and others, not only do we already carry some “baggage” of other’s people’s opinions of us, but we have also “inherited” a way of formulating, assessing and storing these personal opinions.

What I am trying to point out in this article is a subtle yet very powerful factor that is really responsible for a lot of damage, particularly if the outside influences or our own conclusions about ourselves are negative and self-sabotaging. Language is very important as a thinking tool, in fact there can be no thinking without language, except in very rudimentary forms. And we all make a small linguistic mistake which may have tremendous cognitive and emotional consequences: the erroneous use of the verb to be.

To make this point clear, compare these two sentences: What you did was (bad, rude, inconsiderate, wonderful, clever, stupid, etc.) You are (bad, rude, inconsiderate, wonderful, clever, stupid, etc.)

Unfortunately, this fatal linguistic mistake is very commonly made in our culture, and it affects very powerfully our cognitive processes, by leading us to conclusions that are over-generalized, absolutist, rigid, all-inclusive and permanent. Once all these various “you are’s” and “I am’s” are programmed into your basic programming, your self structure, you function automatically because your subconscious has accepted these conclusions as truths and as instructions that will automatically guide your action, your sense of self, and your presence in and interaction with the world.

This same process and the same linguistic and cognitive mistake is repeated also at a wider scale. Consider:

They (as a social class, a religious group, a racial group, an ethnic group) are…

We, in our family are….

Women are…

Men are…

The world is ….

Life is ….

So, you can see how powerful this little verb can be…Perhaps, while reading this article you remembered the “you are” gifts you received in your childhood, the “I am” gifts you have given yourself since.

Take a few moments to reflect on the following questions:

  • Which “you are’s” and “I am’s” in your experience do you find dysfunctional for you and would like to eliminate from your self-concept?

  • What core beliefs about you and the world do you believe are hindering instead of encouraging your development and prevent you from realizing your highest potential?

  • Which of your core beliefs are constructive and conducive to a healthy and happy life?

by Ismini Apostoli

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Reaching for the stars!

