Daily Archives: September 8, 2013

“You Can’t Fry Chicken in 8 Minutes but You Can Set Incredible Goals in 8 Steps”

Keeping yourself motivated as you work towards your goal can be challenging. You may find it hard to stay positive. If you find yourself stuck in a rut, there are some tried and true methods to stay pumped up and keep the momentum going. Remember motivation — positive and negative – comes from within. So take a deep breath, relax, and focus on the positive.


Re-evaluate your plan of action, including your timeline. Look at your goal as a whole, and then break it down to “bite-size” pieces. Having a smaller piece of the larger task to work on and complete can create a large sense of accomplishment and rekindle your motivation.

Evaluate your obstacles. What is standing in your way? Think about other obstacles that you’ve already faced and overcome. You can get past these, too.

Reach out to a friend for advice and encouragement. Pray for guidance and strength. Locate a book of inspirational quotes, poems or short stories. Find a movie with a positive, uplifting storyline. Listen to upbeat, toe-tapping music – and play it loud.

Look for a distraction. Work on a hobby to channel your creative side. Many times using the “fun” side of your brain may spark your confidence.

If you do better to regroup in quiet, try going for a walk, or find a quiet place to reflect on your past successes. Another great idea is to envision your current project in its completed form. Imagine how successful you will feel when you can add this venture to your list of accomplishments!

Sometimes just one of these actions will motivate you back to your path, and at within other times it may take a combination. Whatever you do, remember never give up. Try to get back in step with the same motivation and vigor you had at the beginning of your journey.

By: Patrick George

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Patrick George is a popular motivational speaker and author of the books, “The Little Black Book of Leadership Quotes”, “Quotes for the True Leader” and his newest book, “You Can’t Fry Chicken in 8 Minutes but You Can Set Incredible Goals in 8 Steps”. Patrick’s passion for motivating people comes from his years of experience in student activities during his high school and college years. For more than 20 years, Patrick has travelled the United States and Canada motivating thousands of youth and young adults.

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Posted by on September 8, 2013 in WISDOM


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Life would be senseless and meaningless without problems, hardships, setbacks and obstacles.


Humans enjoy playing board or computer games, provided the games are difficult and there are obstacles. We enjoy planning, scheming, being tested and challenged in order to finish the game. The challenges and obstacles make the game enjoyable and hook us to play for hours. Life would be senseless and meaningless without problems, hardships, setbacks and obstacles. Without the crises we experience, we will not appreciate the successes or peak experiences. The Chinese symbol for crisis comprises two characters, namely danger and opportunity. Every crisis may elicit feelings of apprehension, but it also presents an opportunity for change, growth and self-mastery. We do not always understand why certain difficult people come into our life, but there are no coincidences.


We do not always believe or accept that every person comes into our lives for a reason. We do not make mistakes or poor decisions because everything that happens to us, happens for a purpose and can be perceived as a lesson. The universe will present you with the problems and challenges that you need for your spiritual growth. Every situation, especially the adverse situations, is an opportunity to learn and to discover who you really are. If people betray or hurt you, it may be to teach you about trust or forgiveness. When faced with adversity, you have the opportunity to develop qualities such as inner strength, courage, resilience, self-discipline, willpower and resourcefulness. When people disappoint, manipulate or use you, they present you with opportunities to control your temper, to transcend your ego and to develop qualities such as patience, tolerance, unconditional love or forgiveness. Difficult people give you the opportunity to behave pro-actively and to access more light in order to attain self-mastery.

Susan Minnaar

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Posted by on September 8, 2013 in WISDOM


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Sex in the Bible – Needed to look at this – OPEN MIND and 21 PLUS

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Posted by on September 8, 2013 in 21 AND OLDER, WISDOM



Imagination is the force that takes you to places you have never been. It enable you to experience an idea and its effects/consequences.

The Most Powerful Force in the Universe

Albert Einstein said that imagination is the greatest creative force in the universe. Why would such a great man say something that sounds so silly and trivial? Look at those words again: ‘greatest creative force’. Imagination? Not education? Nor money?

Nor luck?

Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, said that imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force the world has ever known. Before you pass him away as a crackpot, know that Mr. Hill was an advisor to two U.S. presidents, was commissioned by the great and wealthy Andrew Carnegie to teach people about making their dreams come true, and has been thanked by many of the greatest people around the world for the success he helped them achieve. People like F. W. Woolworth (founder of Woolworth’s), Woodrow Wilson (former U.S. President), George Eastman (founder of Kodak), W. M. Wrigley, JR. (Wrigley’s), and many others have used his teachings to manifest their dreams.


Imagination is the force that takes you to places you have never been.


Henry Ford relied on imagination and belief. Walt Disney said that had he not seen Disneyland in his mind, the rest of the world would not have seen it on earth. Bill Gates first imagines his products before they become actual software that we rely on. And it would serve you well to remember that many of the world’s greatest people started with nothing and built empires. They had a dream. And the universe conspired, as it always does, to let them experience their imagination.


The universe always lets you experience your imagination, whatever it may be.

The Bible says ‘As a man thinketh, so shall he become’. It also says ‘Without vision we perish’.

Your mind’s images are literally the blueprint from which your world is built.

Your mind is infinite. What are your limits? What are limits, except those that you say are so? Why else would two different people have different ‘limits’?

Life is images of the mind, expressed. What this means is that Life, The Source, uses your thoughts, your mental images, as the instructions by which to create your reality in the material world. Life expresses your mental images into physical reality.

To express is to make known, to state, articulate, communicate, convey. The force of Life makes known your thoughts to yourself and everyone else by forming them into experiences and objects that can be experienced, here in the physical world.

You experience your own thoughts first hand, your images of your mind, so that you may know which ones are suitable and which ones are not. That is how you know yourself, that is how you experience your self, and that is how you grow.


This is the supreme purpose of this physical world that we are now in. It is designed to enable you to experience your Self. It is designed to enable you to experience an idea and its effects and consequences.

Life does not select which ones of your images to express and which ones not to. How would it choose for you? It therefore expresses all of them to the extent that you have them and believe them. You have true free will. This free will is truly free because of the fact that all of it is acted upon without filtering or favoring. Free will is truly free because of the fact that it actually gets results all the time, not just some of the time, and it gets them exactly.

Your ideas, visions and dreams, whatever they may be, are the prophecies of what you shall one day become and achieve. You can predict your outer life tomorrow by looking at your inner self today. You can change your tomorrow by changing your inner self today.

As you think, there do you find yourself. You attract the people that have something to teach you in line with your thoughts, people who have something to learn from you in line with your thoughts, and you repel those who have nothing more to learn from you and give you in line with your thoughts. The same goes for places and conditions, situations and environments.


Many things influence your imagination – past fears, desires, poor mental training, lack of awareness, sub-personalities, lack of goals – any much more. But anything that influences your imagination is under your control. You can stop it simply by becoming aware of it and releasing it. And this is where awareness, consciousness, comes in as the key to clearing your mind of the debris that brings suffering to you and sabotages your success.

By David Cameron Gikandi

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Posted by on September 8, 2013 in WISDOM


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