World's Tallest Buildings
Building, city Year Sto-
Rank m ft
1. Burj Dubai, Dubai, The United Arab Emirates3 2009 (est.) 167 818 2,313
2. Taipei 101, Taiwan 2004 101 508 1,667
3. Petronas Tower, 1, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 1998 88 452 1,483
4. Petronas Tower 2, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 1998 88 452 1,483
5. Sears Tower, Chicago 1974 110 442 1,451
6. Jin Mao Building, Shanghai 1999 88 421 1,381
7. Two International Finance Centre, Hong Kong 2003 88 415 1,362
8. CITIC Plaza, Guangzhou, China 1996 80 391 1,283
9. Shun Hing Square, Shenzhen, China 1996 69 384 1,260
10. Empire State Building, New York 1931 102 381 1,250
11. Central Plaza, Hong Kong 1992 78 374 1,227
12. Bank of China, Hong Kong 1989 70 367 1,205
13. Emirates Tower One, Dubai 1999 54 355 1,165
14. Tuntex Sky Tower, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 1997 85 348 1,140
15. Aon Centre, Chicago 1973 80 346 1,136
16. The Center, Hong Kong 1998 73 346 1,135
17. John Hancock Center, Chicago 1969 100 344 1,127
18. Rose Tower, Dubai 2007 72 333 1,093
19. Shimao International Plaza, Shanghai 2006 60 333 1,093
20. Minsheng Bank Building, Wuhan, China 2007 68 331 1,087
21. Ryugyong Hotel, Pyongyang, N. Korea 1995 105 330 1,083
22. Q1, Gold Coast, Australia 2005 78 323 1,058
23. Burj al Arab Hotel, Dubai 1999 60 321 1,053
24. Nina Tower I, Hong Kong 2006 80 319 1,046
25. Chrysler Building, New York 1930 77 319 1,046
26. New York Times Building, New York 2007 52 319 1,046
27. Bank of America Plaza, Atlanta 1993 55 317 1,039
28. U.S. Bank Tower, Los Angeles 1990 73 310 1,018
29. Menara Telekom Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 1999 55 310 1,017
30. Emirates Tower Two, Dubai 2000 56 309 1,014
31. AT&T Corporate Center, Chicago 1989 60 307 1,007
32. JP Morgan Chase Tower, Houston 1982 75 305 1,002
33. Baiyoke Tower II, Bangkok 1997 85 304 997
34. Two Prudential Plaza, Chicago 1990 64 303 995
35. Wells Fargo Plaza, Houston 1983 71 302 992
36. Kingdom Centre, Riyadh 2002 41 302 992
37. Aspire Tower, Doha 2006 36 300 984
38. First Canadian Place, Toronto 1975 72 298 978
39. Eureka Tower, Melbourne 2006 91 297 975
40. Landmark Tower, Yokohama, Japan 1993 70 296 971
41. 311 South Wacker Drive, Chicago 1990 65 293 961
42. SEG Plaza, Shenzhen, China 2000 71 292 957
43. American International Building, New York 1932 67 290 952
44. Key Tower, Cleveland 1991 57 289 947
45. Plaza 66, Shanghai 2001 66 288 945
46. One Liberty Place, Philadelphia 1987 61 288 945
47. Millennium Tower, Dubai 2006 59 285 935
48. Sunjoy Tomorrow Square, Shanghai 2003 55 285 934
49. Columbia Center, Seattle 1984 76 284 933
50. Cheung Kong Center, Hong Kong 1999 63 283 929
51. Chongqing World Trade Center, Chongqing, China 2005 60 283 929
52. The Trump Building, New York 1930 71 283 927
53. Bank of America Plaza, Dallas 1985 72 281 921
54. United Overseas Bank Plaza, Singapore 1992 66 280 919
55. Republic Plaza, Singapore 1995 66 280 919
56. Overseas Union Bank Centre, Singapore 1986 63 280 919
57. Citigroup Center, New York 1977 59 279 915
58. Hong Kong New World Tower, Shanghai 2002 61 278 913
59. Diwang International Commerce Center, Nanning, China 2006 54 276 906
60. Scotia Plaza, Toronto 1989 68 275 902
61. Williams Tower, Houston 1983 64 275 901
62. Wuhan World Trade Tower, Wuhan, China 1998 60 273 896
63. Cullinan North Tower, Hong Kong 2007 68 270 886
64. Cullinan South Tower, Hong Kong 2007 68 270 886
65. Renaissance Tower, Dallas 1975 56 270 886
66. China International Center Tower B, Guangzhou, China 2007 62 270 884
67. Dapeng International Plaza, Guangzhou, China 2006 56 269 883
68. 21st Century Tower, Dubai 2003 55 269 883
69. Naberezhnaya Tower C, Moscow 2007 61 268 879
70. Al Faisaliah Center, Riyadh 2000 30 267 876
71. 900 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 1989 66 265 871
72. Bank of America Corporate Center, Charlotte 1992 60 265 871
73. SunTrust Plaza, Atlanta 1992 60 265 871
74. BOCOM Financial Towers, Shanghai 1999 52 265 869
75. Triumph Palace, Moscow 2005 57 264 866
76. Bluescope Steel Centre, Melbourne 1991 52 264 866
77. Shenzhen Special Zone Daily Tower, Shenzhen, China 1998 42 264 866
78. Tower Palace Three, Tower G, Seoul 2004 73 264 865
79. Trump World Tower, New York 2001 72 262 861
80. Water Tower Place, Chicago 1976 74 262 859
81. Grand Gateway Plaza I, Shanghai 2005 52 262 859
82. Grand Gateway Plaza II, Shanghai 2005 52 262 859
83. Aon Center, Los Angeles 1974 62 262 858
84. Hotel Panorama, Hong Kong 2007 64 261 856
85. BCE Place–Canada Trust Tower, Toronto 1990 53 261 856
86. Post & Telecommunication Hub, Guangzhou, China 2002 66 260 853
87. Dual Towers 1, Manama, Bahrain 2006 57 260 853
88. Dual Towers2, Manama, Bahrain 2006 57 260 853
89. 101 Collins Street, Melbourne 1991 50 260 853
90. Transamerica Pyramid, San Francisco 1972 48 260 853
91. G.E. Building, New York 1933 70 259 850
92. Chase Tower, Chicago 1969 60 259 850
93. Commerzbank Zentrale, Frankfurt 1997 56 259 850
94. Two Liberty Place, Philadelphia 1990 58 258 848
95. Philippine Bank of Communications, Makati 2000 55 258 848
96. Park Tower, Chicago 2000 67 257 844
97. Messeturm, Frankfurt 1990 64 257 843
98. Sorrento 1, Hong Kong 2003 75 256 841
99. U.S. Steel Tower, Pittsburgh 1970 64 256 841
100. Mokdong Hyperion Tower A, Seoul 2003 69 256 840
101. Rinku Gate Tower, Izumisano, Japan 1996 56 256 840
NOTE: When a building is “topped out” (the point of construction when the structure has met its proposed structural top), the building is officially ranked and is placed on the list. UC indicates under construction: although the building has been “topped out,” construction has not been completed. Height is measured from sidewalk level of main entrance to structural top of building. This includes spires, but does not include antennas or flagpoles.
1. World Trade Center twin towers of New York City ranked fifth and sixth (at 1,368 ft and 1,362 ft) on this list until their destruction on Sept. 11, 2001.
2. A building differs from a tower in that the former is considered to be a structure that is designed for residential, business, or manufacturing purposes. Also, an essential characteristic of a building is that it has floors.
3. As of April 2008, Burj Dubai was 2,064 feet with 160 completed floors.



Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, 2008

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